Thursday, December 17, 2009

home for the holidays

i'm busy packing up my life again (for the holidays). combined with the recent lack-'o-sleep situation my running has taken a hit this week, but i'm not in training so i'm letting it roll.

the sleeping situation:
no it hasn't gotten better (well some nights i might actually get 5 hours instead of 3, if that counts as improvement). no i haven't taken any more meds for it. yes i'm going to the doctor next week.

only five hours of work and then i'm freeeeeeee for two weeks! i don't know if i'm more excited about being free from work or free from kentucky... hmm.

monday (12/14) pm run - ex.hausted. attempted 1/2 a mile in my backwards clothes. felt super awful so i called it quits.
tuesday (12/15) pm run - 7.25 miles with 3.25 @ threshold, 58:00 (avg pace 8:00), avg hr (167)
wednesday (12/16) pm run - 7 miles easy, 1:01:02 (avg pace 8:43), avg hr (157)
thursday (12/17) laziness - another unscheduled rest day. had some things i needed to get done before leaving town and again, i'm not in training so i can skip a day if i feel like darn it. :o)
friday (12/18) uhhh - as of 10:45pm thursday i'm 98% sure i won't be getting up to run at 4am. i gotta rush around and load up the car and drive 6+ hours home (in forecasted snow storms, in the south where they don't have plows...) so yeah, i think this will be another 0 mile day.

while i make my mad dash out of kentucky, i'll leave you with this fun running survey i borrowed from nyflygirl of training hard, hardly training.

miles last week:
44.80 - a good week, making this week look a little sad.

your first race:
technically: eye opener in high school cross country (1999)
post high-school: midnight flight 10k (09/02/05)

your last race:
running wild 4-mile trail race, a beast (11/07/09)

when/why did you start running:
hs xc - 'cause my friends were doing it
re-starting in '05 - to stay active i'm assuming

favorite race:
disney goofy challenge, so much fun even though the 39.3 miles are a little intimidating

favorite distance:
half-marathon - you get to run hard/fast but not to the point where you feel like dying like a 5k/10k and you can actually walk the next day unlike the marathon

mistake you always make while racing:
same as nyflygirl - "in 5K's-blasting the first mile and then desperately trying to hang on for the remaining 2.1!"

your mantra is:
"go big"

favorite food before a race or long run:
i always like pasta

favorite gadget:
running related? garmin - so much easier to not have to map every run out afterwards!
non-running? iphone... gets me through the long days at work ;)

something *strange* you always need on a run?
a bathroom. i swear my bowels plan it so they have to go at the most inconvenient time.

amount of races you’ve done in your life?
29 (not counting high school, because i don't remember). in 5 years, looks like i need to race more!

amount of races you’ve done this year?


when i can’t run, i:
am very discontent!

music or no music?
i rarely run to the beat

favorite book?
i don't know. i'm not a fan of this question.

favorite movie?
see above.

favorite runner?
duh, ryan hall.

favorite brand of apparel?

favorite brand of shoes? 

saucony or mizuno

how many pairs of running shoes do you have? is this seriously a question?!? i can't recall how many retired pairs i have lying around... but a lot.

currently in the rotation? 4

how many pairs do you actually use?

all of them... 1 pair basically retired this week, 1 pair are my speed/racing shoes (used rarely) and 2 are in the daily rotation.

next challenge ahead:
surviving kentucky

a goal further ahead you’d like to get to someday:
marathon in all 50 states. being reasonable and level-headed i made this goal before i even ran 1 marathon...

pr you’re most proud of:
my goofy half-marathon? i have always such happy thoughts thinking back on that one.

fuel on long run or race is:
gu! roctane in races, regular flavors on a long run

last injury:
umm. sore shins last year? or that enormo toe blister i had this past summer?

why do you run?
to eat! you know i love the two basic food groups - sugar and chocolate. also as an attempt to keep the roundness (somewhat) at bay, to keep me sane (you do not want to be around me if i miss too many runs) and 'cause well it's just awesome.


  1. Yes, I agree that the two basic food groups are chocolate and sugar. :)

    I hope your sleep situation is getting better. And have a great holiday, Lindsay!

  2. I am sure you will survive Kentucky. I wish you from Spain a Happy Christmas and Happy trainings for 2010.

  3. I love the survey...thinking about stealing it myself!

    I'm sorry to hear you're still having trouble sleeping. I sometimes go through insomnia stages. I'm a type A personality and there are times that I just can't seem to shut my brain off. It's awful. I've never taken meds, but I do have warm chocolate milk while I read something right before I go to bed. Sometimes I'll even have a glass of wine just before bed (this coming from a girl who never drinks). I also try to start relaxing a couple hours before bedtime (meaning if I'm having trouble sleeping I don't exercise at 8:00 pm). I hope going to the doctor helps! Not being able to sleep and being exhausted at the same time is miserable.

  4. Any race that is down in Disney World has to rock!

  5. Bummer about insomnia. I have a feeling that it will all resolve during the next 2 weeks. BTW, I have restless nights before I get my period and it sucks big time. Sleep is one of the best things I do, so when I don't get it, it's not a good situation for me or those around! Have a great vacation. Think of this week as a recovery week:)

  6. I hope you can get your sleeping under control soon. I sympathize with you there. 5 hours is better than 3 though. Maybe you are improving. Like the advise you gave me, good call on the taking it easy this week, especially with your current condition. Always keep it mind safety first. Safe Motoring and remember "Bee Alert, Arrive Unhurt". Happy Holidays from my family to you and yours.

  7. Yes! Sugar and chocolate! My favorite foods! Enjoy the time off work!

  8. Sounds like you just need a break to relax and SLEEP :)

    Ha, I def run to eat as well.
    Oh, and Ryan Hall is SEXY :)

  9. Can't stand no sleep! Currently, I am not getting ENOUGH sleep but at least I'm sleeping 5 minutes after I get into bed. I'm sure it is exhausting and I'm glad you're heading to the doc! I've added butter and condensed milk to the chocolate and sugar food groups this month. Breakfast, caramels; Lunch-fudge! Not good!!

  10. I love the survey! Happy to hear that Goofy was a fave. :)

    Have a safe trip home and an awesome holiday!!!

    Maybe you should take up drinking? That helps me sleep. ;)

  11. Have a safe trip Lindsay and I hope you relax and get some sleep over the holidays...two weeks off, yipee!

  12. Fun post! too bad you didn't live closer since I don't sleep well either. We could go for runs at all funky times of the day.

    Hope you have a great trip home.

  13. Enjoy your break from both work and Kentucky. I hope the sleep gets better. Maybe try Ambien CR, it's controlled release so it will release part of the drug immediately to help you fall aleep then continue releasing drug to help you stay asleep.

  14. I am so jealous of your two full weeks off! You have no idea.

  15. Love your post. I'm LoL as I read your comments to questions.
    I find it hard to get out in the cold also when I have no races on the agenda. Enjoy the down time and relax over the Holidays. The hunger will be back soon and you won't be able to stand another minute inside.
    Wishing you safe travel.

  16. You had a helluva year kid. Some great running in addition to great, life-altering news. Enjoy your time've earned it!

  17. Great stuff..

    Enjoy your Christmas and wishing you better sleep nights.

    keep running.


  18. Insomnia sucks. I've been there many times, and sadly...can't think of a good way to deal with any of it. :-/

    And I totally just did this survey.

  19. I think I am going to steal the survery as well :)

  20. Love the survey!
    Have a great two weeks off. Yay! Maybe sleep will come to you during that time -- I hope so :-)

  21. Yay for home!!! Safe travels girly!!!

  22. That survey was fun to read. It made me think that maybe I need more running shoes...but then I'm not training for marathons...

    I'm not suppose to run to eat yet...after I lose my weight, oh, and after I can actually start running...then I'll run to eat.

    I'm sorry you're not getting your sleep. For me, it's a Jeckyl/Hyde situation if I don't get my sleep.

  23. Loving all the answers to your survey. I'm curious about your insomnia...get it checked out because it's not good to not have enough sleep at night! Have a great weekend!

  24. I just counted my shoes...

    How many pairs of running shoes do you have? I counted 6!

    Currently in the rotation? 3 (2 for outside and 1 for the TM)

    Thanks for the MP tip! I do think it would be easier to hit those MP miles in a 10K. In that case, the problem would probably be holding myself back! ; )

  25. way to go on getting 5 instead of 3 hours!

    about the survey:
    why i started running:
    hs - 'cause my bro was doing it

    same mistake while racing (i never learn!), fav brand: brooks > sugoi

    that is all :)

  26. What a fun survey! I'm going to do that myself, too. I'm also going to go get myself a cup of Greek yogurt with dark chocolate chips, to stave off the intense brownie craving I got when I read "sugar and chocolate" (needless to say, I agree ... ).
