Friday, April 9, 2010

psa: fresh air fund

the winter doldrums are rolling out, and a new, rejuvenating spring has arrived. pretty soon the kids will be out of school and enjoying the bright, sunny outdoors. consider opening your home to a child from new york city for a couple weeks the summer so they can experience life outside the city. the fresh air fund needs host families for this summer! (their service area -- ontario, maine, new hampshire, vermont, new york, massachusetts, connecticut, rhode island, pennsylvania, new jersey, delaware, maryland, west virginia and virginia.)

"host families range in size, ethnicity and background, but share the desire to open their hearts and homes to give city children an experience they will never forget. hosts say the fresh air experience is as enriching for their own families, as it is for the inner-city children. there are no financial requirements for hosting a child. volunteers may request the age-group and gender of the fresh air youngster they would like to host." (from the fresh air fund website)

i would so do this if i a) lived in the fresh air fund service-area and b) actually lived in my house myself. i think it would be fun to host a kid from the city and show them the wonders of a smaller city, town, suburbia or boondocks. i grew up in the "boonies" (or so it seemed) and often complained about it, but now that i'm older i appreciate a lot of the things i once took for granted.

the fresh air fund is also involved with the nyc half that took place a few weekends ago. go check 'em out if you are interested in hosting, helping out in any form, or being a part of next year's fresh air fund-racers!

happy weekend everyone - may it be full of miles and productivity (or laziness, if that's what you have scheduled) :)


  1. That is a pretty cool Idea. I live in one of the service areas, but I don't spend enough time at my place myself, let alone, be able to host anyone. I wish I could host myself. Work, I tell ya! Great Post and Great Idea! Have a good one.

  2. I've never heard of that - that's pretty cool!

  3. there is a camp near my hometown that brings inner city kids for week long summer sessions. they totally camp out with no perks... like i'm not sure they even have electricity. but my friend has been a counselor and she says the kids LOVE it.

    happy friday!!!!! and lol about the overachiever comment. i go either way. i either way underachieve or overachieve. i think it balances out :) if i'm not running aorund i'm sitting on my patookus watching reality TV :)

  4. This is such a great idea! I love that Ontario is included, but I'm not ready for my own kids or anyone else's. ;)

    Have a great weekend!!

  5. Friends of ours in Phila. have done this two years running and really enjoyed the experience. Thanks for the reminder.

  6. I wonder.....could I put "my" name on the list for a nice family to host me in a great place?!!
    Seriously, idea, but I agree with the crowd. I'm hardly home myself let a lone host someone!

  7. What an awesome idea! Thanks for sharing.

  8. I would love to do this but I don't see Cal. listed. I guess it would be too far to fly but what a nice idea. I'm glad to hear we'll be seeing you next week. You have a great attitude Lindsay, it's "going to be what it's going to be" for all of us...that's the way marathons go, right?!
    See you soon, hope you're resting up and that all is okay with the vertigo.

  9. As a kid who grew up in a poorer area of a big city, I always looked forward to camping trips with the family in the boonies. What a great idea.

  10. That is a really cool idea. This summer is a bit too busy but I think I'd be a good person to do this since I tend to have a bit more time in the summers- though I still work so I guess I would have to figure that all out. I definitely think fresh air and out of the city adventures are important though so I'd love to get involved :)

  11. That's a great idea. Love the video too. Reminds me of summers at my grandparents' place when I was growing up.

  12. what a wonderful idea! I live in the city myself, so I wouldn't be able to offer a city kid anything different. But it's great to know there's an organization like that to give kids exposure to the great outdoors. who knows? Maybe these kids will grow up to spend their Saturdays running 20 milers!

  13. I've never heard anything like that before. I've heard of host families for exchange students but not kids from cities. neat idea.

  14. I think that's a great idea too. In fact, it made me think of my parents who live on two acres. Our kids love going over there and well...playing out in the fresh air.

  15. Yes, this is a great idea. Funny enough, my state is listed. However I am literally across the street from DC, which is not. I'd hate to deprive a poor kid of "real" suburban fresh air, when my place of residence is probably very similar to what they'd find in NYC. I don't even drink the water here =/

    But great program.
