Monday, July 6, 2009

toes in the water

week in review (6/29 - 7/5):
total miles: 64.55 (once again a tad short, but whatever)
time spent running: ~9 hours 11 minutes
avg hr: 155.2
avg pace: 8:37/mile (avg temp: 82.1*)
off days: 0

after a few long months working away-from-home, i had my annual summer/family vacation last week. you'd think i'd have had time to stay on top of things but i was too lazy to even google read most days, so i've left myself a bit of reading to do now that vacation is over. (google read or work? hmm.) vacation conveniently landed on what was to be the end of my time in kentucky (although possible unemployment loomed), but then as we all know i was extended and am still in ky. i did however get the heck outta here for 10 glorious days. i took my sweet time coming back today; even stopping to take a nap on the side of the road on the drive back up.

so last week was full of lounging on the beach and a little bit of running:

monday (6/29) am run: 7 miles, 1:04:07 (avg pace 9:09), avg hr (145), 81*
tuesday (6/30) pm run: 10 miles, 1:22:55 (avg pace 8:17), avg hr (161), 90*
wednesday (7/1) am run: 10.75 miles, 1:29:15 (avg pace 8:18), 77*
thursday (7/2) am run: 7.5 miles, 1:06:32 (avg pace 8:52), avg hr (158), 82*
friday (7/3) pm run: 5.05 miles, 44:45 (avg pace 8:51), avg hr (150), 88*
saturday (7/4) am run: 9 miles, 1:16:09 (avg pace 8:27), avg hr (162), 80*
sunday (7/5) am run: 15.25 miles, 2:07:22 (avg pace 8:21), 77*

the engagement occurred tuesday morning; so it's not like i held out on you all month until the monthly review, it just happened to fall in place with the recap. i'm used to getting up entirely too early for work, and had been getting up around 5:30ish for my runs anyway, but on tuesday morning when j came in to wake me up to "go take pictures of the sunrise" i was cranky. you know, too early to be getting up (unless you are going running of course, priorities!). when we were walking out to the beach he started grumbling about forgetting the remote for his camera that he bought specifically for this purpose (i'd previously mentioned wanting to have a photographer hiding and taking pics of the proposal as it happened). that was a bit of a hint 'cause even though i was half asleep i was thinking "why do you need the remote? just stand behind the camera". i just kind of wandered around, wading in the low-tide while he pretended to take pics of the sunrise (/trying to set up the timer since he forgot the remote). then of course he comes over, kneels down on the edge of the water, and then what do you know we're engaged. (no, i did not really say "why not", of course i said 'yes'!)

i love the beach and sunrises/sunsets so it was very well-thought out on his part, especially since he tried to also fulfill the "photographer requirement".

post-engagement i was no longer in the mood to go for my morning run. i blamed that on j and told him he ruined my run. (jk...kind of) i went back to bed for a bit, woke up again and told the fam the news, hung out on the beach all day and then got in a pretty good 10 miler that afternoon (in 90* no less). j biked along with me as my sag wagon; having water and g2 at my disposal is a big help.

sunday's long run was another quality workout day: 2 miles easy, 3 miles threshold, 6 miles easy, 3 miles threshold, 2 miles easy (pretty easy to remember this time). "threshold" was more like "goal marathon pace" but i am ok with knowing i at least pushed myself. i didn't have the easiest time getting myself out on the road sunday morning to do the workout, but i did get out there and work it.

i came down with a bit of a cold sunday afternoon and have been feeling pretty drained all day today as well. i am assuming it's just me being tired from all the running and taking things up a notch. hopefully it'll pass quickly...

hope everyone had an enjoyable 4th (or 1st, canadians) and huge thanks for all the congratulations! i'm so bad about making decisions/organizing things so this will be an interesting process... yes, brian, it will definitely be after boston/april because hello, i'm running that under my name! (one of my very few wedding "requirements") i'm told i have to run it again in 2011 under my new name as well though. i'm also (supposedly) no longer allowed to dance to beyonce's single ladies. we'll see about that. ;)


  1. See, I was feeling all big and bad after my 63-mile week and you put up 64. No, make that 64.75. And you were short for the week? What are you trying to run, 65? 70?

  2. I liked hearing your engagement story. That's funny that he bought a remote specifically for the purpose of capturing the proposal then forgot it! I guess life happens though...

    Now you'll have to go through all your races again with a new name. :-) See if you can beat your "old self."

  3. Congratulations!!!!! LOL that he ruined your run....that is something I would say!

  4. ok, i've been behind on my google reading lately...CONGRATS on the engagement!!! soooo exciting! i don't think i would be able to go running after that either. :)

  5. That's a good week of running.

  6. Great running,and you can totally still dance to Single Ladies... all be it with a smugness that may have been absent before!

  7. What a great week, running-wise and life-wise! Not sure if you're an iPod runner, but that Beyonce song is GREAT to run to ... just sayin' ...

  8. that's a great engagement story! amazing mileage, too. what were you aiming for? 64.75 doesn't sound short to me! also, what's your goal time for the marathon? just wondering because i've noticed that we seem to run pretty similar training paces.

  9. Great running week!!!

    And thanks for sharing the engagement story. I love hearing about proposals.

    You DEFINITELY have to run Boston under your name. No doubt!!!

  10. Sounds like a perfect proposal! Congrats again!! I love that you want to run Boston under maiden name, but again the following year under your married name. :)

    Awesome week of running, too!

  11. Sounds like a perfect proposal! Congrats again!! I love that you want to run Boston under maiden name, but again the following year under your married name. :)

    Awesome week of running, too!

  12. awww, how sweet. Kinda funny that he forgot the remote even having bought it for that moment. Too cute. glad you had some time at home :)

  13. A great engagement story! He's so thoughtful, & to ride along with you later on your run!!

    You can get married before Boston. Just don't change your name until afterwards. It's all just paperwork anyhow :)

  14. Glad you enjoyed your vacation! I look forward to reading about all the wedding planning. Hope you get out of Kentucky soon.

  15. love the engagement story. so cute and sweet.

    great job on your 10 miler. i need someone to ride next to me with water and G2. who wants to sign up?? ;)

  16. Great story! Now - you'l need to ask J in about 15 years the story of your engagement (men have a tendency to not remember that kind of stuff). My wife does it all the time just to embarass me.

  17. I love your engagement story!!!!!! :) :) :) :) :) That makes me so happy....guys are so cute sometimes :).

  18. Girl, I don't know how you do it 60 plus miles in a week. But you are Boston bound. I love engagement stories :) What a great one!
    Keep up the good work and don't forget your chocolate this Friday ;)
    You deserve it after all that running!

  19. Hahahaha you can totally still dance to Beyonce's Single Ladies lol I secretly love that song!

    Nice job on the awesome week of training and congrats again on the engagement!

  20. Great story Linds. Congrats again.

    And a helluva week running! Especially your post-engagement run on Tuesday in 90 degree temps and the Sunday long run. Solid!

  21. Great mileage and even better engagement story. I hope to see you in Boston!

  22. Wow, I don't know what to comment on first...the engagement story is very sweet, congrats again. Your running is so strong. 65 miles? Wow. And the pace on some of those long runs? Wow again. Youa re going to rock NY! Just don't forget to take a rest day here and there....Ana-Maria

  23. :) :) :) love the story <3

    AWESOME week girl! your miles are climbing on up! AND during vacation?? WOW.


    Congrats on being engaged too!


  25. I am so hAppy for u! And the ring is absolutely gorgeous tell j I said he did a great job picking it out. U do know u ran more miles on your vaca than most of us do normally?!

  26. I'm married and still love to dance to Single Ladies:) Congrats again on the engagement, it will be fun to follow you as you plan your wedding. I am loving G2 this summer, it's perfet on those really warm humid runs.

  27. nice job on your you not take any rest days? and thanks for sharing the engagement story, i always like hearing those...

  28. It sounds (and looks) like he picked a beautiful spot to propose. So cute, guys are so nervous!

    You really put up some impressive numbers last week too! You are definitely going to rock NYC!

  29. Man, girl - you sure rack up the miles!! Nice work!!

  30. Congratulations! May you long remember the sweetness of this moment, and may you have years and years of wedded harmony. I'm glad you're training him already to be your sag wagon. Water and G2 on a hot-weather 10-miler? Man, I need my guy to get out there soon. For now, I need his babysitting more, but soon. . . Congrats again, Lindsay.

  31. Such a sweet engagement story!!

    And incredible running mileage. I remember being quite exhausted when I used to do doubles and only topped out somewhere between 50-60 MPW (didn't blog or keep track back then). Glad you were able to get back home for a nice vacation.

  32. nice mileage! that picture is a beautiful sunset!

  33. Whoa mid 60's during a vacation week! You're turning up the heat now!

  34. Great engagement story! :)

    Great mileage too!

  35. Aww! Beautiful story. I love engagement stories. I am such a big. ol' sap!

    Lord, I don't even know what to say about your crazy mileage other than DAY-UM girl!

  36. Hahaha, all I can think right now is that if it were me, I probably would have been like, "Go take photos of the sunrise yourself. I'm sleeping here!" Perhaps that's why I'm not engaged yet? Ha. Nonetheless, congrats again--and GREAT running week! That mileage is HUGE!
