Thursday, July 16, 2009

losing my wisdom

the ol' blister is continuing along, not getting better but not getting worse. i guess i'll take it. the blister usually gets hard-ish overnight, but then when i run again it softens back up and often refills with juice. the past few days it hasn't gotten too re-juicy again so maybe it is on the mend. i did get an abundance of ideas from everyone (thanks!) that i will be trying out until i can successfully end this relationship with mr. blister. i did get 2 offers for blister-birthday-cakes though; so he just might stick around long enough for some cake.

stuart of quadrathon led me to fixing your feet by john vonhof, which gives many different taping/care ideas for all kinds of foot-blisters. andrew of downeast running recommended an epsom salt bath. sunshine mama gave me information on "bag balm" and some sort of wiggley-gel-pad, but it'll probably take me some time to locate this product (and it's technical name).

i also got a few suggestions for good ol' vaseline (mrblackmagic, marathonman), but i'm just not sure about goopy vaseline in/on my sock. do you cover with a bandaid or just let the sock soak up some vas? i suppose the same thing applies to body glide too, an idea from mel-2nd chances. all of these suggestions sound easy and pain free - something i can handle! i just need to remember to go buy tape and salt; i forgot to get some the other night when i was at walgreen's picking up some 'scripts. i did learn from "fixing your feet" that i probably "lanced" it wrong back then. apparently poking 90 holes is not the proper draining method.

not-so-running related, i've been having a jaw/tooth/mouth ache on the lower left side and popping a few ibuprofen's daily. luckily the one time of day it doesn't hurt is when i'm running. i mustered up the courage to check out a dentist here in the hills of kentucky (who turned out to be pretty normal, whew!). after a few x-rays and some poking around in my mouth, they couldn't determine the source of the pain. my upper left wisdom tooth is partially chipped/broken, but has never caused me pain (for whatever reason). they kind of pushed on getting my wisdom teeth pulled, saying that the upper tooth could be causing pain in the bottom. sure, i can get behind pain hurting in one spot while originating from elsewhere, but this tooth does not bother me in the least. the x-rays also didn't show anything major around this tooth other than the piece that is missing. i wasn't too thrilled that the only suggestion they had was getting my wisdom teeth pulled.

i had an appointment today with the oral surgeon to take new x-rays and get the 411 on sedation. he was pretty quick and short in explaining things, but the girl who went over the insurance info with me said he's pretty cautious and if there were any red flags he would've let me know. i'm sure we'll get along just fine as long as he does a good job, i don't feel the process, my sinuses don't get screwed up, and that nerve in/along my jaw doesn't go numb. minor details doc. he did say that the pain was not coming from my wisdom tooth, but instead from a tooth i had a root canal on before. terrific. i guess at some point he'll be re-doing that too. i tried asking if he could just put me under for 2-3 days so i don't have to deal with the post-op pain and nausea, but he didn't seem to buy into that idea.

granted i really only need to have one tooth pulled but i'm pretty sure i won't want to go back again later to have another 1 (or remaining 3) pulled. i read online that "as a rule of thumb, the younger the age of the person having the wisdom teeth extractions the less potential they will have for experiencing complications. studies have shown that the number of complications, related to both healing as well as the procedure itself, that occur in association with wisdom tooth extractions increases once a patient has passed into their mid to late 20's." (yeah, i'm 24. go figure.) i also read that if the dentist waits until the tooth’s roots have fully formed, the difficulty of the extraction will be comparatively more complex. oh guess who's roots are abnormally long? convenient, ain't it.

anyway, i'm being a big wimp, but i bit the bullet and scheduled the dreaded extraction appointment (all 4 teeth) for a thursday afternoon. i am most upset about missing my long run that weekend! you know that was the first thought in my head when they started talking wisdom-teeth nonsense -- how can i squeeze this in my training? ;-) i am hoping to only miss 4 days of running (friday-thru-monday), although chances are i will probably be stubborn and attempt an easy run monday. i've heard ibuprofen can cause difficulties when combined with running, but what about antibiotics and vicodin?

have you had your wisdom teeth removed? how did it go? (please feel free to refrain from telling horror stories!) :-D


  1. yikes, so sorry to hear what you've been going through with the teeth, and I'd be planning it around my runs/rides too! Good luck!!! I had mine out about 10 years ago. I don't remember it too much, thankfully :)

  2. Yikes...four?! That's so hardcore. You can handle it though. It can't be worse than the 2.5 hour run on the ' of luck!

  3. I still have my wisdom teeth so I can't help you there! My boyfriend had his wisdom teeth taken out and he said it took him a few days before he felt normal again. He was pretty well sedated with pain meds so he said it wasn't so bad. It bled quite a bit afterwards, but that was just normal (usually on his pillow).

    Don't worry, I'm a big wimp, too. I'm sure I'd freak out if that happened to me. In fact, I'd probably be scheduling around training just like you. Lol! Better to get it done now. You'll do great!

    ps. Offer for the cake's still on the table ;-)

  4. You know you're a runner when: you're more upset about missing a run after removing 4 teeth, rather than the extraction itself..:)

    Neat, I just turned 24! Anyways, I removed 3 of my 4 wisdom teeth about 3 years ago or so. They numbed my whole mouth, but right when they started the extraction (rocking the tooth back and forth), I thought I felt pain, so they gave me more novacaine. I don't think it was really pain, it was just weird that I could feel and hear the tooth moving as they were trying to pull it out. One of the teeth grew out sideways so they had to take it out in pieces. All in all, the process didn't take more than 10-15 minutes, but it was a terribly uncomfortable time. I hate going to the dentist..

    I remember being at home after, just standing over the sick constantly spitting out blood. That wasn't fun. But like Elizabeth said, it only took a couple of days to be back to normal. I'm really glad I don't have to worry about that anymore, I'm sure you'll feel the same way once this ordeal is over..

  5. I had 3 wisdom teeth pulled when I was 24. It wasn't too bad, but I got dry sockets and had to get them stuffed with this gross herbal cloth thing. But, that was only for a few days. No swelling or bruising or loss of feeling.

    Good luck. It isn't that bad. You'll be fine.

  6. whoa, 4! that is intense. you'll be fine, though. i'm sure it won't be too bad. i totally understand what you mean about your mind immediately jumping to the question of how much training you'll have to miss. i'd be the same way!

    i had my wisdom teeth out when i was 17 (6 years ago). actually, i was fine the day after! there was really no recovery period. the only thing that was weird for me was that i had trouble with the anesthesia and didn't wake up for eight hours (was supposed to wake up after 1 or 2) so they had to take me to the hospital. but i'm sure that won't happen to you. this is a problem i've had my whole life!

  7. I had mine taken out just a few years ago. I had to be put under because one had to be cut out. Apparently I came out of the operation claiming to be fine to get home on my own. I have no memory of that, and Meredith says I had blood coming out of my mouth. Staggering the 3 miles home all bloody would not have been my finest idea. :)

  8. Just have somebody with you so you can get home safe and sound. How are the hills in Kentucky?

  9. Good luck with getting the teeth pulled. I've never had mine done. Still got all four chilling in my mouth lol.

  10. Ick, no fun. I had mine yanked in high school. All four and they were below the gums, which meant stitches and all that jazz. I'm pretty sure I was 100% within a week. You should be okay in a few days. Will you have someone around to help take care of you during that time?? I'm worried about you all by yourself in KY!

  11. oh buddy i don't envy you. i had all 4 of my extracted when i was 17. it wasn't fun. however - i was out of school for about 2 days and then was back to normal. just make sure you follow the post procedure protocol and you'll be fine. it's no where near as tough as a marathon. ;)

    thanks for all the blister suggestions cuz i have a pretty sweet one on my arch. ouch!

  12. Hey, dentist procedures suck! But, you may actually be able to run. I had my wisdom teeth pulled a couple of year ago (in my 30th) and was fine and actually ran the next day. Also, I had a dental implant last year (much more intense procedure) and my oral surgeon told me it would be fine to run the next day (and I did, a 20 miler). So, just ask your doctor and see how you feel! Ana-Maria

  13. Yikes! Hopefully everything gets fixed!

    I am supposed to have my wisdom teeth out by now, but I just never got around to it. They don't hurt so I don't see a reason in getting them looked at...

  14. Hope your blister gets better, I had four teeth pulled at once when I was a you don't want horror stories...hmmm, I know I lost five pounds?
    It will be fine. Once your numb, you don't feel anything.I lost weight because you just can't chew very well until everything heals. Make sure to have some protein shakes or soup or something soft around afterward.

  15. yowsers, all that dental work sounds scary.

    i had my wisdom teeth pulled when i was 15 but it was really no big deal for me. i took one pain pill, slept all day and went to the movies with my sister the next night. of course, i'd had four permanent teeth pulled prior to that, so that might have helped.

    good luck! i think its completely an individual thing on how much pain you feel and how long your recovery will take.

  16. I had my wisdom teeth (all 4) removed back in the stone ages when I was 17. I had full anesthesia so I was a mess when I woke from that but, otherwise, it wasn't terrible. I had a good friend who worked at Ben & Jerry's at the time and he loaded brought over tons of ice cream and, if I remember correctly, that helped because I couldn't eat much of anything for a few days.

    Good luck!!!

  17. I had my wisdom teeth pulled when I was in my 20s. The oral surgeon pulled the top and bottom one of the left side first and four weeks later he pulled the ones on the right. It was done under local anesthesia and no big deal at all. After he did the ones on the left I had zero swelling and was able to eat a regular meal that evening. The ones on the right caused a bit of eye swelling on the first afternoon and evening (no pain though). It was gone the next day.
    Good luck!

  18. As you know, I just had the minor gum surgery done, as well as the permanent crown removal and temporary crown reinsertion done. I was on percocet and antibiotics. My advice is to not run for the first few days after you get that done. Tooth problems and extractions like what you are having done does a number on the immune system, and if you're going to get an infection, guess when it'll be likely to happen? And also how much more miserable that could make you feel.

    So, please, do allow your body to just work on repairing itself in your mouth after you have those teeth pulled. And don't go to work on Friday. Not to scare you, but your mouth could be kind of swollen.

    And you will want to be babied. Trust me. The running you do, it will not kill you if you don't run for 4 days.

  19. Yuck, that is no fun at all!! So sorry to hear about your tooth issues! But hey, look on the bright side--maybe if you are taking some time off recovering from the extraction, the blister will have some time to heal up, right? :) Feel better!!

  20. that would be my first thought too :)

    you will be fine!! i hope you heal fast though, some people are ready to go the next day, and others (like myself) take a few days. i got all four out at once too.

    I use body glide on my feet/blisters all the time... even vaseline would totally work, it soaks through the sock a little but not too bad. just keeps it from rubbing as much.

  21. First, with Vaseline/petroleum jelly, I just put it on and put on my socks. No band-aid or taping necessary. Don't put too much on, just enough to make your toe(s) slippery! My daughter had root canal done a few years back. The drugs during and after helped her a great deal. You'll be's no worse pain wise than all the running you do now.

  22. P.S. Congrats on winning Marlene's giveaway!

  23. Ugh. Sorry about the wisdom teeth. I had mine out under local anesthesia (not fully out. I do NOT recommend this) and it sucked for a little while and them it was fine. You will be fine. Just rest and let your body heal. I hate dental work and pain it is the worst for me, so i will be sending you good vibes for a quick surgery and recevery.

    Hang in there.

    Oh, and if Mr. 6th toe has any birthday cake left, I ma always down for cake ;o)

  24. Wow, where do I start with the teeth stories! Mine suck pretty bad. I've had a root canal done on every tooth in my mouth-that includes the wisdom teeth! My dentist (now retired thanks to all my cash over the years!) took really good care and was the best ever. It was hard when he retired, but I found a new one who is great. Having teeth pulled? I had all my upper teeth pulled 4 years ago now and had a upper plate made. I had 10 pulled at once, because anything over 9 would then be covered as "medical" for insurance payment. I brought my sister along for driving me home, but actually the oral surgeon I had was the BEST and I drove home just fine-all the while with a huge pad of gauze in my mouth to soak up the blood! All as healed and I am so glad to get rid of those damn rotten things-as you will too! At least you have just the wisdom's! BEST of luck to ya! Let me know how it goes!

  25. All 4 at the same time? Ouch! I've had all mine taken out, but one at a time and only with a local. One had to be cut out but they simply gave me extra shots, no need to be completely out (and I'm not great with having stuff done to my mouth). I did what Dave did after one of them, apparently a hilarious sight, I've no memory of that whatsoever... Afterwards I bit off one of the stitches so I'd say stick to soft foods for a day (ice cream - yay!) and make sure they give you anti-everything mouth rinse! Better to clean the mouth and hopefully avoid popping too many pills. But all in all it was fine (and I was 23), after the two top ones I didn't even need a single painkiller (and in fact ate crispbread the same night)... Quite disappointed I didn't need any nursing after actually!

  26. Interestingly enough, I had a similar situation last winter. I needed a root canal on my upper incisor (caused by my bike accident last summer), and it was causing pain in my *lower* jaw. Excrutiating pain. Once I had the root canal done and finished up my antibiotics the pain went away!

    And I was in my 30's when I had all 4 of my wisdom teeth extracted. Stangest sensation 0_ i was in "twilight" sleep - fully aware of what was going on, but I really didn't care!

  27. I had all of my wisdom teeth out when I was 18. I was basically out for the whole time, went home and dozed the rest of the day, went back to work the following day. I had little to no swelling and overall it was pretty easy for me.

    I could tell you the horror stories involving my friend's removal the same day with the same doc, but I'll refrain... just know that everybody will have a different response. Most of the time it's kind of crummy, but not super terrible!

  28. Blisters and bum teeth! Oh my! Unfortuantely, I can't give you any advice about extractions because I still have all 4 of mine. Every time I go to the dentist, she tries to persuade me to have them removed. But it seems like there is always something going on that I can't give up a weekend to be laid up for teeth being pulled. My time is so precious so I'd rather teeth rot in my mouth. Now that's attractive! LOL

  29. um, getting my wisdom teeth pulled was pretty...awful. Sorry Linds, no way to sugar coat it. It's pretty much gonna suck.

  30. I'm supposed to get my wisdom teeth out, and I've been making excuses for YEARS.

  31. Had em pulled when I was 16. I remember them putting a mask on my face, then waking up in a completely different room and seeing my mom reading a magazine. After about 15 minutes, I was on my feet, leaning on my mom as she dragged me to the car. I got a milkshake from McDonald's, but I couldn't use a straw for 3 days (something about sucking the blood out of the sockets).

    I had to sit around with a bunch of gauze in my mouth and my diet consisted of a lot of jello - which I threw up all over the couch on the first day. Otherwise, it was good.

  32. I've had my 4 wisdom teeth pulled at the same time ---and survived!
    Good luck!

  33. Sorry girlie --- having teeth pulled is no fun but you will rock it. And Lam is right can't be worse than that long run you did on the treadmill!!!

    Good luck!! Lots of smoothies for you!!!

  34. Not a horror story, but I did get dry sockets after I got my wisdom teeth pulled and they gave me pain for quite awhile. Also, the first meds they gave me made me all itchy. Good luck! At least a few days off will help that blister.

  35. I chose an oral surgeon who had never - repeat, never - had a patient acquire dry sockets or an infection following an extraction. Thanks to a combo of heavy-duty painkillers, gelato and orzo (the tiny pasta even babies can eat), my wisdom-teeth experience was pretty fabulous. Hope yours is just as painless (literally!).

  36. uhmmm, why r u getting all 4 pulled if they're ok? If the one is cracked, gonna b a future prob, then get it pulled. But why all 4?

    Someone else here comments that they too had an upper root canal lead to lower jaw pain. & yer doc confirms that situation... then I'd suggest getting that one tooth pulled. (I assume it's because the way the CN5 innervates the teeth.) Talk to the doc again because if the wisdom teeth arn't the source of the current pain, then u will still have that pain unless they fix the bad root canal culprit.
