Wednesday, December 23, 2009

two g's

i surprised myself this morning when i entered today's 11-miler into my dorky spreadsheets (yes, plural. i love my spreadsheets). i just crested 2000 miles for the year! woo hoo. i didn't set a mileage goal for the year because i'm already hard-headed enough -- i don't need the extra goal forcing me to run when i don't feel well or in the event i get injured (which thankfully didn't happen in '09!). so yeah, i don't do a yearly mileage goal but of course i want to continue beating each previous year :o)

2005 - 735.94 (logged march thru december)
2006 - 623.43 (didn't log mileage may thru september; gasp i know!)
2007 - 1335.95
2008 - 1618.95
2009 - 2000.01 (with 8 days to go!)

i'm like walmart with all those .94 and .95 endings.

wednesday (12/23) am run: 11 miles, 1:34:48 (avg pace 8:37), 32-47*
i kind of attempted a couple "threshold" miles but they were slower than threshold pace. with mile 1 clocking in at 9:48 i was just glad my legs could still pick up the pace somewhat. with the sleeping/eating troubles i'm just going to take this week easy.

and just for the record --
week in review (12/14 - 12/20):
total miles: 14.75
time spent running: ~ 2 hours 03 minutes
avg hr: 153
avg pace: 8:34/mile
off days: 5 (yep, 5) some people sleep 8 hours/night. i get 8 hours/week.


  1. Nice pace on your 11 miler. I hope I can average that when I start to run again. :)

  2. WOW!!! way to go!!!!!!!! bling bling :) and great 11 miler. i'm so bummed the sidewalks are all snowy and really crummy to run on. i tried to "go long" yesterday and it turned into a 6 miler at a minute per mile slower than my usual pace... gah.

  3. Kickin' butt with 2000 miles! Wowzer!

  4. 2000 miles for the year! That's pretty cool! Nice 11 miler too (especially after a tough week).

  5. You are out of control!!!


  6. 2000 miles is great, I've only done it once. But, seriously, enjoy your rest that you are getting now.

  7. Nice to know workouts like your threshhold run happen to all of us ... I had a terrible time with my standard mile repeats on the treadmill last week, though not on account of sleeplessness. Hope you catch some Z's during the holiday downtime!

  8. 2000 miles, wow! I am sure you'll run at least 2009 this year (LOL!) Glad the 11 miler went well! And you seem to be feeling better! Yay for that!

  9. GREAT JOB!!!! Merry Christmas :)

  10. good job on your annual mileage. had to laugh at the .94 and .95s. seriously? you track your mileage to the hundredth of a mile?

  11. YAY LINDSAY! 2000 miles is AWESOME! You totally rocked this year. :)

  12. Congrats! I just passed 1850. My November injury killed my 2K momentum.

  13. Rest up Lindsay and take it easy!

  14. Holy Mother of God Lindsay! 2000 miles! My feet hurt just reading that...that's impressive.
    Seriously......I'm contacting you when I start to train for my marathon!

    Happy Holidays!

  15. That is some serious SUPER-STAR status right there. Wow oh wow!! Gosh and I have been HAPPY with my 1,000.. LOL!

  16. holy cow, 2000 miles? that's ridiculous...congrats...nice 11 miler too...and all runners understand having multiple spreadsheets/tracking devices....

  17. 2000 miles is a great accomplishment! Says something about you keeping it all sane and injury free. Congratulations!

    Nope. Not going to do the treadmill. I'm cutting it right down to the final day, but if all goes per plan I'll put in an extra mile on Monday and hit 1500. Then I can take a couple days off while I hit the snow in Chicago.

  18. And have a Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays!

  19. 2000 miles is incredibly impressive!

    Merry Christmas.

  20. Holy mileage!!! Great job. Enjoy the holidays.

  21. I have just over 31 miles for 2000 too. It's been a great year!

  22. 2000! Holy smokes! That's awesome!

    Your mileage increase from year to year is inspiring!

  23. That is AWESOME! How amazing! You are a machine! :-)

    I would love to know how many miles I've ran this year. I need to look into this.

  24. Cool note on not having a yearly goal. When we gave too many goals and spreadsheets coming out of our @$$es, what happens to running? What does it become? A job? Good Grief. Just enjoy every run. Do your best. If you dont feel like it, dont run. Have a good one. Loved your post. Gave me some insight. Hope you are feeling better btw!

  25. Nice job with 2000 miles!!! WOW!!! You should print out your spreadsheet and hang it on the fridge! Way to go!

  26. 2000 miles... That's insane! You definitely deserve to take it easy for a few days. Sorry to hear you're still having trouble sleeping. Hope that resolves itself soon.

  27. Congrats on the 2000! What a stellar year!!

    I have no idea what my mileage is for '09... I normally use two web-based trackers, but only one tracks overall mileage and it crapped out on me recently. Looks like I'm going to have to do some manual calculations in the next day or two... I'd hate to end the year with 999 or something stupid like that. ;)

  28. Congrats on 2000! According to DailyMile, I'm around 850, which I'm quite proud of. I never thought I'd be running again, let alone that many miles all on my own! But you've been doing this for a while now, so it's business as usual for you. Who knows when I'll ever hit 2K..

  29. it's confirmed. you're insane. 2000 miles.

    just kidding!!
