Sunday, January 17, 2010

straight to the point

not feeling wordy, so here's a quick look on last week:
  • great threshold run on tuesday - 4mi at 7:04 average.
  • watched all of lost - season 5 in three days.
  • had random emo breakdown thursday, got some m&m's instead of running (skipped 800's workout)
  • broke the storm door to my (ky) apartment by walking into it. apparently i didn't see it there. enjoyed being "just a renter" and not having to fix it. :)
  • drove home eating more m&m's friday, no running again.
  • finally took down christmas decor at (sc) home.
  • wished many times i could make plans further out in the future than 5 days.
  • finally let my mom take me wedding dress shopping. no, we didn't buy anything; i didn't even try any on. most likely going to have one custom made. thankfully mom is ok with my random ideas/wants. she vetoed the plunging-neckline-all-the-way-to-navel style we saw at one store though. darn it!
  • no real long run, sadly - 9.1 on saturday and 10.25 on sunday.
  • two days off during the week + slacking on the weekend long run = short on miles for the week. :-/
  • but, my avg pace was 11 secs/mile faster if that counts for anything.
week in review (1/11 - 1/17):
total miles: 36.85 (avg temp 44* f)
time spent running: ~ 5 hours 18 minutes
avg hr: 163.80
avg pace: 8:34/mile
off days: 2


  1. Sounds like a good week to me!

  2. Are you actually training for anything in particular at this point? If not then it was a fine week. No point in burning yourself out without a specific goal in mind. You're doing plenty to stay fit.

  3. Yeah Lindsay... what are you training for? Boston or something? :)

  4. I love list format!!! Sometimes even the most talkative (like me!) don't feel wordy!

    Btw- M&M's instead of running is sometimes just necessary!

    And just for laughs, my word verification is TRUDICE (makes me think of tru dis and I am cracking up!).

  5. You know 37 miles is still a good week.

  6. I had a problem of not seeing a door and walking into it once before... except it was a glass door.

    Sorry you had a rough day on Thursday, hope the M&M's helped.

  7. yay lost! i plowed through season 5 pretty fast but you def have me beat with the 3 days thing haha. ahh such a good show.

    nice threshold run! and m&ms > 800s like, 95% of the time :)

  8. I had my wedding dress made, too, mostly bc I did not want the traditional white. Did not feel that pure... It's funny bc this week my tempo is 4 miles @ 7:04! We must be training for the same pace:)

  9. This comment has been removed by the author.

  10. M&Ms...yum!

    I'm always impressed with your weekly mileage. You've got a lot going on and the rest was probably great for your body and mind. I hope you're feeling better.

    I can't believe that your mom vetoed the plunging neckline?!? You should have tried that one on.

  11. I've been considering getting "Lost" from Netflix and watching it from the beginning. Great job on the threshold run-I'm short on my miles for the week a little too. Who cares right. PS-my Christmas wreath is still on my front door!!

  12. You still put in some good miles for an 'off' week. Hopefully this week will be better with less need for M&M's.

    Speaking of which.... I had an M&M party in your honor at Disney. They had all those crazy colors and you got to fill a plastic cone so I made a pretty pattern of colors and ate them all while thinking of you. :)

  13. Mom said NO to the plunging neckline? She better not veto the awesome bridesmaid dresses you already picked out, because they are awesome. :) J

  14. you still run farther in one week than i do all month....

  15. Did she veto this?

    (Confession: I just went to google and put in "tacky wedding dress.")

    Also, I tend to think doing a 9 and a 10 in a row makes up for a lack of a long run, provided you don't do it every week of your cycle. Everyone misses a couple, and if they don't? They are professionals, freaks or liars. ;)

  16. I actually like the bullets. It let's the eyes naturally move along and makes the points seem more relevant.

  17. Sounds like a great week to me at least. Hope this one brings you much success and good vibes. Way to go on watching Lost. I just watched all of the first season of TruBlood. lol

  18. Great threshold run, I love those...they are great for confidence! No wedding dress? Sometimes it's fun to just see what's out there first! You'll find the perfect one! Nice job easing back into running.

  19. Wow the entire season 5 in 3 years. It's nice having the whole season there instead of waiting week after week.

  20. Nice threshhold run pace. I'm envious of that and the M&m's, but not the breakdown. Hope you're feeling better.

    No plunging neckline?!? You should show us a picture.

    Hey, it's a good week for the middle of January.

  21. Nice average pace. It is nice to see the M&M's didn't slow you down. Keep eating them:)

  22. Ha ha! I've walked into storm doors before, too. Slick.

  23. I sorta miss being a renter and not having to fix everything that gets broken.

    Thanks for posting your weekly recap and reminding to start wearing my HRM again.

  24. Why did she veto that dress? Weird. I think you should have gotten it!!!

  25. Best of both worlds???? Eat M&M's during the run!!! DUH! That's what I do! For some reason, the browns ones are my favorite while running-not sure why or if it's even something I should worry about!
    BTW......kettlebells burn 1200 calories an hour, which is equal to running a 6-minute mile! You should switch! 20 minutes of KB's and your ass would be kicked!
    Just saying!.......

  26. Looks like a great week of running!

    We are going to Hawaii for our honeymoon- I figure I can say that online, it's a big state haha :)

  27. That's so fun that you're getting your wedding dress custom mad. I can't wait to see pics of you in one day! Lol at you running into the door, but sweet that you didn't have to mess with fixing it.

  28. Wedding dress shopping huh? I've missed alot! :) Love the bulleted format. I have to say a 37 mile week is still really good. Don't beat yourself up. And those M&M's are good for the soul!

  29. hehehe i love the inclusion of m+ms!!!!!!! nice- solid week with solid mileage. even though you sound a little down about some of the days you still ran almost 40mpw! get those 800s this week :)

  30. Hey there! I'm usually working my ASS off for a 37 mile week! Don't sell yourself short!

    Elastic waistbands used to be my best friends.

    Oh - and about California being runner friendly? You can thank master planned communities for that. As long as we don't want to paint our houses some color other than earth brown, or put on a roof that the association won't approve everything is cool!

  31. Nice threshhold run! Great pace!

    We just did the same with Weeds

  32. Thanks for making it short, sweet, and easy to read. It helped me catch up on commenting on your blog and everyone elses that I'm behind on! 37 miles in one week = pretty much my entire month of January mileage. Great job as usual, Lindsay.

  33. ooooo, custom made wedding dress??? that's awesome! :)

  34. Wedding dress shopping and M&Ms. Fun week!

  35. When is your next race? Having an upcoming race will definitely motivate you enough to run. I understand that sometimes you just don't want to though. I'm looking forward to at least a day off after my half this weekened.

  36. Well I think you covered the gamut of things to do in a week. Everything from walking into a door to wedding dress shopping! I love that one of our tags is "m & ms" LOL

  37. Ah! That's the kind of bride I was...all the planning happened in the last week. And the wedding dress was the last thing on my mind!

  38. I can imagine, it would be nice to be able to plan further ahead than 5 days. I pray for the time in your life that it will become more easily workable. Congrats for starting the wedding dress shopping, it's always good to get a lot of ideas in mind.

  39. Really? No neckline all the way to the navel? Too bad..!!

    A 10 miler would be a long run for me at the moment. Oh well, every once in awhile you need an M&M week!

  40. Loved the bullet points!

    Any chance you are going to rock the Saucony's as you walk down the aisle?? Or will mom veto that too?? :)
