Sunday, December 27, 2009

it's the little things

merry (belated) christmas! i hope you all had an enjoyable, relaxing holiday with friends and family. once i got home to my mom's never-ending baking, i had no trouble making up for lost calories from earlier this week. entire tin of cookies in one sitting? no problem.

initially i thought i'd get in all this running during these two weeks of vacation but it turns out i'm doing a much better job of being lazy. i've still gotten in a few runs, including a solid (spontaneous) progression run on christmas day. my long run for the week ended up being shorter than planned, but i hung in for 11 miles instead of quitting at 1 or 2 like i so badly wanted to.

friday (12/25) afternoon run: 6.15 miles, 50:45 (avg pace 8:15)
(8:54, 8:41, 8:23, 8:18, 7:52, 7:09 - see, progression! i don't achieve this often.)

even though i wait for a particular movement before heading out on a run, there are many days where my bowels seem to hold out for revenge. lucky me, this morning was no exception. i wasn't brave enough to pop into one of the 19 churches i ran by and detoured for a grocery store instead. it was probably the only food store without a well-marked "restrooms" sign and i frantically hustled around all the edge-aisles of the store. i eventually found it though, thankfully, and once again i was reminded what a great invention the bathroom was.

sunday (12/27) am run: 11.10 miles, 1:41:36 (avg pace 9:09), 33-47*

thank you, running, for making me appreciate the porcelain throne even more. you always make water the most awesomest thing ever too.

week in review (12/21 - 12/27):
total miles: 32.55
time spent running: ~ 4 hours 47 minutes
avg hr: unknown
avg pace: 8:50/mile
off days: 3 (sleeping has gotten better, not glorious, but better)


  1. Isn't that always the way? When you are desperately seeking, the restrooms are like a game of Where's Waldo. Glad you had a great Christmas with your family :)

  2. Just think of the cookies as fuel :) It's necessary to be lazy sometimes.

  3. Nice job on the running and the resting. Sounds like you had a great holiday! Looking forward to following your adventures in 2010!!!

  4. What really sucks is when you finally find the bathroom in the back of the store and then find out you need a key from the front of the store to get in!! The bathroom IS a great invention and I much prefer it to the cornfield I frequent (I also prefer toilet paper to cornstalks)! Way to keep up the running in the midst of the never-ending baking!

  5. Sounds like a great few days with the family! Sucks when you can find a bathroom anywhere!!!

  6. All the food and festivities related to this time of you has left me less than active as well. I've been stuffing myself full (which is typical), but it has left me with little desire to run. I figure I'll let it last through this week. Im running a midnight race on New Years Eve-Day to jump start the year. I figure thats when I'll attempt to really get back on track. For now, I'll just enjoy the season.

  7. whoa dude, sucks that your stomach keeps rockin' and rollin' when you get out there. Is it possible for one to run effectively with Depends on?

  8. Even though I worked through the entire Christmas holiday.....I managed to live off sugar and caffeine for the 2 days of holiday bliss! Calories in, calories out, whatever!
    Being blesses with irritable bowel, I seriously, know where the bathrooms are in every place of business within a 50 mile radius! Sick, I know, but it's a great ball of knowledge when the corn fields have been cut down for the winter! lol
    I've been really getting into running lately. I had hoped to hit 350 before the end of the year, but these damn 12 hour shifts won't allow, so such is life. Will shoot for a big year next year!
    Happy New Year to on!
    Hope the sleeping is going well

  9. Great job taking it easy...and finding the restroom just in time. On a hike today, we passed the time telling restroom or lack-there-of stories. It was fun! I'm glad your story ended well. Are you back to work tomorrow? Also, when you had your wisdom tooth issues last fall, how many days did you take off before your marathon and how close was it to your race? Just wonderin'!

  10. Wow, you were so close to posting a whole article on poop. Can't wait! Well......Im a guy, so you know. lol. Guys love talking about poop, as it is an innate characteristic. You might have stated a belated Christmas, but you are not too late to say Happy Birthday, as I mark my 35th today, the 27th. Well, hope you can clear out the bowels better later. I just love those (never ending) poops the morning after a long run. Sorry if TMI! Have a good one, as always, and Belated Merry Christmas to you too. Stay Strong Girl! PS, if anyone subscribed to these comments and found my comment offensive, I deeply apologize, but it is nature.

  11. Nice post. You got some good miles in on a tough week (holiday wise). Glad to hear your getting a little sleep, hope that gets better for you.

  12. Nice job on the progression :-)
    I ate so many cookies, too. Too many. But, they were goooood.

  13. Look at you! Progression, sleeping, pooping... you've been a busy girl despite your claim at laziness... LOL!

  14. Everyone needs a little lazy time just as long as we don't get stuck there! Nice job running....I am so screwed when I run because I do it in a lot of residential areas...not really wanting to knock on someone's door and ask to use the bathroom although I have come close!

  15. Glad to hear you had a great Christmas with the family! And hey, nothing wrong with chowing down some Christmas cookies. They're only around once a year!

  16. Sounds like a couple of quality Christmas runs. You sure did better than I. Hope you enjoyed the holiday! Mmmm, cookies......

  17. Those are some great runs, I love running progressives (too bad they are a rare thing for me..). It was pretty fun running on Xmas day, jogged to the HS and did a 'hard' mile @ 6:45, not too bad. Hope you have some big goals in 2010!!

  18. Seems like this is a great time for you to relax a bit. Glad you're eating and even sleeping a little more!

  19. do not feel badly about the cookies. my mom and mother in law gave me some, and my mom also bought oreos. not just one package, you understand, but two. and then she got the store brand so i could compare. two more bags. so i'm just doing my part to help support the economy and eating them after lunch and dinner. :-) enjoy the time off, from work, and from running. although i would not say an 11 miler is taking "time off."


  20. yay! i loooooooove progression runs. it is sort o flike YES i can go faster, yes i can do it each mile... just keep going... lol. sometimes it is really hard. way to go!!!

    merry belated christmas and happy new year coming up!!!

  21. That's some really good mileage! And holidays equal cookies, so don't feel badly.


  22. I always pack paper towel on long runs (if I carry my bag) so that if I have to go...paper towel doesn't shred into tiny pieces in my bag.

    I feel your pain though.

    Hey, that was a fast little mile there at the end... 7:09. You're making me dream of mile repeats. :)

    Oh, an a tin of cookies? You didn't tell us what kind. Ahh..I would love to sit and eat a tin of cookies. How are you sleeping?

    Well, hope you have a nice New Year!

  23. Oh man, I hear you on the entire tin of cookies in one sitting. That + the fact that I couldn't run thanks to a nasty case of bronchitis = I'm pretty sure I managed to gain back all of the weight I've lost at school over the past three months in ONE FREAKING WEEK! HA. Oops. Oh well. At least I'll stay warm once I get back to NYC :)
