Saturday, April 24, 2010

oops, i did it again

a few months ago i ran the nyc marathon and followed it up with a 4-mile trail race. i then complained a lot about how hard it was, how i thought i was going to die, and how one should never do such a ridiculous thing. i have never once denied that i am hard-headed.

monday: boston marathon
wednesday: mri of my head (to diagnose my insanity)
saturday: erm, kentucky derby marathon

a while back i registered for the derby marathon knowing it was a mere 5 days after boston. somehow i still thought it'd be a brilliant idea to double up on marathons. it was mostly intriguing because i can go ahead and cross kentucky off my list and not have to return if/when work ever sends me home. my training, of course, fell by the wayside after i'd already registered for both races, but i was always going to "just-run" the kentucky derby marathon regardless.

in the end, i did better in the derby marathon than boston. go figure. i was a seeded runner and therefore could've started in front of the corrals (there are like 13,000 people in the half and both races start together). however, i was utilizing the portapotty as the race started and instead had to jump in with the run/walk corral. it wasn't bad though, i knew it would force me to take it easy for the first few miles and it's not like i really should've been up with the fast people anyway.

i met a few cool folks while running, got to run through churchill downs, and made some much-needed gains in mental toughness. i told myself to "htfu" like some of my california friends do and i kept digging deep for that extra 30% (thanks meg!). when i caught myself feeling tired, i focused on my arms, picking up my legs, and surging/increasing turnover. i know i'm not in great shape and i did just run a marathon a few days before, and it was a hard-fought battle for a sub-4. it felt awesome to make it to the finish line with a few seconds to spare knowing how hard i'd worked for it.

thanks to all the louisville spectators who came out to cheer us on in the morning rain! especially one couple in this year's boston jackets who called me "pink" (color of my shirt) and cheered for me. it meant a lot as i was there all alone, no friends or family.
normally i crinkle my bib up but this one had those stupid 'b-tag' chips :(

kentucky derby marathon - 3:59:14 / 9:03 avg pace

(i swear, i'll talk about boston soon)


  1. LINDSAY!! Are you crazy, girl?! OMG, another marathon? You are my hero, I even had to read this post three times to make sure I was comprehending it all. You did a great job and I loved your comment about HTFU...that's another one of my mantras that I tend to keep to myself! I was inspired by your reminders to use your arms, pick up your legs and increase turnover. Ah, you totally did it and you did it ALONE. You are a hero and congrats! Now I feel like a little lazy wimp...I just walked to the street fair which was about three miles away and I whined the whole way home!

  2. You're nuts!!!! But running through Churchill Downs is probably awesome!!!

  3. Girl! You ROCK! As I am attempting to take a full month off from running, and I just finished lasagna by the way, you are killing me. I feel like a total fat wimp now. lol :) Congrats! Now are ya gonna rest?

  4. Damn girl! You're awesome! Nice work on the second marathon within a week, especially since you had the MRI too.

    Side note: My friend has a t-shirt and wristband with "HTFU" on them and he is constantly telling people to "HTFU" lately. It's a funny brand!

  5. YOU ARE A MACHINE!!!!! Boston, and then another full marathon 5 days later? Wow!! That is all I can say.

  6. Are you kidding me?? 5 days later and you're running 26 miles better than you did prevously!!??!! You're amazing, girl, that's all I say. I'm seriously still walking funny, no way I could run right now. You did great, girl, congratulations!!!! btw, we never did have any m&m's at the meet-up...wth??? Next time!!! :)

  7. you are insane!!! for sure! Great job! that is so awesome, I hope you feel like a super star!

  8. holy smokes, you ARE crazy!

    but nicely done. nicely done, indeed.

  9. Way to go! Are you a Marathon Maniac yet? If not, I think you qualified (

  10. Awesome job! I ran 9.31 of the marathon today in the relay and I think we finished at the same time (we meaning my team as a whole). You rock! :)

  11. Welcome to the crazy side - It feels really good and uplifting knowing only you did this. Very proud of you considering the battles you fought to achieve it. Now you know you can do this - What's next? But first, go relax and enjoy some guilt-free down time.
    Way to go girl!

  12. Huh? You did better!? Well congrats then! Hope the MRI tells you what you want.

  13. SAY WHAT?!?!?!!?

    Damn, girl. You rock! Congratulations!!!

    PS - this qualifies you for maniac status - the MRI doesn't need to tell you that ;)

  14. Wow, pretty amazing. I loved the tri: Boston, MRI and Kentucky! Great job out there, now rest up, promise????

  15. Nice job! I'd be afraid of running through Churchill, just because I'd probably drop out and start betting on the horses.

  16. You've seriously lost your ever living mind. Holy shit. Glad you made it through and for the love of god give yourself a good long break!

  17. Back to back with a MRI in the middle. Frickin' crazy!!! Yup, it's definite. I'm coming to you for help on marathon training when it comes!
    Churchill Downs sounds cool, but I can't wait to talk about my run through the hallowed grounds of Lambeau Field!!!
    Congrats you crazy broad!

  18. you are CRAZY...and awesome. does that qualify you for marathon maniac status or anything? because if not it SHOULD! sad day about not being able to crinkle your bib! haha

  19. With back to backs like that it's ultra time!

  20. 2 marathons in one week, and I'm still working on my first in June..way to rub it in! Congrats on the great race, I guess Boston was your warmup? I have a half in about ~8 hours, hopefully it's good training for my full..

  21. How'd that head-check go?

    LOL! Great job!

  22. I was going to make a rude comment about insanity or something, but then I remembered that you had an angry person inside your head anyways!

    Honestly lindsay - you are a legend! Not only did you do back to backs, but you did them suffering from something that has you off kilter and with less than ideal training. Amazing!

    Now rest and get better.

  23. Wow, wow, wow, you are amazing! 2 marathons in one week?? Congrats! Are you a marathon maniac?? Hope your head feels better soon!!

  24. You are amazing! I am going to admit to my ignorance. What is the H in HTFU? I can guess the rest being the good primary school teacher that I am but I'm not coming up with the h.

    The Expo sales were just before it ended and the lines were LONG! Everything at Nike was 30% off and I think other spots too.

  25. You are a machine!!! I was lucky to be walking 5 days after I ran Boston! that is seriously impressive!

  26. Hi Lindsay,
    No flipping way!! You are so crazy girl!! Wow, you are one fierce runner girl!! I am impressed:) Congrats to you!

  27. You've inspired me - i want to do the two in a week thing myself now ;p (I think you are now qualified to be a marathon maniac!)

  28. Well, you rock and that's all there is to it!! Can you see me bowing to your boldness over here?! I guess that just goes to show that we don't know what we can do until we try. Great job!!! Can you rest now? Have a great week!

  29. Very impressive, and your time in Kentucky is almost exactly the finishing time I predicted for Boston...

  30. You are crazy!!! But, I love it. Hope you allowed yourself to have a bag of M&M's for this one!!! Now, rest up.

  31. 2 marathons in 6 days?!?!?!?!? I'm in awe. And you're cah-razy! BUT you did it, and you did awesome! Marathon Maniac... woot!woot! Congrats, you silly girl!!!!!

    And I can't believe you kept this from us, you little sneak! hehehe)

  32. Hm...I am noticing a theme among the comments to this post....the word "CRAZY!" seems to be resounding all over the place! LOL.

    I hate to feel stupid - what does HTFU stand for?

    Very cool you wore pink (one of my favorite colors) and that there were a lot of people there cheering you on.

    how do you run on such tired legs at the pace I NORMALLY run for a 5 miler?

  33. You never cease to surprise me. That's craziness.

  34. Wow. So, I hook up to your blog...and I'm thinking I'm going to see what Lindsey's up to.

    I read the part about doing another race and in my mind I'm thinking...yah, she probably ran another 5K and kicked SOME BUTT. Probably won it...and then...I read you ran ANOTHER marathon?!?!

    Well, since I can't even fathom that, I won't try. The only thing I can relate to is the whole crossing it off your list and it's already paid for thing.

    Good Going!!! You have to feel good about bettering your time too. I guess the only question now is... are you sore? Are you dying yet?

    And... Maybe you should just cut to the chase and go for an ultra.

  35. Lindsay you're an incredibel person. You're strong and I like you. I like to reas your day after day because is like magic.

    My news congratulations about your marathon. Is amazing after a few days of Boston. You show that noting is write because we can do anything we want it!

    I'm very get excitated about your challenge and you make me think a lot.

    Thanks and enjoy your success!!

    Linday you're fantastic

  36. You're hilarious... I'm pretty sure that running two marathons in one week (one under 4 hours and the other the frickin Boston Marathon) and not being in very good shape are mutually exclusive...

    BTW, if your life was an episode of House, Dr. House would somehow correlate the two Marathons and your MRI and deduct that you have some kind of Kenyan strain of Marathonitis ... of course he would have to diagnose you with 3 other fatal conditions first and perform several surgeries...

    Anyway... Congrats on your race(s)! I know that 4 hrs is probably slow for you, but still pretty damn kick ass for normal folks!!!

  37. Way to go on your race!!! Seriously, you are making me feel like I need to be stepping it up now!! Have a great week :)

  38. I'm completely amazed ... and completely jealous! As you figure out your medical business, I hope you're reminding yourself how amazing it is that your body accomplished such a feat. Congrats ... now, get some rest!

  39. You're nuts!!!! I can't believe you did that! I hope you give yourself a nice break now-- you so deserve it!!!!

  40. Wow! You are awesome! I cannot imagine doubling marathons, and Boston, no less! Congratulations!

  41. You CRAZY marathoner, you ;-)

    Way to go on marathons 5 days apart. The closest I've ever run them is 6 (and that was close enough to me). Congrats on your sub-4 and Kentucky State done!!!

  42. Wow! Impressive. Congratulations on your second marathon this week!

    I'm curious about the b-tags. What are the pros and cons?

  43. Wow! Your time wasn't bad, I said that already. Nice job! And really really crazy. In a good way of course! ;)

  44. Congratulations on both your marathons!!! You did great on both, superstar!!

  45. See, now that's something you'll NEVER see me doing! Congrats on your finish, Lindsay! I think that qualifies you for marathon maniac status, right?

  46. That is crazy -- almost as crazy as that Goofy challenge business, at least you rested a little in between. You're amazing!!
