Wednesday, July 1, 2009

june 2009

june 2009 - month #3 in kentucky. i was initially anticipating some serious chill time at the end of the month but my position at work was extended so back to ky it is. took advantage of having easy runs on the schedule and slowed down to avoid dying in the heat (ran in 90+ degrees a few times). running in such warm temps (80+) has been great training mentally because i know i can handle any temp and don't allow myself to wimp out of a run because it's "too hot".

total mileage: 200.19 (almost double june 2008!)
time spent running: 29:31:47
avg pace: 9:11/mile
days off: 3
avg resting hr: 52.33
avg max hr: 179.88
pushups: 1,113

oh yeah, j also popped the question. i said why not.


  1. Woo-Hoo! Congratulations! On your mileage and your bling!

  2. I love your, "Oh, why now?" attitude. I mean, it's not "like" anything serious right? :)

    Congrats girlie.

  3. Oh yeah?!?!?! Girl that is awesome. Congratulations!

    BTW - I know a lot of runners who like their shoes clean. I'm just not one of them. ;)

  4. Congatu-friggin-lations. Wow!!!

  5. Congrats Lindsay!!! 200 miles for the month - woo hoo!

    oh by way, congrats on the other thing. woo hoo. ;)

  6. Hooray! Congrats, I am very happy with you. A beautiful ring. :)

  7. congrats on toughing out a lot of mileage in the heat and the engagement as well!

  8. WHAT?! congratulations!!!

    lol and here i was thinking i was just clicking on another post about running ...

    nice ring!

    (and btw, 1000+ push ups? DAAAAAAAAAAAAMN ...)

  9. Nothing like saving the best for the end of the post!!!
    CONGRATS! Nice bling for sure!
    Oh yeah....nice mileage too and great job on the push-ups! I just started to do them with my feet on a step-frickin' killer sister!

  10. OMGGGGGG!!! I totally did NOT expect that LOL... I am like jumping around in my cubicle right now :) YAYYYYYY

    ok freak out over :) i get a little excited when people get engaged :)

    awesome job on the month too!

  11. Holy cow!! I was just about to scroll down and make some comment about having only three days off this month, when I saw THAT!! Seriously, my mouth dropped!!! That is SO AWESOME!! Congrats, Lindsay!!!!! Were you completely surprised? Yayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy

  12. oh wow!!! That's just awesome; congrats! Will you share the details of how he did it?

    congrats on the mileage too. I don't know how you can only take 3 days off of running and your shins dont come back and kick you in the face! You rock.

  13. Wow! Awesome month! 200 + miles + eye-catching bling! Congratulations, girl! This is reason to celebrate.

  14. AWWWWWWW, Congrats Lindsay!!! I'm so happy for you! LOL, why not. HAHA.

    Great job on June's mileage :)

  15. WOOHOO! J popped the question and you said "why not'? WOOHOO!!!!! Congrats girlie!!!

    And you only had 3 days off from running in June? You are freaking hardcore!!! I am impressed and in awe. Wish I could meet you!!!

  16. That's a lot of pushups. You may have Brian beat.
    Congratulations!!!! (on the engagement, not the pushups)

  17. AHHHHH!! That's GREAT!!! Yay! So happy!

    Love the ring -- so pretty :-)

  18. Oh wow! Congratulations on your engagement!!

  19. Congrats on the engagement, the ring is beautiful!!! Is there a story to the engagement/proposal? If so we need to know these things!!

  20. Omigosh...Lindsay...that's such awesome news...congrats.

    I can't believe you laid it out there like if he just asked you to run a few miles after work one day...LOL!

    Okay, now you have a wedding to plan, maybe I can sneak back into our little game...heehee...

    Seriously, big congrats to you and j!

  21. Congrats on the mileage....oh, and on the engagement, too:)

  22. Congratulations! So, the wedding is after the Boston marathon I take it? I'm surprised you didn't link to your "Put a ring on it" post.

  23. linds! congratulations. oh my goodness! so excited for you.

  24. Beautiful ring, and impressive hot-weather training! Nice that your impending nuptials come with a healthy dose of personal achievement -- the way it should be!

  25. Damn, that's better than any bling I ever got, running or otherwise! Congrats, Lindsay!

  26. Congratulations!! That is so awesome! Lovely ring...

    I've been having trouble getting onto your site lately, hence the lack of posts! Am looking forward to catching up on your news!

  27. WAHOO 200 miles in a month! Oh nice ring too ;-)

  28. Hey, I just found your blog. I love two things already: the quote about small things accumulating, and that you love dreaming big. Marathon running (specifically, qualifying for Boston) started as nothing more than a HUGE dream. And now I've run 5 of them, and Boston is going to happen this year, I know it!

    Looking forward to reading more.

  29. great mileage...can't believe you only took 3 days off all month....and congrats on the engagement...way to sneak that in there at the end of the post...

  30. The ring is beautiful!!! Congratulations!! I am very happy for you both.

    I agree running in the heat is a great mental workout.

  31. Congrats!!!! (On the ring and on your mileage of course!)Do we get a story (about the ring?)

  32. Oh yeah, btw, you're engaged????



    And only 3 days off from all of June? I feel like a SLACKER.

  33. I love how you just slipped that in so casually. CONGRATULATIONS!!! That's wonderful news and what a beautiful thing. Great way to wrap up the month. So happpy for you!

    Oh yeah, nice mileage too!

  34. You said "Why Knot?" ... awww, so romantic!

    C O N G R A T U L A T I O N S !!!

  35. You just got engaged, what a very nonchalant way of telling the blogosphere. Congrats!!!

  36. Oooh... pretty ring!

    "Why not?" That's funny... wasn't planning on doing anything else, so I may as well get hitched. ;-)

  37. OMFG! Congrats, Linds!! Weeeeee! That is so exciting! :)

    And here I was all impressed with your crazy mileage in the ridiculous heat! Little did I know that there was bling to come! Not a bad month at all ;)


    I have to second Irish--I was already impressed by your June '09 stats, and then you go ahead and one up yourself! I'm so happy for you :)

  39. Wow I am sooo behind on my blog readings I missed the good news! Congratulations!! :))))!!

    Love your new blog design as well!

  40. CONGRATS on the big news!!!

    I think my husband said the same thing when I popped the question. And I hear ya on the benefits of heat training. If it doesn't kill ya, it makes ya stronger!

  41. oh, la la la, by the way YOUR ENGAGED!!! :) how fun! congrats :)

  42. great month! and congratulations! :)

  43. How awesome! Congratulations! I wish you all the best! :-) xoxoxoxox

  44. Awesome ring! Congrats!

  45. OMG! Woop woop! Gorgeous ring! :)

  46. Lindsay!!!!! Congratulations!!!!!!!! Beautiful ring. I am so happy for you!

    Oh yeah, nice mileage too!
