Tuesday, January 5, 2010

taking on 2010

yes, i know i'm practically a week late but i was busy enjoying my two week break from work over christmas/new year's and wasn't in the mood to spend time on the computer. anyway, i need to get these out there and start crossing things off!

running/fitness goals
  1. run 3 marathons, for real this time. i really need to knock off some non-east coast states!
  2. pr in at least 3 distances again. some stretch goals - marathon sub-3:20, half sub-1:30, 5k sub-20... we'll see.
  3. do 5,000 abs and 120 minutes of planks. i figured if i dangle some numbers in front of me i'll be better at doing abs this year. :) surely i can stick to this, it's only 50 days of doing 100 abs and 120 days of doing one plank.
  4. lose 15 pounds. trust me, i need to.
  5. beat my '09 miles (2025.10)

non-running goals
  1. get some stamps in my passport. i never got around to jumping the border in '09 :(
  2. figure out how to plan my wedding and be a good maid-of-honor for my best friend's wedding. (aron i probably need your expert advice!)
  3. pay off a solid chunk of the mortgage. it'd be super sweet to pay off 20% of what i still owe, but that's a good, intimidating chunk of change. i just want to make a good dent. (i had trouble thinking of a finance-related goal so mortgage it is). talking about a mortgage makes me feel like quite the boring 25-year-old. as i type this out i can't believe i am committing to this - it's a lot of moolah! ...and i just broke off my "g" key. awesome.
  4. continue to spend quality time with friends/family. after spending '09 in hotels/towns with no friends around, the value of these relationships grew exponentially. i need to not-suck at picking up the phone and using it. (sorry friends!)
  5. renovate the master bathroom. this involves a complete gutting, lots of tiling and painting, and a new vanity and toilet.
so there they are, 10 goals for 2010. of course i have no idea what lies ahead in the coming months, which is even more apparent after 2009 completely threw me for a loop with the work assignment. hopefully i will be able to continue striding towards each of these goals no matter what hurdles come my way. here's to a healthy and speedy 2010 for all!


  1. Those are good goals and good to work towards even if you don't accomplish them all. At 25 I probably didn't know what a mortgage was.

  2. Nice goals, Lindsay! I like the one about spending more time with family and friends. I never regret those moments with family! Our running time goals are exactly the same...let's go for it this year!!

  3. LOVE the goals...esp. the 5,000 abs one! Hahaha, yeah the way ya put it isn't intimidating to accomplish at all... :P

  4. Awesome goals. I'm confident you can get them all.

  5. Lindsay,
    Great Goals. I wish you the very very best at succeeding in all of those. You will commit to every single one, if I know any better, especially after seeing your accomplishments of last year. Get gazelle intense. lol. Have a good one. I look forward to seeing your progress as we push each other on. Go! The light can not get any greener.

  6. How about making the Cellcom Green Bay Marathon one of your "non-east coast" marathons?????? I'm doing the half-we'd have a blast. Of course you'd be back at the finish line before my slow ass passes, but just save me a diet dew for when I come through! It's May 17th (or 16th, can't remember off top of my head!) You get to run through Lambeau Field-that's big time "hallowed" ground in these parts!
    Just something to think about.

  7. It looks like you have a great list of goals lined up. You are very wise for 25 and I am super jealous that you have your own house! Also, I should probably try to not suck at the phone too this year!

  8. Great goals for 2010, I am sure you'll reach them all :)

    Spending time with your friend sand familly is always a really good goal!

  9. I like the fact that you have 5 running and 5 non-running goals. That will keep you balanced.

    Good Luck in 2010!

  10. Awesome goals (with maybe the exception of losing 15 pounds...it would have been a near miracle to run a 3:33 marathon and a 1:34 half if you needed to lose weight)! I love the PR goals! I also want to break 20 min in the 5K and 1:30 in the half. I still need to figure out how to actually run a decent marathon though. Anyway, can't wait to read about all your 2010 adventures!

  11. BIG goals but you can do it!!! :)

  12. Sounds like a great bunch of goals. Wish I could set some "fun" goals like that.

  13. Love the goals and even if it was boring I think the mortgage one is a good one! You'll thank yourself later!

    As for marathons, I'm already looking at #3 and it's in October and not on the coast... you in??? :)

  14. Way to set your goals. I am sure you will accomplish all. While I am excited to see how the running goes and all the new PRs, I can't wait to hear about the wedding plans!!! Exciting stuff.

  15. I think paying off 20% of your mortgage is a fantastic goal.

  16. Those are some solid goals. Way to go, girl! 5000 abs??? I am hurting all over, just thinking of them. Happy healthy New Year to you!

  17. Ooo....as far as non east coast: I know I'm toying with Chicago as a fall marathon, though I'm not sure if I can afford it. I did the RNR half out there this year (since I was in in Chicago for work!) and after getting an idea of the general area I put it on my must list ;p Fast course, fun city, most of the hotels within walking distance...seems good to me! Plus its on 10.10.10. That's gotta be a good sign, RIGHT?

  18. its time to come to cali for a marathon!!!!! we have many to choose from :)

    awesome goals!! i love the number for the abs - i have the hardest time doing them too but maybe that would help by counting them? cause you know we are both numbers freaks.

    just let me know... i am a MOH again so i am becoming a pro at it :) haha - any ideas, advice, etc feel free to email me!

  19. These are some great goals. I keep meaning to set some non-running related goals...so far, well, you read my blog

  20. This is so cool. I want to do it too. The whole idea of committing them to paper and saying them out loud, I believe, will help you stay focused. This way they seem more concrete.

    Those are great goals running related and otherwise. I'm excited for you about the sub 20 5K and 1:30 half...probably because I don't intend to run a full marathon this year but those other distances I will run.

  21. Great goals! You'll get 'em!

    I hope your work is a little saner this year :-)

  22. Ok, I'm writing to tell you that I'm officially stealing #3 in your running goals. That's such a great idea. Also, weight loss - I'm with you! I started losing weight about a week ago - I was at 146.6. I'm about 3 lbs down... The big goal to get back to where I was last year - 127... but I'll be happy with 130 :)

  23. You're more than welcome to stay here if you want to do a Kansas City area/Eastern Kansas marathon.

    Those are lofty goals girlie...but if you set your mind to them...you'll have no issues!

  24. 120 minutes of planks is a great idea. Never thought of that. Maybe I'll do that one with you. Do side planks also count? Planks during Friday ab class? Planks on a BOSU or ball? Planks on palms? I need some rules and regulations! Off to Disney to cheer on B this weekend. Will be frigid!

  25. Great goals!!! A sub 3:20 sounds truly amazing, I cannot fathom. Good luck!

  26. With your PRs in the full and half marathon, sub 20 in the 5k should be easy... just gotta do more speed training. Like your blog, by the way. :)

  27. Happy New Year!
    We have similar running goals, except for the 1/2, thiis is the toughest distance for me! Good luck!

  28. Great goals!! Wow you are speedy speedy!

  29. You've got some great goals for 2010. I totally agree with you on the one about being better about calling your friends. I struggle with this all the time. I love them but just hate talking on the phone. Your race time goals and mileage goals are amazing you speed woman!

  30. I love the passport goal. I haven't been out of the country since my honeymoon.

  31. Sub 1:30 half!! You are a SUPER rockstar! When I do that I'm retiring. I can't see where you would lose 15 pounds but if it truly is 2 seconds/mile/pound you would already cut 30 seconds/mile right!! Again, where are you gonna lose 15 pounds? That being said I don't doubt you are capable of sub 1:30:)Great goals and I will be stalking you to make sure you acheive them!!

  32. Love your goals for 2010.
    With your drive and level of determination, I would not be surprised to see you exceed your goals and raise the bar.

  33. Solid stuff I need to do the 2-lbs thing as well!

  34. Ok, I'm a wimp. 5000 abs? holy crap. yea, once you break it down its not too bad but that number is so overwhelming to me. Oh, and the miles. I'm shooting for half that so you are completely awesome running those miles all while planning a wedding, traveling, remodeling. You should change your blog to chasing the super people (superwoman, superman, super twins, etc).

  35. I need to renovate my master bathroom... which scares the crap out of me. I hate home improvement projects. I hate having strangers come in my home, not knowing that they will be everything how I wanted, that they will follow through and finish the job, having to pick out all the materials... it's all so overwhelming! Maybe I can pick your brain when you start working on it!

  36. Those are good goals--measurable and ambitious. I'm 25 and not getting married or getting a mortgage. You are so ahead.

  37. Awesome 2010 goals. I love how you have ones related to running & fitness as well as those that are not. Best of luck on them!

  38. Love the goals for this year! It's gonna be a good one.
