Friday, March 27, 2009

i forgot how to run

i've been a little whiny lately about my own busy-ness and lack of running. i apologize. i have been being way too lenient on myself in running and eating anything remotely healthy. i'm working on it. i am aiming to get some runs in over the weekend and resume a regular workout schedule. ...and quit eating complete crap all the time. living in a hotel in a town where your dining options are taco bell, kfc, arby's, mcdonald's, burger king, or waffle house is gonna make that a little tough.


i ran today. it wasn't much, but at least i moved my feet. it felt unnatural and hard, but i made it. i never ran yesterday, just wanted to chill out after 7 hours of driving and getting settled in to my new 'office' ( a trailer, on a construction site, in the middle of nowhere) and penthouse studio apartment ( inn express).

thursday (3/26) run: no ma'am (/sir).

friday (3/27) pm run: 3.53 miles, 30:00 (8:29 avg pace), avg hr (152)

i "warmed up"/burned a few extra calories with 10 minutes on the bike, 10 on the elliptical, and 10 of pushups/abs. it sure can't hurt me these days.

at some point this weekend i need to re-visit my training plan since i've been a little off the past few weeks, and i'm doing research on upcoming races in the "kentuckiana" region (where the bfe is located) to help give myself a mini-goal/motivation. apparently i need a little direction in between my bigger goals/races in order to stay focused. no biggie.

here's a random video j sent me. not breaking news but humorous.


  1. I think having mini-races in between the big goal races will be good for you. For one thing, it will motivate you to do some running when you're not in active "training" mode.

    Thanks for all your helpful insight on the last couple of my blog posts. It was very much appreciated.

  2. glad you got some runs in :) i know how you feeling with the eating out stuff... i've been having to do the same for a while now due to lack of kitchen... it stinks. have a great weekend!

  3. I hear ya Lindsay - I was in the same kinda rut a couple of months ago. Found out that I need structure and a guy in a book telling me what to do from day to day. I'm just a lowly lemming that way.

    Love me some Louis CK too. His show on HBO though? HORRIBLE. Glad it's off the air.

  4. Its so easy to get off track when our normal routine is changed! Keep moving! :)

  5. You'll get back in the swing of things. I think finding a few mini races will be great to keep you motivated and keep you running. I am sure once you settle in a bit, the eating will get better too.

  6. You've been busy girl so give yourself a break.
    Sounds like you're making plans to get back on track so that's a good thing and looking forward.

  7. Certainly doesn't sound like you're in an ideal situation right now... talk about making it harder to get baxck on track. You can do it!

  8. A race is a great way to stay motivated. Stick with it!

  9. Gah, I am in the same boat. My running mojo is gone. I am glad you got out here and I think races are a great way to stay motivated

  10. good job on making the decision to not eat that crappy food.. its can be so hard at times but pays off greatly in other ways.

    And nice to see you hitn' the pavement again!


  11. Dear God, Woman, where in the hell are you staying in Kentucky?! (Write me on facebook or email and tell me if you don't want to say so publicly.)

    Motivation is why I sign up for the little local races, which I think I used to look down on (foolishly) but now actually really like a lot.

  12. You aren't being whiny at all. It is very stressful having to travel so much. You are definitely getting some runs in, so don't be too hard on yourself.

  13. Go for the Arby's. That's what the Kenyans would do. Don't believe the people who tell you it's really just gel that they cook to look like beef. (I looked it up on Mmmmmmm, Arby's.

  14. It's good that you're still able to push out a couple of runs/workouts through such a hectic schedule. I know the last thing on my mind after driving so much would be to run. Hope you will be able to get back into things soon!
