Saturday, April 3, 2010

march 2010

march 2009
total mileage: 141.66
time spent running: 20:29:56
days off: 8 (2 scheduled, 6 lazy days)
abs/yoga: 9 ab workouts/0 yoga sessions
avg resting hr: unknown, somehow didn't measure it once all month
avg max hr: 184.50
pushups: 365

march 2010
total mileage: 121.20
time spent running: 18:31:44
days off: 8 (4 scheduled, 2 lazy, 2 vertigo)
abs/yoga: 7 ab workouts/1 yoga session
avg resting hr: unknown, at least this stat stayed consistent :)
avg max hr: 178.29
pushups: 341

i saw this format on another blog and thought i might enjoy the comparison, or at least that i'd make me feel better about not-quite running. not too successful, but overall i think they are fairly "comparable".

i've fallen into a habit of being lazy/full of blogger-block (and a little busy) to post lately. also, for some reason 90% of you people are now being blocked by the work internet (thanks, websense) which has led to a lot of reading-without-commenting or extremely-delayed-commenting. hey don't blame me, blame websense. trust me, i miss my periodic breaks from work to peruse the blogosphere!

last weekend i got in a "long" run of 9+ miles. i was aiming for 10 here in my "(half-assed) marathon training", but my skin had another allergic reaction to running (it was ~40*). i also started my taxes and spent 12 hours on i-75 once again. story of my life.

i was busy all week at work 'cause one guy was in the hospital (he's ok now) so i did his job plus mine all week long. at least it makes the day pass faster? i got in a couple hour-long runs (i might almost be back to "normal"!) and a short lunch time run on the hottest day of the week. josh and i met eddie montgomery (of montgomery gentry, brother to john michael montgomery) except we didn't realize who he was. he walked over in a t-shirt, shorts, cowboy hat and carrying a beer and said hi and we just blew him off like ok old man what do you want. oh well.

so march was ok... even though it was a solid 50 miles shorter than february. while i feel like i'm severely slacking off with these 20-30 mile weeks, i'm somehow still ahead of my mileage at this time last year.


  1. That's some chutzpah that your employer has expecting an honest day's work for an honest day's wage! Hey! Since you had to do someone else's work too, shouldn't you get two paychecks?

    Interesting comparison year to year. I'm afraid to look at my March a year ago versus now.

  2. I like the format of comparing to last year. Maybe I should try that.

  3. My internet was blocked at work but luckily since I am like BFF with the computer tech, she gave me allowances. HUGE score. I would be lost without my daily blog drove me crazy for a week!

    Nice stats :)

  4. Wow, seems like a good month to me! I also like how you compared it to last year. I am constantly going back to check my own stats from a year ago. Such a good idea! Enjoy your weekend :)

  5. Hi, Linday! You're working well in your running days. I like you post and how you progress yers after year.

    I'm extremely happy you can run now and the your health is good.

    You know are a good inspiration for me.

    Greetings from Spain.

    All my love

  6. You're getting in some great mileage despite not really in training mode, gotta like that one!! I'm with Glenn, I'd hate to go look at my March comparisions, I'd probably cringe and then cry! Hang in there girl, just a couple more weeks! Happy Easter!!

  7. Girl, you did so good this month for being sick!! I am impressed with your high miles:) Enjoy the rest of your weekend!

  8. I agree with did well for a month that you were not feeling well, plus busy at work. Nice to see your stats weren't that far off of last March's. I refuse to compare my stats-I'll get too discouraged. Right now I'm just happy to be running. By the way, did I tell you I volunteered to work at the Boston Marathon, and I'm supposed to be at mile 24?! Not sure if I'll do it. Anyhow, hopefully I'll see you in 2 weeks.

  9. I hope that you are having a great weekend! I should start the comparision thing too :)

  10. Hope April is a great month for you!

  11. I can definitely relate to blogs being blocked at work. Some sites are, and some comment formatting types are blocked. So I read, but don't seem to comment as much as before. Hence why I am commenting at home, at 5:41 am on your blog...

  12. I like the comparison with last year. In fact, I like any comparison that makes you feel better about things. And you need that now! It's taper time, really hot temps here this weekend, lots of energy in town, time to get excited and ready to party!

  13. I really like the comparison months idea... I might have to do that at some point. Even if you're not running as much as you'd like, you're still putting in a fair number of miles, congratulations!

  14. Sori that your work mate is in the hospital and that you have to do double work. I really love the comparison thingys. Way cool. As far as not commenting or whatever, oh well. Its ok. Dont get blogger guilt. lol. Ezethans blog post. Did you read that one? Keep running and taking care of yourself.

  15. I have enough trouble trying to compare one week to another, you actually looked at the previous year? I think you had a pretty good month if you ask me. You had less lazy days! :)

  16. You did a great job with everything you have going on. You can only do what you can do (which sounds so trite but I think you know what I mean) and you did great!

    SUCKS on websense blocking everything. LAME.

  17. Nice month! I like seeing the comparison, too, and may steal the format from you :-)

  18. There's no way I can compare this year to last!

    Interesting to see you HR has dropped a fair bit in the year?!?

  19. Good luck with your running. I could never check blogs at work. I don't think they are blocked. Many things are though.

  20. Good job on the push-ups!

    You blew off a country singer? I've never heard of him. Where were you guys? I guess you do live a little more south than me.

    So, you're feeling better with the the whole naseau thing? That has to be a relief.

  21. I would be so sad if I couldn't take a much needed mental break at the office to read some blogs!

  22. i love comparing this year's months to last years. although it can be depressing. but you've still got some killer mileage! hope you have a good week.

  23. I think you are still doing fine. Just keeping your foot in the door until you crank it up for your next training cycle.

    I think my visits/commenting have been affected by whatever websense stuff that you mentioned. Just sayin'.

  24. Compared to last kick a$$! And that's with at least 2 days off from running do to vertigo! So I wouldn't dwell too much on it and go with the flow. Hey, believe me, I'm not judging, so neither should you!

  25. Ok, I can honestly say I have no idea who that singer is, and I occasionally listen to country music in the car!

    I am with Glenn,I don't think I want to see what I was doing last March compared to this year. The mileage would be way down.

    Btw, you need to DM me your cell phone. I need to get your flight info if you want me to pick you up at the airport, and so I can figure out if I should leave work early that Friday.

  26. When you take your resting heart rate, do you just keep a stopwatch by the bed and record it in the morning, or ......? I never really remember to take mine in the morning (ever), and so I've always done it later in the day. Seems like most resources tell me to do it before I crawl out of bed though. Just curious how you measure it.

  27. Good job on your March totals. You're not too far off from last year.
