Tuesday, April 6, 2010

"dust out" and help wanted!

you'd think weather would have an effect on the construction industry, but somehow i never got a day off/early out for the 19,000 times it snowed, the days it was 10 degrees below 0, or any of the monsoons. today though, 85*, windy and dusty - we got an early out! like i'm gonna complain about leaving work early :)

if it hadn't been so hot and muggy i would've taken advantage of the extra hour for a long run, but gah 85* i mean really. i'm so not ready for this april! i did get out for an hour-long run in the heat, nothing fancy.

some delayed stats, the norm around here:

week in review (3/22 - 3/28):
total miles: 24.92 (avg temp 49.75* f)
time spent running: ~ 3 hours 40 minutes
avg hr: 160.25
avg run pace: 8:49/mile
off days: 1 (from running: 3)

week in review (3/29 - 4/04):
total miles: 33.38 (avg temp 68.4* f)
time spent running: ~ 4 hours 59 minutes
avg hr: 165.25
avg run pace: 9:02/mile
off days: 2

shoutout for help!

a fellow runner and blogger olivia of "blissful runner" is running the maryland half marathon in may to promote and raise money for the university of maryland marlene and stewart greenebaum cancer center (long name, good cause). olivia's husband lost his mother to cancer a few years ago which has inspired her to make a difference.

go stop by olivia's page and wish her luck. many people complain about these "tough economic times" but i'm willing to bet battling cancer is tougher. i know we all have change we can spare - toss $1 (you don't need that side of fries anyway), $5 (what's one trip to starbucks?), $10 (who needs that gallon of gas?) -- whatever you can give for the cause.

remember: the more you give... the more you can write off next year on your taxes ;-)

seriously - my mood may be light and fun, but ultimately it is a good cause and the blogging community is always great at pulling together support for each other. so let's do this people!

links: olivia's blog, post about her cause, and fundraising website


  1. Sounds like you're feeling better! Yay! Okay, gotta go stop by Olivia's blog now...

  2. I am loving this nice change in weather! But here it is 90! Already! Sounds like you are on the upswing- yeah :)

  3. I will go check it out! Have a great day!!

  4. If we got time off for windy days, i would have gotten off yesterday too. but i work inside in the office, darn it!

  5. YAY for an early out! 85 degrees already... oof! So not ready for summer. I'd be happy if it stayed in the 40s and 50s all summer, thankyouverymuch!

  6. Thanks again Lindsay! :)

    And what gives with this weather? It's like Mother Nature forgot about spring this year and leapt right in to summer! Now, where did I stash my Camelback....

  7. I have never been able to run that great in the heat!! I will most likely have to get out there in the early morning once summer temps really start to rise:) Nice work on getting out there!! I hope that you have a great week!

  8. I know we all complained about the cold, but I am so not ready for it to be this hot already! We had a storm come thru last night and it cooled it off here for today! I can handle running the 50's!

  9. We've got the heat here in Md too--it came out of nowhere! Thanks for the head's up on Olivia's blog. Great cause.

  10. Those temps suck when they sneak up on you like that. I need to ease into hot weather running.

  11. You'll be all acclimated for Boston now if it's 85 degrees :). Sounds like running's going better - yay!!!

  12. Thanks for the tip on Olivia.

    85 degree? It was the 40s here. It's suppose to be in the 60s and sunny this weekend, though.

    So, glad you are on the right track with cake rolls. Feel like I've got a cake roll eating buddy now. Like an imaginary one because, well...we have to imagine eating them...well, maybe not. As this pregnancy goes along...My baby may just be a cake roll eater too. LOL!

    Got another favorite for this Friday. Haven't had one of these in AGES.

    Ah...suspense...I should know better than to do that to you!

    Have a good one!

  13. Yeah, seriously, what's up with this weather??? I think 85 degrees deserves an early out.

    Will check out Olivia's blog.

  14. All the more reason you need to move out here. We have sunny, hot dusty weather all the time! Without the humidity though....

  15. Score for getting off work early, but yea I definitely wouldn't have run in those temps either after a long day at work. Blame it on the heat!

  16. what a great reason to run a 1/2! totally going to go check out the blog, so great of you to post about it. and yay for getting out of work early, regardless of reason :)

  17. Oh I hate running in the wind! It is the worst!!!

    So did you guys go straight from snow to 85? YIKES. Your poor non acclimated bodies!

  18. thanks for posting about olivia's blog.

  19. Thanks for the link to Olivia's blog. I'll head over there.

    Have a good weekend!

  20. Wow, 85? I couldn't run in that either!! Glad to hear you are starting to feel better!! :)
