Monday, February 8, 2010

oh spring, where art thou

this week was a pretty crappy effort on my part as i came up quite a bit short on my planned mileage. i salvaged the week with 43 miles, but it took some cramming because i logged a total of 4.5 miles through wednesday... i was off to a very slow start, but i whipped out 13 miles thursday evening in 1:42 (6mi threshold, 1mi gmp).

friday was yet another 0 mile day due to a b-day party for a co-worker. originally i said i'd leave at 6:30 to go run, but i'm awkward/felt bad leaving early and ended up hanging out longer/ditching the run :( sigh. i did get a "sponsorship" offer to pay for my travels to boston and a "coach" who told me i needed to run extra miles for the brownies i ate at work (they were cut up into bite size pieces so all the calories fell out i say.)

i got in a 15-mile long run on saturday morning. it was cold, windy, and snowing yet again. no accumulation thankfully, but it's annoying to have snow hitting your face the whole time. i headed out later in the afternoon for another ~5 miles, and wrapped up the weekend with a short 6+ mid-day sunday. i debated going long-ish again, but decided to accept a shorter mileage week and rest up so i can crack the whip on myself in the new week.

week in review (2/1 - 2/7):
total miles: 43.50 (avg temp 32.4* f)
time spent running: ~ 6 hours 18 minutes
avg hr: 161.25
avg pace: 8:51/mile
off days: 2, technically

for the record i am holding strong against m&m's so far. 7 days down, 21 to go...

last week i was tagged by alissa and jill in the "beautiful blogger" award circulating the internet. they must need to get their eyes checked. i'm going to skip the acceptance speech and jump straight to the 7 random/"interesting" things about myself. i'm also supposed to tag 7 more people but everyone is beautiful so play along if you wish.

  1. i recently learned that dry counties still exist. i'm not big on drinking anyway, but it would be a two-hour round trip drive to get booze here in kentucky. they're big on their bourbon, but apparently you have to live outside of kentucky to buy it.
  2. i had a pillow (named "brownie", 'cause it was brown) that went everywhere with me when i was little. i accidentally left it at the beach one summer and my parents refused to call the house-rental company to get it back (must be why i was so rebellious as a teenager...). eventually (/later that year) i became attached to a new pillow which has shrunk substantially, but i still sleep with it every night. so what if i'm 25.
  3. i have no idea what i want to do with my life (/for work). any suggestions? with food allergies, i think i'd like to somehow work in the realm of food-safety/control/labeling or something, but i have no idea how to get into that.
  4. i used to be a lot more outgoing. i had some (health) crap go on in '04, got worse in '06-07, and i just don't feel like the same person anymore.
  5. i keep saying i want to learn another language but i haven't actively pursued it yet. anyone had success with rosetta stone?
  6. i originally memorized the wrong social security number. this was only during high school/early college so i don't think it really matters. i wasn't exactly making big bucks at the photo shop or robbing banks.
  7. my godsister is on jersey shore. my mom facebooked her mom and apparently they are still "getting used to the show". there may or may not be fist-pump dancing at my wedding. i gotta practice some more first.


  1. You deserve hte nomination. Love your list... and I am desperately seeking Spring too.

  2. You whipped out 13?! I may have to borrow that line for the 12 miler I'm doing today - it makes it sound easier than it really will be for me.

  3. Yes, the county I grew up in in Kentucky was dry (Pulaski). Interesting fact about dry/wet counties in KY, Bourbon County is dry, Christian County is wet. Go figure.

  4. hey, cool about someone wanting to pay for you to get to boston! avg temp 32...brr. nice cramming, you really packed those miles in there.

  5. On second thought, if I ran 13 in 1:42, I could say I whipped it out, but I won't be doing that. You are fast!

  6. Maybe us "runner types" can fly to belize for the winter, but then at least I know I would probably not run. I would totally sit on the beach and drink frozen concoctions all day! *sighs* Good job on the m&m hiatus! oh and you are super fast, you continue to be an inspiration!

  7. Sponsorship? Now I gotta go back & see what I missed all this time! Congrats!!!

    Also, Ocean City is a dry town, hence the multitude of liquor stores right at border ;) The town's not that big, so you're no more than 15 minutes away from a watering hole.

  8. LOVED your facts! Wow....I could never live in Kentucky. 2 hour round trip to buy hooch....I hate that it takes me 5 minutes to get to the store. LOL (kidding of course)

  9. That's funny about the bourbon thing!

    Nice job on the 13! Hang tough on the M&Ms come the end of the month they will be dead to you!

  10. "they were cut up into bite size pieces so all the calories fell out i say", i cracked up when i read this and just about choked on my coffee. lol

  11. Don't worry about the m&ms...I'm taking care of your share:) Great job getting the miles in!

  12. What an awesome way to finish the week. I know the weather is playing havoc on a lot of us in training. Nice tempo run, you seem to be in quite a nice grove with your speed. We are neck-n-neck with our yearly milage. I hope my higher milage will help me with my speed, like you (but you are already fast.)

  13. I love my pillow too. Once I left mine at a retreat somewhere so I had to attach to another one arrggh...but I don't like anyone using my pillow or laying on it...

    The last few runs I did nine minute miles and I always think of you and how you average 8:45 ish. But that was for a five miler. You're averaging that on L-o-n-g runs. You're chasing the Kenyans and I'm chasing Lindsey! Ha, Ha!

    I'm so glad I can comment now, I have some catching up to do. Hope you're having a good day.

  14. I went through some big changes in life in 2005 and haven't felt like the same person since then. It's a weird feeling, at least for me. To know that person was once there but not sure how to reclaim her...

    I have heard positive things about Rosetta Stone, but haven't tried it myself. I've always wanted to though, I took Japanese class for 2 years and wish I could become more conversational in the language.

  15. Way to rack up some miles late in the game! I'm with you about fun sized brownie's, they totally don't count!

    I sleep with a shirt I stole from Spike, I don't wear it, I just cuddle it cuz it smells like him. I am so gay.

    I think you should def look into doing something with your food allergy situation, what better person to get into a field like that then someone who struggles with it. I don't know how you would do it but I'm fairly certain it probably involves going back to school.

  16. I speak French and Japanese (hmmm, can I really say that? Well, I try.) Anyway, listening to the CD's can help but really only in supplementation to taking a class or something. It's definitely something you can do though but just like running you have to be patient and put the time in.

  17. i give you an A+ for "whipping out" 13 miles in 1:42. beastly! way to go!!!!!

    happy monday... :)

  18. Hey Pillow Girl, 7 days down on the not eating any M&Ms, congrats. Also on the mileage. I can not wait until Spring too. Better yet the summer. Then it is time to do it all again soon. Take care and train smart but hard. Way to get out there in the snow, you dedicated running woman.

  19. Hey, 43 miles is not too bad. This is more than normal runners actually do. I keep on reading you, Regards.

  20. Oh God, the Jersey Shore...probably because I live here, but I hate that show so much. It gives us a horrible reputation and is nothing what NJ is really like.

    Congrats on getting travel expenses paid for Boston! YIPEEEEEEEEEEEE

  21. Congrats on the sponsorship! That's awesome!

    Way to go with the M&M's. I am impressed!

  22. I can't wait until spring. You think its still coming?

  23. If I only had the motivation, drive & time to run 1/2 of what you run per week!! I'm a bit jealous!! I'm also ready for Spring!!

    Dry counties are all over TN too...crazy!!

    Hey, I worked @ a photo shop in my younger days too!!

  24. Love your list! And I love how you "crammed" in some miles -- like schoolwork. Too funny. :)

  25. In Kansas we have weird laws about the alcohol content that is sold in grocery stores. That is why there are liquor stores on every corner on the Kansas side of Kansas City. Weird.

    Is M&M's your sponsor? I cannot believe you have made it seven days! The worst part is over right??

  26. Wow! I say if you can whip out a half-marathon that fast, you deserve a few brownie bits! By the way, the same principle applies to the tortilla chiplets in the bottom of the Tostitos bag, and to the cookie crumbs in the bottom of the jar.

  27. Good work on the MM avoidance... and if there is fist pumping at your wedding you need to take video!

    Spring is coming! It's soon! Swear!

  28. Re: #3 - My friend did this program at Columbia Univ
    If you want to contact her, let me know. She mainly deals with schools and parents of autistic children now.

    re: #6 - Did you take the SAT or ACT in high school? I would think the wrong SSN# would skew that!

  29. "i used to be a lot more outgoing"
    Aw, I'm sorry!!! :(

    Great list Lindsay! Sounds like you still got some good runs in last week - 13 miles, 15 miles. Nice job! And 15 miles in the snow doesn't sound like fun at all.

    I hope you have a great week!

    Yay for "sponsorship"!!!

  30. Sponsorship? Where should I go to read more about this? That is awesome!

  31. Cool beans on the sponsorship. Find out from the coach what he/she recommends for brownie alternatives. Brownies made with applesauce? There MUST be some substitute.

    You should have a reduced mileage week every 4-6 weeks so you can use that for your excuse for your "low" mileage (my highest has been like 41 or 42 miles)

  32. No, the track isn't lit that early, nor is it lit at night. But at least I didn't have to climb the fence this morning like I do at night. And I am a little scared as I run there.

  33. So let me get this ran 15 miles in the cold and snow, then went out for another 5 miles later that day???? Son of a b....., you must really like running! LOL

    I will think of you next time I want to stop "snatchin".....

  34. I came up a bit short on my mileage this week too. Quite frankly, I don't care! Nice work on the 15 and follow up 5 same day! No M&M rewards for your efforts??? Come on!! Nice list!

  35. I too want to learn another language. I hate being one of those typical Americans who know only one ...

    Awesome about the Boston sponsorship opportunity!

  36. Yep, dry counties still exist... I live in one! LOL

  37. just buy a plane ticket to cali - we don't need spring here :)

    nice job on the miles - just keep getting out there girlie!

    always love the random lists!

  38. Love your list!

    What are you allergic to? My son is allergic to all tree nuts/peanuts. Oh, how I miss peanut butter!

  39. I never like leaving early either, however sometimes it seems like everybody is having so much fun, I'm sure they wouldn't notice I'm gone (right away at least). But when someone else does leave early, I always take that opportunity to leave with them!

    Yeah..I heard "The Situation" was clubbing downtown a couple of weeks ago. That would have been..interesting..

  40. Sponsorship - Nice.
    Love the list - #1 LOL. I encountered this in PENN. Couldn't believe dry counties still existed!

  41. Hi and thanks for visiting my blog! I'll have to thank AZ for sending some traffic my way. Glad to be back running, and look forward to reading your blog. :)

  42. The Jersey Shore

  43. You definitely deserve the are such an inspiration to everyone.

    That is still impressive mileage.

    LOL...I loved my pillow when I was a kid. Did not go as far as to name it (him?), but could not go to bed without it.

  44. Hard to believe there are dry counties, but they are all over the deep south. Back when I used to drink (college days) I always found it ironic that my favorite adult beverage could not be purchased in the county it was distilled in in Tennessee.

    About winter - didn't Puxatawney Phil see his shadow? I can tell you - it's frigid for Southern California today!

  45. Geez, 43 miles after logging 5 by Wednesday...I'm not going to do the math but that's leaving a lot of miles for the back end!

    Congrats on your bloggy award. I think I would much prefer an acceptance speech!

  46. WHAT-THE-WHAT!??? to #7... you are like a celebrity, imo.

    the pillow thing - my husband had such a pillow, lol... he had to give it up when we got married. I KNOW! I'm horrible! But it was on the condition, that we'd get him a pillow just as firm, just as big, but super nice. I think he's dealt with it, and is back to loving me the same way as befor we had to give up his pillow, lol

  47. wait, you know someone on the jersey shore show? so many kids at my school love that show, that's so funny!

    btw, there are still some dry towns here in MA - a few very close by even!

  48. Ok so I am just going to hang out with you so my mileage can look like yours! I love your list! Stand strong against the M&Ms and you'll be doing fist pumps everywhere!
