Thursday, February 25, 2010

out to pasture

i've wondered before if the disney half marathon of '09 was the peak of my running "career". i ran the green valley 10-mile race this past saturday at furman university, home of the "first" training plan some of you follow. i was hoping for a solid threshold run and at 'worst' a gmp (goal marathon pace) run. either way, it was my first time racing the distance so a pr was in the bag. i definitely thought i could at least hold previously-proven hmp (half marathon pace) since 10 is less than 13.1, but in reality i ended up too slow for threshold, too fast for gmp, and slower than hmp. what the crap. as with thursday's mile repeats, i'm fairly satisfied knowing i was pushing myself and running hard. it was a hilly course, and even more so when i remind myself i've been stuck on the treadmill/not-as-hilly outdoor runs for the past few months. (maybe it was also the mcdonald's pre-race breakfast?) it did leave me a little disheartened, but at least i'm not beating myself up about my race expectations vs. results like i used to.

saturday (2/20) am race: 10 miles, 1:13:20 (avg pace 7:20), 45*
11th place female, 1st place ag

on a brighter note i was able to go home to sunny, 63* south carolina for the weekend. i was spoiled by the weather and a showering of gifts. it was like my birthday, except not.

not long ago i won a giveaway from my dear friend b.o.b at discombobulated running - i think it's safe to say i am well stocked up on m&m's for march 1st. so close i can almost taste them! anyway i was the lucky recipient of her secret bump-free hair removal product as well as a turbo snake. b.o.b has some hair issues, but i love her all the same. josh wasted no time helping himself to the peanut m&m's, and the dum-dum's have been magical at keeping me awake during those dull afternoon hours at work. thanks girl, and good luck at the "gorilla" marathon! :)

new running shoes! (ok, these were a gift to myself)

some "fruit" from josh - a total surprise!

and some "vegetables" from josh - not so much a surprise :)

after saturday's race i came down with a cold, and didn't get to actually enjoy much of the beautiful weather. i was too busy being half-asleep on the couch, watching movies and stuffing a tissue box up my nose. i took sunday off (resulting in craptacular mileage for the week) and felt 100% again by monday. does anyone else get a cold after racing/running hard?


  1. Glad you are feeling better. I have gotten a cold after hard runs...but then I am always catching colds!

    That is an awesome race, girl. Let me feel proud of you, as you won't feel proud of yourself.

  2. That's an awesome pace. You need to be happy! On a hilly course? Disney was flat. You are in awesome shape!

  3. Ah! I have a 10 miler this weekend. My goal is my half marathon goal pace (6:30 or faster) I'm scared because we have been swamped in MA with flood warnings and on off snow/rain/nasty slush and this course is really hard as it is!

    I tend to cough and sneeze a bunch after fast fast races (like indoor mile or 4x400 relay)... Longer stuff I just get hungry, sleepy, and feel like my heart rate wont settle. Kind of annoying.

    Keep your head up. Running has an ebb and flow to it. It's like the tide. We never lose faith that when a wave washes out, another will wash in... if you keep faith in your training, you'll catch a wave in no time.

  4. Great race :) You are a lot faster than you give youself credit for!

  5. Glad to hear your not beating yourself up over your race. I've run a few cross country meets at Furman, such a gorgeous campus.

  6. i like how your pace somehow managed to fall into NONE of your workout pace groups...maybe it needs its own name. what the crap pace perhaps? has kind of a nice ring to it. nice job on the AG win and getting a solid workout in!

    pretty new shoes! i love me some mizunos :)

    i've totally had similar experiences with coming down with a cold after hard races. i wonder if the hard effort beats your immune system up a little and leaves you vulnerable? glad you're feeling better!

  7. Wait...did you sorta indicate that you were first in your age group?! I'm assuming that "ag" stands for age group. Geez, girl, are you embarrassed by that? I'd be posting that in capital letters if it was my blog. :-) Well, you're not ready to be "pasturized" yet. Nice to see you're not so hard on yourself anymore. You're making progress in more ways than one...LOL.

  8. SWEET KICKS! I'm kind of obsessed with brand spanking new running shoes, and yours are HOT :) And girl, you're still a beast, trust me, you're still FLYING HIGH!

  9. Have you tried the dark chocolate m&m's?

  10. March 1 is right around the corner! You just have to survive the weekend! woot and then you can binge on m&m's you might be so sugar high afterward you will able to run 56473857803 miles! ha I hope you feel better soon, I have a small giveaways going on!!

  11. 1) You won your AG yo!! That's great; nice results for your race.

    2) Don't know what a turbo snake is or does.

    3) Furman?!? I used to commute to Greenville, SC. Back in the day.

  12. Congrats on the age group win!! I'd take a 7:20 pace over 10 miles any day.

    The turbo snake gave me a chuckle. I got one as a gag/White Elephant Christmas gift. I haven't used it yet though, so I don't even know if it works.

    PS: I really like your new "fruit". That must have been a great surprise.

  13. Great job on your race, Lindsay! Nice time and placing for you! I appreciate all the love you received this weekend, you deserve it!

  14. I ran pretty hard the other day and have a cold n ow. Hope you are feeling better. Can't wait until I am half as fast as you. You know you motivate me pillow girl. Lol

  15. Fruits and veggies??? Wahoo!! Let us know how the Turbo Snake works. Hee hee. ;)

  16. I'm so mad at you being disheartened. Girl, You did GOOD, actually great. And the gifts are awesome. Tell me how that snake works out. I had fingers toes and eyes crossed for winning that giveaway. My drain is still stuck...arghhhh!


  17. It is very unlikely that you already peaked. You have a good 10-20 years before you ever come close! Either you're very humble or you're just so used to winning, it's not special anymore. You placed very well, in addition to the great time. But you barely mention anything about it in the post! Oh well, I'd be happier for the Apple more than winning a race :)

    Weird, I did get sick about 2 days after my last race. I think that's very ironic, you'd think runners would be immune to sickness..

  18. 10 miles is my favorite!

    I don't get a cold so much as I cough for about an hour after I run every time I run. Odd.

  19. You know it was the MacDonalds!! Get back to M&M's quick! I'm a believer:))
    Congrats on ag award...that says something!!

  20. I blame the McDonald's. McD is NOT a good pre-run option!

    Good heavens I can't even hit a 7:20 pace for a 5k, much less a 10 miler. Congrats on 1st place AG!!

  21. Love the gift of "fruit", that was nice!
    Love those shoes-what kind are they?

    So are you completely M&M free these days??

    With what appears to be "early" menopause starting, my body temp is all over the place these days, but I do usually get cold after any kick ass workout....

  22. 1:13 can have your autograph? Great race! As for all that chocolate, I feel a coma coming on just looking at it. Better you than I!
    Love the shoes. Mizunos are my BFF.

  23. Love all the new swag you got there. Be strong with teh M&M's they are going to taste so very good!!!

  24. We had some amazing weather last weekend! It does not look like it will be the same this weekend :( I hope you have a great one!!

  25. a 7:20 mile pace is bad?!? Well, it IS still just haven't hit spring...when spring is in the air spring is usually in your step...even if where you went was warmer. That's my philosophy and I'm sticking to it.

    And, wow, I love your vegetables...where do they grow those kinds of greens? Do tell.

    New name for you "lightning bug". What do you think? I got a couple other ideas hanging around here if your just not feeling that one.

    Hope your Friday goes well!

  26. Congrats on another awesome race in the bag. And I love the new shoes. Super cute!

  27. I've said it before, but I'll say it again. You're a girl after my own heart. I can eat Hershey kisses like it's my job. Congratulations on the race and have fun with the chocolate!

  28. Excuse me my English!

    I'm glad to read you have a good race last week!

    M&M and chocolates?? but you promise not ot eat? I trust you and yor are working hard in your trainings.

    I love you blog and you know you ara a good inspiration for me.

    Go on Lindsay!!!!

  29. Look at all the goodies, you spoiled, lucky girl! :)

    So much chocolate.... YUMMMMMY!

    2 more days, you can do it! Those M&M's won't stand a chance. I wonder what yoiu're having for breakfast on Monday? M&M pancakes?

  30. Well - I would say all that stuff was worth going home for! Good deal!

  31. I wear the same shoes - I got 4 pairs of them (2 pink, 2 green) for $60 each at running warehouse not too long ago!

  32. Cute shoes!
    I'd say great race -- like you said, you haven't been running hills. They affect your time (which I think was awesome, btw).

  33. don't forget the situation you have been in - working a TON, living away from home, etc... you trained HARD for disney and you were tapered and that was your A race. all those things definitely come into play :) plus it was hilly! you are doing awesome right now, especially with everything going on (and the snow!), keep it up!!

    omgggg LOVE the shoes <3

  34. Congrats on 1st AG!!!

    I think you ran very well considering your recent training. Heck, I'd be happy to run that pace for my upcoming 10K. Can I have it, please :-)

    And great to hear you got a Mac. I absolutely ADORE mine. I'll never buy another PC again if I can help it.

  35. congrats on the 10-mile race!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! that is awesome. and first AG!

  36. Great time there, girl! Way to go!!! Love the shoes...and the M&Ms :). Happy Weekend!

  37. Wow, great job on your 10 miler!! I wish I could have a 1:13 ten mile time:) The last and only 10 miler that I did my time was are a speedy girl!! Congrats for placing 1st for your age group!! BTW...I love the name of your blog:)

  38. My God, I'm running a 10 mile in 2 weeks (first one) and could only hope to go that fast!! 1st in your age group-you ROCK! My HMP and MP aren't much different. Wasn't blessed with too many fast twitch!! Ha ha on the "vegetables" I have those shoes if they are waveriders-they are completely done but a great shoe! I love South Carolina! My husband works in Charleston sometimes! I've been there several times and heading again this summer. Should be nice cool running weather in July!!

  39. I know you are not psyched about your time but you rocked it!!

    Hope you are feeling better!

  40. I think you are more prone to infections after a race/hard workout because your body is in severe stress mode and pretty much reacts to every little pathogen like it's
    World War III. Hence you get sick easier. Congrats on your 1st place AG award. Kudos to holding out on theose M&Ms.

  41. Congrats on winning your AG!

    And cute new shoes.

    Fruits and veggies - very clever. You always make me laugh.

  42. A 7:20 pace average is sooo fast in my book! Good job. I have never run a 10 miler. It seems like a hard distance. Maybe because we expect more than for a half marathon? I will have to do one at some point.

  43. Way to go on getting first place in your age group..and no way you are out to pasture. no way the Goofy challenge was your peak. You are still young. You've just got a lot of life stuff going on with your job and all.

  44. I know the feeling well, but I have to say that, when thinking about this logically, I'm inclined to think that everyone's running "career" has highs and lows rather than a sharp peak and then slow decline. I'm willing to bet that Disney is your fastest race so far, but not ever -- your best is yet to come!
