Saturday, July 25, 2009

as tempting as 3am is...

once i realized i was on a 15-day streak wednesday, my mind converted over to slacker-mode. originally i was to do a quality workout on thursday, take friday off, run easy saturday and finish the week with another quality run sunday.

when i fell asleep on my desk at work thursday i thought it might be better to just go home and go to bed instead. i haven't been too good at enforcing my curfew and end up with ~5 hours of sleep a night. i made a deal with myself that i'd get up and do the quality workout friday morning so that i'd have a little more time for the legs to recover by sunday. before going to bed on thursday (at 8pm, like a winner) i realized i'd have to be running no later than 3:30 am to get the workout in. not quite appealing...

needless to say when the alarm went off i mysteriously hit ignore and proceeded to sleep until 5:15am. i'm supposed to leave for work by 5:30... at least i caught up on some sleep. (sorry to let you down andrew. i'm hoping to try again next week.)

so friday afternoon/evening quality run it was -- 8 miles threshold pace for 12 miles total. again, i was off my actual threshold pace but i'm content knowing i pushed myself and tried. it was uncomfortable at times, but i pressed on. the last threshold mile was actual within the 'zone', small victory.

friday (7/24) pm run: 12.1 miles, 1:35:11 (avg pace 7:51), avg hr (174), 80*

my threshold miles averaged out to a 7:29 pace (vs a 7:02-7:17). this run was a little slower than last week's 9-threshold miles, but i uh, stopped to catch my breath quite a bit during that run and there was easy running mixed in between the threshold miles.

nothing exciting about today's easy run. the aches i had before taking thursday off have faded, but my legs don't feel too "refreshed". kept it slow and easy today though not sure if i should have gone for double digits; i got a little caught up in "making up miles" for taking a day off. i hope i have enough left for tomorrow's quality workout.

saturday (7/25) am run: 12.5 miles, 1:51:36 (avg pace 8:56), avg hr (153), 73*


  1. haha, i don't blame you for skipping the 3:30 wake-up...

    nice threshold run. that's a great pace! and two double digit runs in a row is impressive. i've never done that before but i actually might do it this weekend (14 today, 10 tomorrow). we'll see...

  2. The threshold workout is outstanding! Eventually, you are going to hit the pace you'd like, particularly if the legs are more rested! Glad you did not get up at 3:30am, that would have been earlier than Dean Karnaze wakes up (4:00am)! Ana-Maria

  3. 3am!! Ugh, i woulda hit the snooze button too -- but I wouldn't be doing a 15 day streak LOL.

    As always, a strong run, well done!!

  4. Hey, I got up at 3 a.m. this morning ... what is your problem? Just kidding. Hmmm. 7:29 pace for threshold. That's quite quick, Ms. (Soon-to-be Mrs.) L.

  5. Great job on the threshold run! Have a great run tomorrow!

  6. Yes, it's hard to do the early mornings when it's not a habit. I get up at 3am but don't start my run until 4 usually. A 3:30 start without an hour to wake up would be very hard for me.

  7. Slacker! I got up at 4 a.m today and was on the road by 5:30. However, my pace, as usual, was nowhere near as fast as yours. Guess I'm the slacker! By the way, I was properly hydrated today...LOL.

  8. Haha, on my days off, I'm the biggest slacker ever too. There's lots of ice-cream eating involved and lazin' around :)
    Amazing job on your runs though! Do you ever cross-train?

  9. I say if your body needs sleep sometimes you just have to go with it! Nice job on your runs. Good luck on your quality run tomorrow!

  10. OK, I can do a 4:30 wake up but 3:30 would be pushing it...

  11. Hey Lindsay...

    Threshold miles, ummm...yum...

    Although in your case, if the pace is too aggressive, you should do one of two things...slow down your threshold pace or do fewer threshold miles...make sure you build up to them...doing 8 of them is really alot this early in training. (For comparison, I have 10-miler with 5 threshold miles scheduled next week...I won't get to eight until the peak of training (week 11)...

    BTW, I published "the grid" on my post for your perusal (approval)...I know you wanted to see...

    Sleep is important too, so make sure you're getting enough...

  12. No way in hell would I have gotten up at 3am to do a run unless it was a race. Nice job on your 12-miler the next day. In sub-60 degs, you would probably have run the T-pace you wanted. I'm now going mainly by target HR zones when running in the heat to avoid overdoing things.

  13. I think sometimes you just need sleep :)
    Just to let you know I gave you the Lovely Blog Award, check out my blog to see it :)

  14. I've tried to run before work (I have to leave at 6:15am) but it never happens. That's just too early!

  15. Very nice running girlie!!

    I am proud of you. I ran 8 miles in 1.31.59. Just a tad slower than you huh? :O)


  16. I would say falling asleep at your desk is a sign that you need a rest day! Great job on the 12.

    Hope you are having a nice weekend.

  17. yeah, 3:30 is inhuman, no matter how used to running you are, in the morning or otherwise.

    your pace (easy) is still probably faster than my race pace. And 12 miles for a weeknight run is good. Really good!

  18. Girl, you're doing some serious running. And waking up at 3 am is simply against nature -good thing you decided to hit the snooze.

  19. Oh lordy, 3:30 a.m.?! I can hardly make it up for a race at that time, let alone a training run! And I still don't get how you function on such little sleep! I am a wreck if I get less than 7 hours! I think you must be superhuman or something ;)

  20. ekkk 3am is TOO early. i would have ignored too :) great job for getting out there friday afternoon! i know thats not an easy task.
