Tuesday, February 23, 2010

temporary outage

i'm experiencing technical difficulties with the internet at the apartment actually working (consistently, and with more bits per second than dial-up). as you may imagine, it puts a bit of a damper on blogging and catching up with all of you.

so for now, i'll leave you with this gem from a 10-mile race over the weekend.

thunder thighs!

*please note the sunlight, shorts, and lack of snow on the ground. i was clearly not in kentucky! :o)


  1. THAT IS the first thing I did notice. Shorts, t-shirt...and, yes, no snow.

    How was that like? I've forgotten. Oh, and I didn't notice any thunder.

    Just light'ning...oh, that is just you speeding by. Now I see.:)

  2. An impromtu 10 miler! Yay! Can't wait to hear all about it!

  3. Is that what the sun looks like? It has been awhile since I have seen such a thing. Nice job on the 10 miler!

  4. sunshine?! dry streets? what is this madness?? haha. bet you were excited to get out of the snow!! looking forward to hearing about the 10 miler, you look pretty badass in the pic so i assume it went well :)

  5. A 10 miler, wearing shorts and a t-shirt. Oh the memories that brings back. Wait, I've never run a 10 mile race before. Running wearing shorts and a t-shirt. I hate you. There, that's better! I can't wait to read about it. No, I don't really hate you. I won't be running the entire month of February, so I'm beginning to suffer from "Runner's envy."

  6. Hey missing you!! Get that non sense fixed soon mmmmkkk!! Great Job running bet it felt awesome to run only half clothed!! Did you take off for the tropics without me?

  7. Running in shorts... in Feb! WOW! Hope the internet gets fixed soon for ya! :)

  8. Oh no...whatever will I do without reading your posts until you get the internet back up ={ 'tis a sad day in blog world!

    Awesome for that run weather...I'm JEA-LLY!!!

    Its supposed to snow again tomorrow....arghhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!!

  9. Oh no...whatever will I do without reading your posts until you get the internet back up ={ 'tis a sad day in blog world!

    Awesome for that run weather...I'm JEA-LLY!!!

    Its supposed to snow again tomorrow....arghhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!!

  10. You are SMOKIN FAST, Lindsay. I admire you so much and you look killah in the pic! :)

  11. I must confess that I did not notice anything. This is probably because down here in the Canary Islands we run in shorts all year. I continue reading you, regards.

  12. Run, baby, run...

    I was shoting "Chasing the kenyans" last sunday running my marathon. I remembert you...

    I like chasing the kenyans too.


  13. Nice pic...looks like a great runner!

  14. T-shirt and shorts. Where were you!!!! We got another dumping here. You ran a 10 mile?-hurry up with the details already:)

  15. Hee, thanks for pointing out what we should have noticed. I too did not get the photo when I first saw it.

    Hope the Internet gets working right soon. That can be sooooooo frustrating but liberating too in a way once you go past a week and find other things you can do with your time ;-)

  16. Is that PAVEMENT I see???? *droooool*

    Thunder thighs my a$$!

    Nice Goofy tee!

  17. what a fabulous picture!!! a 10 mile race sounds like such a fun distance. man you are ROCKING that photo - powering through!!!!

  18. That is a great photo!!!!

  19. When I first saw the picture I just thought that Ma and Pa Kettle had toughened you up. Or is that West Virginia?

    No - don't worry. Won't be adding any shelving back anytime soon. I don't want to have to undergo the heart bypass surgeries that some of my friends have had to have. Already. McDonalds isn't liking that, but too bad.

    Hope you get your Internet stuff resolved! We're missing you!

  20. pshhhh thunder thighs my a** - yay for shorts and a tshirt!!

    hope your internet connects again soon!

  21. You do not have thunder thighs you crazy woman, more like awesome strong lean thoroughbred thighs!

  22. No snow? What's that???
    Super jealous!!

  23. I'm with you - So ready for the spring. Someone please crank the heat up and bring the tan (I can use it). Funny how we want what we can't have at that moment. This summer we will want the cold back!

  24. ahhh shorts---how I miss you!!! gret pic--hope you had a great race :)

  25. I hope your cold is gone! It was kind of nice having an excuse to lay around!

    Yay for shorts! I cannot wait for a day of 40 degrees in KC! I might bust shorts out just to make a point to winter!

  26. Omigosh, that totally looks heavenly! I was supposed to do a 10 miler too, but...well, we know what happened there!

  27. LOVE IT! The snow break must have been wonderful!

  28. Focus that's all I see, focus!
