Monday, July 27, 2009

we got ourselves a game

week in review (7/20 - 7/26):
total miles: 65.10 (new mileage 'pr', didn't think i'd make it!)
time spent running: ~ 9 hours 20 minutes
avg hr: 156.17
avg pace: 8:41/mile (avg temp: 76.67*; i don't really miss running in 90*)
off days: 1

"the theory of evolution says ‘only the strong shall survive.’ maybe so. maybe so. but the theory of competition says that just because they're the strong doesn’t mean they can’t get their asses kicked."


  1. That is a whole LOTTA miles, Lindsay! Congrats on the insane mileage PR :)

    It's kinda early yet for you to peak for NYC, no? Does this mean you'll be doing more than the 65.10?

  2. Kick butt mileage! whooohooo! I like the quote at the end :)
    PS how's wedding planning???

  3. Love the clip!!! Way to rack up the miles!

  4. Awesome, Lindsay! Amazing mileage, and overall pace! I may try to up mine to 60 for Boston 2010...will see! Ana-Maria

  5. wow, 65 miles. that is my new goal.

  6. sweet video.
    i love how "passsion has a funny way of defying logic." damn, maybe we all have a chance:)

  7. Great mileage. You're my hero.

  8. 9 hours and 20 minutes of running? Holy smokes! Congrats on hitting a new mileage PR!!

  9. That is a lot of mileage. I think last week I only ran 15. Just gotta give me some time.:)

    Good job!

  10. Niiice on the mileage PR Lindsay! kicking butt and taking names as usual...good job girl.

    (btw - "they're", not "their"...sorry, I'm a grammar dork)

  11. That mileage is sensational! You need to convert it into kms so you can feel REALLY chuffed.

    Well done champ!

  12. amazing mileage, especially considering you took a day off! i can't wait to get my miles up there!

  13. Holy mileage! Nice job getting all those runs in. So impressive. Have you started any wedding planning?

  14. I bow down to my knees!
    Nice job!

  15. Great going, girl! Look at all those miles. You rock!

  16. Love that quote!

    Congratulations on the mileage PR! 65mi... do you have time for anything else?!

  17. Only one question - how do you do it? Having just fiished my first 50 plus week, I have no idea how you guys do it week in and week out. I bow to you!

  18. Lord almighty girl! I just looked that is more miles than I did this month!

    Hmmm,... maybe that is why I sucked on my marathon.

    Great job!

  19. The temperature are definitely better these days!

  20. 65 miles is GREAT! That's like a part time job. :o)

  21. woooo 65! nice job girlie :) that will be my peak!

  22. I love that quote. And i'm glad to hear someone else is a total wedding slacker :)

  23. Bice mileage and great ad' well apart from the hunting, but whatev!

  24. You're amazing, congrats on the mileage PR!!

  25. Funny that when I saw your post title, I was thinking about our mileage game...but since you're crushing me by so much already, do we even need to keep tabs anymore? Congrats!

  26. props on the mileage're crushing it out theer...

  27. Congrats on that mileage PR! 65 is my goal for this training cycle if I stay healthy enough.

  28. Whoa, that's 10 miles per day.
    Holy Effing Mileage!

    Have I missed ur training schedule plan? This is NYC build up, right? I'd be interested to know what u r plan is...

  29. Sweet video, I love your blog!

    Great job on your PR and mileage...I was just whining about my mileage today. Super job, you inspire me!

  30. Wow, that's some incredibly mileage! Nice job.

    The quote uses the classic distortion of theory of evoltuion. Darwin did not say that the "strong survive"; instead, it's those most capable of adapting to change.

    Still, the quote is inspiring!

  31. Wow 65 miles, that's awesome! I've never done that, my max is probably 45. But one of these days I'm going to do an ultra, and I'll be interested to see what happens with more mileage. Congratulations!
