Tuesday, March 31, 2009

march 2009

i rounded out the month of march with two more runs, extending my little 'streak' to 5 days. i desperately need to keep it up so i can get back into shape.

monday (3/30) pm run: 7 miles, 59:10 (avg pace 8:27), avg hr (170)

i don't know how my monday run avg hr was higher than tuesday's (interval day), but whatever. i had a bit of a headache after work and of course was not in the mood to run but i headed down to the hotel 'gym', plopped myself on the treadmill and didn't stop until i reached 7 miles. i probably would have gone longer but the stomach threw in the towel and i made a beeline for the restroom.

tuesday (3/31) pm run: 7.53 miles, 59:51 (avg pace 7:56), avg hr (166)

again, not totally in the mood but i knew i wanted to run. i was a little grouchy pre-run, but as soon as i finished my workout i felt 100 times better. days like this make me really love running.

today called for 1000m repeats at "interval (i) pace" (4:03 for me). i warmed up for 2.25 miles, did 3x1000m (.625 miles) with .35 miles recovery (~3 minutes) and then ran at my easy pace for about 20 minutes until i had ran for a full hour. the intervals went alright, but there is room for improvement. 1000m/0.625 is an odd distance to do on the treadmill. i had to round up to .63, and with the .35 recovery periods i forgot what mileage i needed to end repeat #2 on, so i think that one is a little longer.

3x1000m - 4:07, 4:09, 4:04
(goal pace 4:03)

march 2009 - easy running, some laziness. traveled a lot, so that's my excuse. fell off the yoga wagon, but stretched decently after most of the runs. found some of my speed again - completed three speed (repeat) runs and two threshold runs. lost my mojo, but made strong effort at the end of the month to find a morsel of motivation and drive.

total mileage: 141.66
time spent running: 20:29:56
days off: 8 (2 scheduled, 6 lazy days)
abs/yoga: 9 ab workouts/0 yoga sessions
avg resting hr: unknown, somehow didn't measure it once all month
avg max hr: 184.50
pushups: 365 (i realized i did a lot this month and figured it was stat-worthy)


  1. great job on the running streak! being outside of your routine and traveling makes it difficult. Try not to be too hard on yourself.... you'll always be a superstar!

  2. We're all entitled to fall off the wagon every once in a while so don't be so hard on yourself. I know you'll pull it back together really soon. Your so-called streak is quite impressive, at least to me because I have never run more than 3 days in a row, so good job!

  3. You're doing great getting the running in on the road!

    I've totally fallen off the push-up wagon - 365 is a LOT!!

  4. Sounds like you are getting back on track. Believe me, I know how tough it can be getting motivated again. Try and toss something new into the mix it may help.

  5. you still had 141 miles in march?!?! for not being on the running wagon that is pretty awesome :)

    great job getting yourself back into it!! on the treadmill is definitely the hard way to go (at least for me) but great job!! 1000 repeats are a weird one, i had to set my garmin for .63 for them and its just a weird distance mentally. great job on yours! great job on the streak too! i never really run more than 3 days in a row, so 5 days is awesome!

  6. I love how carefully you keep track of the stats... I should do better. I have no idea how many push-ups I've done, but I've done the 30-Day Shred video 3 times a week for the entire month, so that got a good amount of push-ups in. I know I only missed 2 days of yoga this month too.

    You're doing awesome! Sorry you had to bail on the treadmill due to the stomach. I have experienced those issues all too frequently!

  7. You're back on track and probably just needed a mental and physical break. And that is a lot of pushups.

  8. You still finished off with a decent month! Just keep the streak going now... your mojo is coming back. Nice splits on the 1000m repeats!

  9. you fell off the wagon and STILL ran 140+ miles??? i don't care what you say, you are a rockstar! my wagon doesn't move that fast...

  10. I still am not worthy...I ran an entire 61 miles in March....you go girl!!

  11. It's a new month. Time to start fresh right?

  12. Hey, you only ran 16 miles less than me in March. (Okay, I took a whole week off). So this morning, I read about a certain young lady in South Carolina who has her whole day organized by the time she's done with her morning run. I was wondering if you felt less organized in March :P.

  13. You had a great month. Congratulations! And kudos to you on running even while traveling!

  14. It's got to start somewhere, and 5 days is great! Nice job on the pushups. That is a lot.

  15. Nice numbers.. Glad to see you got some time in before the end of the month.

    I think your April is going to be Good!!


  16. Yay for getting back!
    Have to say, 141 miles is still IMPRESSIVE!

  17. What a minute. You took twice as many days off *and* still ran further than me (gasp, wheeze).

  18. Holy pushups, super woman!! Keep up the streak!

  19. For a month where you weren't totally feeling it, you still had pretty decent numbers!
