Thursday, July 30, 2009

sweet silver bells

with a "vacation" from my bff threshold this week, i hit the track wednesday for my mid-week quality workout. the motivation has been dragging a bit this week. i think it could be partly to blame on my very, very terrible caloric intake. i haven't been tracking my calories precisely, but i've been netting about half of my required amount every day once i subtract out cals burned (estimated). sigh. it's tough to eat when you're allergic to everything and work on a construction site in the middle of nowhere so there's no (healthy) food around.

anyway, back to the quality workout. my determination was severely lacking but i forced myself out the door and ran over to the track for 5x1000. ok ok, technically it was supposed to be 8. whatever, i did 5. i had trouble finding the pace on the first repeat, but easily settled in for the 2nd, 3rd and 4th. i almost held on in the 5th interval but came in a little over-pace. the "boost" from seeing my successful splits did not last long, so i brought back the old faithful tunes as i flung myself around the track.

yes, on a humid july 29th i was singing carol of the bells in my head as i ran lap after lap around the track. whatever works right?

wednesday (7/29) pm run: 8.1 miles, 1:03:15 (avg pace 7:48), avg hr (156)
5x1000 @ i pace (4:03) w/ 2 min easy (4:10, 4:01, 3:59, 4:01, 4:05)


  1. I'm having trouble with the calories too. I've tracked for exactly one whole day on The Daily Plate. It's pretty annoying and might actually keep me from eating so that I don't have to look it up in the system. Anyway, my one day is way under my needs.

  2. It's cool that I can track how many calories I burn during my runs, too bad I don't keep track of my calorie intake..

    5 intervals are still good, great job on that.

  3. Don't you wish someone could just give you a Star Trek food pill and solve all your calorie needs?

    Nice to hear you got a break from those threshold workouts. I ran 8 miles yesterday too but at a bit slower avg pace but much higher AHR. You are awesome!

  4. Whatever works is right! Great job out on the track. I can't wait for some low humidity days.

  5. Carol of the Bells?
    Haha, I completely understand having the whole annoying song mantra buzzing in my brain to keep a rhythm.
    Actually, today for me it was "Gimme More" by Britney, kill me now...
    Good job with runnninng!

  6. S'okay - Christmas in July, right? And you flung yourself around that track pretty damn fast!

  7. Nice job on the 5 intervals, speedy!! I really need to commit myself to tracking calories. I'd bet that i don't take in enough when I take off my calories burnt... probably not helping me much. :S Have a great weekend!

  8. As you saw from my blog, I'm having trouble with the calories too. (I read one of those puppies is about 1200 calories - not in cluding the cheese fries). Great job on the runs. I'm back home where I don;t have to deal with the heat and humidity. How do you do it?

  9. Ok so that is hilarious that you listen to that! LOL!

    Good work out speedy! Make sure you get those calories. You'll feel much better. I never seem to have a problem with getting enough...hehe

  10. running on not enough food is really tough! what kind of allergies are you dealing with? try to make sure that you stay on top of this; i know how hard it can be to get enough to eat if you have dietary restrictions and you're in a weird area where there aren't many choices, but i really try to make it a priority.

    awesome workout, as usual :)

  11. It must be the week for it! Calories and I are not being friends this week! Good run. Keep it up girl :)

  12. Wow, you are so disciplined, tracking calories and all. I just eat when I am hungry - somehow it ends up working out as I do not gain or lose weight. But, there are times when I get that "lowe energy feeling" and I know I need more calories. It makes good sense to keep track of them, I just don't have the discipline. Awsome repeats. Funny how we run the 1000m at the same pace, but you are overall faster. I keep thinking that FIRST has me work harder on the track compared to the long runs and tempos. Anyhow, awsome job. I bet you are not alergic to chocolate or Gu chomps, so no excuse about not enough calories (just kidding:) Ana-Maria

  13. Yes! Whatever works! Actually, now I want to hear that song!

    Nice track workout.

    Hope you can figure out the nutrition thing. It's hard enough with plentiful resources and no allergies!

  14. Not sure I'm ready for Silver Bells weather just yet, but maybe weather around a spooky Halloween story.

    Have a great weekend and EAT!

  15. Let's hear about those push ups girl. Brian dropped out!

  16. your getting faster!!
    nice job. keep it up.


  17. Dang girl, I don't know how you do those workouts on not enough calories! I probably wouldn't even make it to 2 repeats!

    And LOL regarding your choice of tunes! I'm dying over here imagining you running to that!

  18. its so hard to eat enough calories!! ive been trying really hard and can definitely tell when i dont. can you bring healthy stuff to work with you??

  19. Hmmmmmm...note to self: Add x-mas music to ipod so I can run fast like Lindsay.
