Thursday, January 28, 2010

crack cocaine

we've been here before.

my name is still lindsay, and i am still an m&m-aholic.

this morning i justified stopping at the gas station on the way to work to buy m&m's because "it'd be cheaper than the vending machine" (and i also needed to stop and get breakfast). of course i ended up not getting any breakfast and buying more m&m's than i would have from the machine. i didn't realize until later in the day that the m&m's are actually cheaper from the vending machine, "oops".

two "food" related posts in a row, i know! that's because my running is not going so well this week. my asthma flared up on me while sitting at my desk near the end of the workday and running doesn't go over too well with that so i took (yet another) day off. le sigh. i'm a little concerned that it flared up for no apparent reason. i had an attack in october '08 from an allergic reaction to a pet rabbit, and had otherwise been asthma-free up until about three weeks ago. today was the third flare-up since then. let's get it together lungs.

with another night off from running, i whipped up more fresh veggies and claimed "i'll do some pushups and abs later" (i'm still waiting on "later" to get here, for the record). as i was catching up on my severely backlogged google reader, i kept thinking about how hungry i was how i "needed" some dessert. my mind flashed to the convenient store across the street and it's stock of medium (12.60 oz) sized bags of m&m's. as if i needed to talk myself into that one! i bundled up, walked over and scooped up my fix. i was too busy hurrying home to indulge, i didn't have time to stop and turn any tricks on the corner. hopefully my remaining runs for the week will go smoothly - i need the mileage and i need to burn off all these m&;m's!

they say that the first step in overcoming addiction is admitting you have a problem. i just don't know that i consider this a "problem"?

***disclaimer: i have never tried crack cocaine, any other illegal drug or "turning tricks", nor do i ever plan to. i did have d.a.r.e. in school you know (drug abuse resistance education). m&m's are just similar to drugs, except no one has ever overdosed on them as far as we know.


  1. beautiful picture. I'm still working on one for you though.

    M&M's sound so good right now. Hope you're asthma resolves itself.

  2. I can think of worse addictions...and because your problem involves sugar, I can't discourage you. Sorry, I cannot attend your intervention. I'll sneak you some M & M's though!

  3. This post really makes me want M&Ms.

    I'm sorry about your recent asthma attacks. They're so frustrating! I hope you can figure out why it's acting up.

  4. Sorry the asthma is flaring. Ugh m&ms...I've definitely OD'd on them. How can you not?

  5. I'm a cookie monster myself. Damn those sweets and all their goodness!!! After Gasparilla when I head up north to visit Spike I plan on eating Reese's Peanut Butter cups up to my eyeballs! :)

    I hope that asthma clears up. Girl you are just a mess lately! WTF?!?!? :(

  6. Bummer about the asthma, hope it clears up soon! You are too funny with M&Ms for breakfast! No worries, though, a bag of M&M's may not be as nutritious as a healthy breakfast, but calorically it is not that bad!

  7. hahaha ohh goodness, this really made me laugh. ice cream is my own personal vice and i also live across the street from two convenience stores that stock my beloved ben & jerry's. disaster!

    what a bummer to have to deal with your asthma just showing up out of the blue. hope your lungs stop failing at life soon!!

  8. Plain M&M's, peanut, peanut butter, or almond? Ha ha on the "Turning Tricks" I do believe red M&M's cause cancer! Be careful!!

  9. Maybe your running helped the asthma stay away for so long.

    M&M's, really? I'll usually go for a candy bar instead but they seem to have the pull on you. Don't fight it, indulge.

  10. Is that picture from M&M world? (i've seen the one in times square so that looks very familiar.)

    The post title is funny, since when the mint M&Ms were available around the holidays, I had said they were "like crack" as I polished off the bag in less than 2 days. Thank god they arent available year-round :)

  11. I'm addicted to peanut butter and chocolate chip cookies. When I think of M&Ms, I always consider which cookies I can put them in.

  12. I graduated from the "Just Say No" program in school... yet I can't say no. Just cause it is an inability to say no to addictions they didn't discuss, doesn't mean that I don't have a problem! :-)

    Hope you can get to the root of your asthma troubles. Sometimes random things can cause flare ups... even stress. Are you feeling extra tense or overwhelmed?

  13. I hope your asthma gets better. It's very frustrating.

  14. You see, I think the lack of exercise goes hand in hand with your m&m addiction. It's like if the body can't run, it has to find some other way to release all that addictive energy. How's that for psychology!

    So do yourself a favor and go for a run next time you feel the cravings...but just bring an inhaler!

  15. New follower! I can't believe I hadn't found you before! You and I share a very dear and near addiction. I used to be into M&M's, but I've advanced to bigger belly bombs. Currently my obession is a Cadbury Egg (or 3) ... in fact, there is one sitting in my cupboard right now, beckoning to me. I'm gonna go eat him.

    Ditto on the asthma. Luckly mine has never made a random appearance like that. Mine is the exercise induced kind. Perfect for a runner, right?

  16. Oh goodness, I about drooled on my keyboard after setting my eyes on that fantastic row of m&m-y deliciousness.
    I heart m&ms too. We CAN get through this, Lindsay!

  17. My addiction are cofee, and rock'n'roll.

    I don't eat M&M's never,jejejeje

    Enjoy your meals!!!

    From Spain


  18. Isn't it amazing how strong the urge gets that we actually get off the couch, put on clothes to go out in cold weather to pick up a bag of candy??!!!
    I'm no saint, I've done it many times! Even while on a completely "full" belly! UGH!

    Good luck with calming down the asthma, any questions-just send 'em over to your friendly blogger respiratory therapist!

  19. All I have to say is that I want to go to that M&M store; oh so pretty. It looks like heaven!!

  20. Carmel filled hersey kisses= my crack.

    I actually don't like M&M's...when I was little, I was very sick with ear infections a lot and the medicine was AWFUL- my mom used to send the medicine with 4 M&M's two for before and two for after. As an adult, whenever I eat M&M's I am reminded of that medicine.

  21. oh, I am feeling this post. my sweet tooth will not quit lately. I ate a brownie for breakfast (which is worse because I went through the effort to make them, knowing full well what would happen).

    I hope your asthma clears up! what all are you allergic to?

  22. YUM, M&M's! I could so go for some right now.....

    Sorry to hear about the asthma acting up. I really hope it doesn't become a problem! Breathe in, breathe out... what's so hard about that? Jeez!

    Have a great weekend!

  23. LOL! They melt in your mouth not in your hand!!! I've got the same condition!

  24. Do you have inhalers for your asthma? I have both albuterol and advair. I don't find the albuterol to be all that useful. The advair, however, allows me to continue running when I'm having a flareup. If you don't already have it, you might want to ask the doctor about it.

  25. My name is Tony and I too am a M&M addict. It's been 10 days since my last M&M. They are so delicious and so tempting.

  26. Hope your lungs will get it together soon. M&M addiction? I say go for it. My addiction is coffee all day. I know if I cut out at least 2 cups, I would be more successful losing those last 20 pounds. Its not really the coffee, but the sugar and creamer I put into it.

  27. No, don't break up with M&Ms! Good luck with that asthma. SOunds scary.

  28. Sorry to hear about the asthma flare ups I hope your lungs get their act together!

  29. I die for MMs. I adore them. And can't buy them as a result. Because once I start there is no stopping me.

  30. Oh.....Im a wreck if I dont have my Sour Patch Kid fix. I completely understand your "problem!"

    Do you normally have the normal m&ms or the flavored ones? (I hear they are coming out with coconut! Mint is amazing too....)

  31. i'm with you...i could eat m&m's at every meal of the day....

  32. You are way too funny about your chocolate. What kind of m&M's are your favorite? I kinda like the peanut ones.

  33. Once I start with M&M's you might as well get out of my way because I will eat all of them. It's best if I just don't start.

  34. I usually get tired of having the same candy so I like to switch things up. That truly is an addiction!

    I'm still waiting to start the #100pushups program...

  35. My name is Rick, and I too am addicted to m+m's. Damn the mother I work with who keeps bringing in the fundraising box full of them, and puts them in our staff room next to the coffeemaker. Plus they're only a dollar, and the $$ goes towards her cute little blonde daughter's fundraiser for I don't know what! Oh, and it's not fair that whenever I go to CVS to pick up my prescription that I somehow walk down the candy aisle entering and leaving the store. I think they deliberately have the pharmacy in the back of the store, and EVERY aisle is a candy aisle. So that of course means I have to buy the bag of m+m's that's the size of Texas, and justify eating them by saying I'll "run them off."

  36. If you have dark chocolate M+Ms they are totally healthy.

  37. I'm a big peanut m&m fan. And you just reminded me that I haven't had any in months. I usually keep a large bag on hand. I'm trying to get out of that though.

  38. I just found your blog, but you had me with m&ms. My co-worker and I have a dangerous obsession. It goes away, but it always comes back. Hope your asthma calms down!
