Wednesday, July 8, 2009

babying a head cold

i'm still trying to shake the last of this cold that intruded my immune system sunday. my nose ran non-stop monday and tuesday with a few hundred sneezes in between, and i felt tired/groggy overall. i felt obligated to run monday so i ran a short, easy 5 miles. usually running through a cold helps me feel better, but i didn't get any 'boost' from the run. after working and sneezing all day tuesday, i was feeling run-down so i took the day off and went to bed at 8pm. i probably need to work on getting more sleep in general since i have to be out the door by 5:30am in order to get to work on time. yes, aren't you jealous.

today (wednesday) i woke up still sneezing, but felt much less groggy. after work i headed out with the intent of doing my second quality workout of the week: 5x1000 at interval pace (4:03) followed by 6x400 at repetition pace (1:30).

welllllll. the cold cooperated, but my stomach/bowels definitely did not. i only got in 3x1000 before having to ditch the workout. i had driven to a high school track between work and home, and the facilities were locked (they were pretty run-down anyway) so i had to hop in the car and drive (quickly) to take care of things. i rushed over to the nearby park where i run sometimes, thinking i'd just resume the workout after a quick pit stop (the park is off a big highway and isn't close enough to run to, nor did i know of any public bathrooms nearby) the break was too long and my legs were throwing a temper tantrum when i tried to pick it up again. i knew i'd have to take a dnf for today's workout. i ran easy for a little bit and called it a day. sigh, not doing so well at these quality workouts already. :-/ only 33 more to go.

the 3x1000 i did get in went well though - 4:02, 4:02, and 4:01, but it still would've been nice if i could've finished the stinkin' workout. oh well. at least my nose finally found a plug.

Pushing the Limits July 2009

i jumped in runningbetty and rundmt's pushup challenge for july, and completed week 6/day 3 today after my piddly "quality" day. 274 pushups, killer. so technically i should be able to do the 100 later this week/weekend and (hopefully) fulfill my goal of beating brian at something. :-p we'll see.


  1. Good to hear you gave in and went to bed for some much needed rest!
    Are you doing those push-ups with your feet on a step??? Let me tell ya, THAT is killer on the titties for sure! But it does "perk" 'em up just a touch!

  2. Running through a cold? Pretty hardcore. And I totally suck at speed workouts. I'd rather run hills than even think of doing repeats. Lol. I hope that you really start to feel better soon. Your push-up post reminded that I need to start doing those again. I'm such a slacker :-P

  3. Sounds like you outlasted the cold, it's definitely not fun to run while your nose is running at the same time! It looks like you would have completed the workout fine if not for the external circumstances. Keep running, and feel better!

  4. Yikes about being sick, but glad you are better. I am sure you'd have rocked the intervals had your body cooperated. I have been known to go in the bushes a couple of times - those intervals really get your system going! It's so early in the training, that it does not matter that you did only 3 intervals! I absolutely hate push-ups, though a trainer once told me that they are the utmost fitness test! Get well! Ana-Maria

  5. Summer colds are never fun. Glad you were able to make it to a bathroom!! Great job this week showing the cold who is boss.

  6. Sorry to hear you're not feeling well. Speed work with stomach issues = not so fun. At least you got in a few repeats! And tons of push-ups. I started the 100 push-up challenge in the fall but I got bored with it and never finished. I kinda regret that because I'd like to be able to do 100 in a row and right now I can only do about 60 without taking a break. Maybe I'll start back up...

  7. You're doing great, even with the cold. I would have just curled up and gone to sleep!

    Kudos to you.

  8. Holy push-ups, girl!

    Bummer about the tummy/bowel problems getting in the way (that has been happening to me entirely too much lately, argh) but way to nail those 3 1000s!

    Hope you're feeling 100% soon.

    Did you say 5:30?! :/

  9. Yeah, you probably need a little more rest, especially now that you're doing high quality workouts. Your body needs to recover!

    Glad you are feeling better!

  10. Sorry to hear you've been feeling bleh! I can't imagine being out the door at 5:30 a.m. I don't even wake up until 6!

  11. Brown bear attacks suck! I had one this week and had to jump into the woods. Luckily it was 6 AM and no one was out!

  12. you still got 3 of those intervals in and nailed those! not a complete loss! i hate hate hate stomach problems, ESP during speed workouts. gah. hope you are feeling better soon!!

  13. you gotta rest sometimes. listen to your body.

    hopefully you are feeling better today.

    i may get sucked into that pushup thing. good for you on doing them. i don't know if i can commit. :)

  14. Man, your body seemed to be fighting off things at all ends! ;-) Sounds like some extra rest was needed. I'm sure you'll get into a groove with the quality work soon enough.

  15. I loved reading about your run. You're the second running blog I've ran (no pun intended)into. I run too, are you training for anything?

  16. Hi I hope your feeling better! Good call on dnf the workout. And good call on getting to bed early!! Rest is sooo important!!!

    Good luck with the pushup challenge!!!

  17. Ugh head colds are the worst although bad tummies are a close second!

  18. I want to be able to do 100 pushup! I am starting this :) Have a great weekend! Hope you are feeling better :)

  19. I would yell at you to take it easy, but you know I'd be out there trying to run while sick anyway. At least this is happening early in your training cycle.

  20. You might just have me in the pushups. I've totally been slacking on that!
