Thursday, December 10, 2009

coach i didn't run today 'cause...

i locked my keys in the car.

while it was running.

(i turned it on to warm it up shortly before leaving work for the day since it was a brisk 17 degrees)

you'd think that out on a construction site there'd be someone with a history of breaking into cars, but either that stereotype is incorrect or no one wanted to fess up. my boss tried rigging up some wire to slide in the window but only ended up scraping his hand (and my car). the security guard was calling her nephew who knew someone who knew the local policeman (yes, singular) but he's out of town so no luck there. i got the run around from all four locksmiths within a 50 mile radius (slight exaggeration) but finally found a guy who could come out. an hour and $40 later, (part of which was a loan from my boss, who carries cash these days?) we were finally able to leave work.

come to think of it, i locked my keys in the car at least twice in college and once in high school that i can recall...

can i get it framed?


  1. More than one of the mailroom guys at my work had a kit to "unlock a car when you accidently locked your keys in it". Apparently that stereo-type rings true.

  2. Awww that plain sucks, can I suggest some m&m's? :)

  3. Oops! This happened to me last month and two sixth graders actually showed me how to break into my husband's truck and it worked. This was scary.

  4. hahaha, here's your sign, i haven't heard that in a long time! too funny about the policemAn being gone... good thing it wasn't a serious emergency huh?! sucks that it interfered with your run though :(

  5. Hmmm...trying to think of the positive side of the situation...I got nothin'. Well, at least given your history it won't happen again for another few years.

  6. I'm with Marci, M&M's sound good or maybe you could cook up some more of those cookies.

    I locked my keys in the running car at the judge's house, the day before our wedding. I cried...the second breakdown of the day...then a locksmith saved the day.

    Thank God for locksmiths.

  7. Oh dear, Lindsay. Looks like your car ran more than you did today? :P

  8. That Sucks. At least you got it open and going again. If it makes you feel better, I did the same thing about 6 months ago. It SUCKS Hey, good post. Have a good one. Better luck in the future. I know it will happen to me at least one more time in my life.

  9. LMAO at Zoe's comment!! May I suggest you become a member of AAA?!

  10. That sucks. I would have thought that you could find someone to break into your car for you. I second MarathonMan's suggestion of a AAA membership. Somehow, for some reason, I use mine almost every year.

  11. Sounds like you're living in "Mayberry". Now, I may have just shown my true age thinking everyone knows the "Andy Griffith Show".

    I took my car last week to my mechanic for an oil change and got a call about 1/2 later saying she locked the keys in the car while warming it up! So her husband had to drive up for a spare! Even the professionals "screw" up at times!!!

  12. OMG, that must have been so frustrating. I did it myself a couple of times, but I was driving a really old car so people had no trouble opening it up!

  13. Wait - so there is ONE policeman in town, and he was out of town?! Hahaha.

    I've totally done that - not the best way to start the day.

  14. Oh man! That sounds so frustrating! Maybe you should invest in learning how to break into know, just so you don't have to miss another run.

  15. oh no!!!!! i've locked my keys in my car twice. AAA came to bail me out both times. the second time i was actually at a track doing a running workout! funny, right? i realized i had locked hte keys in, but then i was like... well.. guess i'll still run. so i did. but the car wasn't running so i had that option. finally some guy came along and i was able to use his phone to call AAA. lol. it's a TERRIBLE feeling the SECOND you close the door and realize 1. it's locked and 2. your keys are in there. d'oh.

  16. Ouch... sounds frustrating. I'm just glad that I have to type of car that I never lock (the key broke off in the ignition so I don't even have to carry keys)!!!

  17. I have locked myself out of my house 3x- just this year!

  18. No you did not! LMAO! Sorry but I totally laugh at you... and then feel bad for it. Glad you got it sorted out. My car won't lock if it's on. You might need to invest in a car like mine!

  19. Magnetic key box. Best $5 I ever spent. I am never locked out -- and it is highly unlikely any carjacker could ever find my hiding spot. Possible sure, but I'll take the chance rather than being locked out. BTW: really dig your blog! U R a great runner!

  20. D'oh. If it helps, I once locked my keys in my car when I had 16 pizzas in the back that I was bringing to a volunteer event. I also locked my cell phone in the car and had to go in to the same event to beg someone to let me use their phone.

  21. Really Lindsay? REALLY?

    Haha...this is hysterical. Major car-warm-up fail.

    Zoe - nice!

  22. Boo! I've never done that myself but sorry about your luck. That sucks. Glad someone was able to come out and help you.

  23. Ooooooh, I've totally done that! So happy to hear I'm not the only one :)

  24. This one's just about as funny as your deer story!

    Coincidentally, I noticed a Pop-a-lock guy (he opens your locked car for you when you get locked out, for a fee)sitting in his car at the park where I ran today, popular for morning runners. I guess that's sort of like the tow trucks who sit near the busy freeways waiting for accidents.

  25. Yikes, sorry you had a crappy day. I've locked my keys in my car more times than I want to admit, although never while it's running.

  26. The only policeman was out of town? Weird...

    And I thought I grew up in a small place, but at least we had multiple cops! :-)

    Sorry for your troubles, seems like a legitimate excuse to miss the run!

  27. "Tihe security guard was calling her nephew who knew someone who knew the local policeman (yes, singular)," ah! Life in small town Kentucky. Hmm. I'm sure there are a ton of different directions we can take that, but I won't!

    I'm there with Marci. M&M's. Oh wait! It's probably 10 miles to the nearest store and your car is running without you...

  28. I did that once in high school. At a car wash. I lock the keys in the car a lot though. I think my next car is going to have the call in service that can unlock it for me.

    So, i was reading down the page and I got to the quote. I thought, hey, that's the same quote I have on my Facebook page. Then I noticed my name next to it. Well, it actually took me a minute, I don't think I've seen my full name written out in a long time. Anyway, I have a new blog.

  29. Too funny! Good to know I'm not the only one who does things like this! I think your "coach" forgives you ...
