Sunday, January 10, 2010


i'm feeling a little homesick tonight. that, or maybe i'm just a little down because i have dirty dishes in the sink and work in the morning. either way, i do miss home/being closer to josh. schmoopy, i know.

last friday (/new year's day) i found out i won an entry to today's los angeles 13.1 from stuart. i am all about random trips and was so going to buy last minute plane tickets for the race, but waited to get the info from the race organizers. it took them a few days and by then i kinda just wanted to chill out for the weekend. i traveled last weekend, i'm traveling the next three weekends... however, i didn't want the entry to go to waste so i asked glenn (being a local) if he knew anyone who wanted to run. long story short, i got connected with penny who was able to run in my place. (then found out penny had passed on a race entry to aron that she couldn't use!) small, wonderful, running world :o) (thanks stuart, for the win, i'm sorry i wasn't able to take advantage of it!)

i had a decent week in running, re-cresting 40mpw after a few slack weeks over the holidays (14mi, 32mi, and 19mi, sad "efforts"). i was toying with the idea of running everyday in 2010, with one day a week being a max of 2-3 miles super easy, but ultimately decided it probably wasn't the best idea for me and my work/life schedule.

tuesday's threshold run went ok - it was tough and i felt pretty out of shape, probably detoxing from all the sugar ingested over christmas. 2-mile warm up, 4-miles at a 7:09 average pace, 1-mile easy to cool-down.

thursday's speedwork (4x800) didn't go over well at all. in the first interval my lungs tightened up big time and i could barely breathe. i struggled to finish out the interval and stopped to try and catch my breath/settle my lungs/airways. i've been wheezy on and off but i haven't had this bad of asthma while running in a long time. i ran easy for a little bit, but when i was still straining to breathe after the recovery period and what would've been the 2nd interval, i decided to can the workout. 1x800 @ 3:14, 3.6 miles total for the day.

saturday's long run more than made up for thursday's crapfest. for one, i ran with people! it was about 12* (real temp) when we started and 16* when we finished with snow flurries almost the whole time. initially i was only going to do 12 miles as i haven't exactly been little miss long run since, um october, but two other folks were doing 16. i was slowly "one more mile-d" until i ended up doing 16 too. the good thing is i never felt tired, although the slower pace may have helped with that. with the snowy roads and the fact that i'm not in long-run shape, i didn't care what the pace was so i just ran what they ran. i also knocked on a random house's door and asked to use the bathroom because there was no way i was going to drop trou out on an open road, in the snow, in like 14 degrees.

week in review (1/4 - 1/10):
total miles: 41.55 (avg temp 13* f)
time spent running: ~ 6 hours 7 minutes
avg hr: 162.25
avg pace: 8:45/mile
off days: 1


  1. Ok, girl, consider yourself hugged. Schmoopy is alright. ;-)

    I am glad you got the guts to ask a random person to use their bathroom. I've always thought of doing that if I felt like crap.

    By the way, I realized this weekend it's only about 3 months until we meet in person - yay!!

    You are my hero for running that far in that kind of cold. I did 7.25 only and it was cold enough for me. I couldn't imagine going further and being sweaty.

  2. i thought about doing the same thing (running everyday) and then i got my answer on if that was a good idea - the belt on my treadmill died. so, now i'm waiting for a new one. :(

    hope you listened to that link. you won't be sorry.

  3. Congrats on your long run. I've always thought about knocking on someone's door, but never had the courage.

    I've also thought about trying to do the every day running thing, but I think I would go crazy if I did that. Sometimes, I just need that day to completely veg out and do nothing.

  4. Sorry you are missing home and that work and reality hits you in the head tomorrow. Well, with that said, as far as canning your workout, it happens. I do it almost 5 times a week. JK. Seriously, great job on the 16 miles. As for knocking on random's door, Hmmmm! Glad it wasnt texas chainsaw's door. lol. Hey, have a good one, and best success in your running.

  5. It is tough to get through homesickness...I say, just allow yourself to feel it you know. Cause it is natural. And you know, it IS okay to be schmoopy!!!

  6. It's alright to feel schmoopy. Here's a warm hug coming your way...hope that helps.

    Wow! 16 miles in flurries! You are one tough woman!

  7. Not sure what I'd do if a random runner knocked on my door. Let them go I guess?

  8. It sounds like you're running strong but your heart needs a big hug!! Hang in there! You had a nice long run and that cracked me up about knocking on the random house door! So smart and brave...and desperate!

  9. Bummed you didn't get around to doing the LA Half! Would've been a blast seeing and cheering for ya Linds.

    (Danica and I were out there, cheering like dorks)

  10. My goal is to run everyday in 2010 for at least 10 minutes. So far its been easy... but it's really early! I'm accustomed to 1 day off a week, so we'll see how it goes!

    thanks for your comment! I added you to my blogroll.

  11. Awesome long run! It's hilarious that your "out of shape" tempo run was 7:09 avg pace...that's FAST to me! :) You rock.

    I hope you feel better on the homesick front. And there's nothing wrong with being a little schmoopy.

  12. While the thought of running everyday sounds like fun, I realize that when I run 2 in a row I'm shot! Maybe I shouldn't run with a kb dragging behind me!! lol

    Make sure you listen to them airways!

  13. Sorry to hear you're homesick! I've definitely been there, not a good feeling :( Hugs to you.

    Great job re-cresting 40, though! Way to go :) You're awesome as usual.

  14. Sounds like you have some pretty busy weekends ahead. Nice job getting ramping things up with the running. Do you think the cold was a factor in your breathing episode? Keep working it.

  15. Sorry about being homesick. But congrats about the runs. That tempo is so fast! I am so out of shape that my tempo of 5@ 7:24 this week is haunting me..

  16. Being homesick is the worst. :( Hang in there, girlie!

    Nice work with your long run in the snow & low temps - I'm too "fair weather" for all this cold right now. I suck. LOL


  17. being homesick stinks :(
    Great run! I am up here complaining I can't even get to the gym (because there is too much snow or its closed!) and there you go out in it!
    Great job schmoopy ;) (my fil calls my hubby and I that all the time!)

  18. i have no problems with schmoopy...also that word is pretty fantastic haha.

    looks like you had a pretty nice week in running, i'm totally with you on this being my first week "back" after several weeks of failing haha. that's a pretty sweet tempo run for just getting back into real are so fast. :)

    nice long run too! way to run more miles than degrees hehe.

    random thought: did you ever find out what happened with your boston entry? i hope it worked out! its going to be a loooong winter and i'd love to have a virtual training buddy :)

  19. Running everyday for the year? Glad you came to your senses. Othersise you'd have to explain to hubby to be about your new fiance - the shoes....

    BTW - you missed a pretty epic Southern California weekend. Temps in the mid seventies, partly cloudy. Next time no excuses okay? You have a tour guide here at your service!

  20. So, did the random person let you use the bathroom? If so, you may be my hero. I've debated doing this SO MANY TIMES but I've never even had the cajones to knock on a friend's door and ask.

  21. Good for you for making yourself run 41 miles in that crap!

  22. "one more mile-d" Love it!

    Hope you're feeling a little better :-)

  23. I get like that when my boy is gone too! :) Great blog...I love it!

  24. Ahhh, the random long-run pit stop! Last winter, in the middle of a 10-miler, I stopped at a church that was closed and locked, and just started pounding on the door. Amazingly, someone was there cleaning — she let me in, and saved my life (or at least my dignity :) ). Gotta love a helpful and understanding stranger!

  25. Aw, I can't blame you for getting homesick!!

    And yay for the run with the group! You really knocked on a stranger's door to use their bathroom? :)

  26. Sorry you were feeling homesick. I hope today is better for you!

  27. One of my most favorite things is to run in cold weather... and I can't do it now, so I'm super jealous of you (in a very kind way, haha).

    Hey, I totally get the whole thing about being away from your man... we have to do it a lot, but hopefully this summer things will change.

  28. You have some pretty great stats there! I am a horrible runner in the cold. I am slated to do the 400 runs today and I am already trying to talk myself out of it!

  29. Sorry to hear that you're missing home. That's the worst feeling ever!

  30. Not only do you roll..with your times...ok, that sounded lame...but, really, you have to feel good about that.

    I read that whole "schmoopy" post.Wow. Sorry you're missing your man. What an internet romance that was. My husband and I had some distance dating going on before we got married. He lived in Omaha and I lived in Wisconsin.

    I've thought about knocking on someone's door to use their bathroom, but I would be leaving unpleasant odors behind him and I just couldn't do it.

    You really must have had to go.

  31. That stinks you had trouble breathing during the 800 workout. I have more trouble with my asthma during the cold weather. I find that I have to do a good 20 minute warm up before attempting any intervals in the cold. Great job getting more mileage in! And all in the cold too!

  32. i get homesick when i don't see my family for awhile. they doni't live far away but just miss them.

    4 mi at 7:09 is really fast!!!! that's a great tempo run so def be proud of that. i find my paces are all over the place now so i have no idea what i should be running. 7:15 feels hard and i get frustrated, but then accept and run on. that is what we need to do, right?

    800s-- i ran yesterday and found i needed to slow them each down and add volume-- i always want to run them closer to 3 than to 4 obvi but i ran at a 6:48 pace and was able to do 8 repeats. i guess just do what you can, right?

    my mileage has been so dinky lately! i think i ran 22 miles last week and less than that the week before :) gotta get back! congrats on your 40!

  33. Funny, I get homesick when my hubby is on travel every week. I guess home is where the heart is :-)

    And kudos to you for getting out in that cold to run! I wimp out on the treadmill when temps drop below 40, unless I'm running a race/marathon. I need to toughen up ...

  34. Nice job on the runs - especially the long run! Having company and slowing down makes it so much more manageable sometimes, doesn't it?

    So wait - did you # 1 or # 2 in that random person's bathroom? :p

  35. P.S. BIG HUGS for the homesickness.
