Tuesday, January 26, 2010

dumps like a truck, truck, truck

i was serenaded by a large gentleman and "the thong song" on my easy treadmill run last night. what does it mean to have "dumps like a truck" anyway? thanks, but i think i'll keep my undergarments to myself.

last week's workouts were a little mixed up and i didn't get a "real" long run in again because i went up to detroit to see a friend from college. for some reason i thought it was only a 5 hour drive... nope, definitely more like 7. other than the drive, it was a great weekend. i pigged out on m&m's (really helping me in stuart's weight loss challenge), got a massage and undid the massage with some ice skating.

ok, question. is it not normal to go 9-10 over the speed limit on the interstate? ohio-ians seem to prefer going the speed limit if not maybe 3-4 over. the posted limit, by the way (on i-75), is 65. ahh! 70 mph! apparently ohio's straight, flat roads are too dangerous for that.

anyway. so typically tuesday is threshold day, thursday is speed day, and saturday (or sunday) is long run day. for no particular reason, tuesday became speed day (mile repeats) and thursday became kind of a "gmp" day. i knew i most likely wouldn't get in a long run up in michigan because i always feel guilty going off running for hours when i am visiting people i don't see often, so i did a shorter-long run wednesday (12 miles, 8:43 avg pace). it was no fun eating a late dinner afterward!

thanks for all the input, advice and suggestions for my mile's/800's. since i know i can maintain the pace for a mile, it does seem like i need to attack the 800's a little more. hopefully i can shorten those even by just a few seconds. i will also try to decrease my recovery period the next time i do mile repeats. i think it was taking me a little over 4 minutes to do the half-mile recovery; i'll have to remember to watch my hr and see how long it takes to "recover" between intervals.

week in review (1/18 - 1/24):
total miles: 38.80 (avg temp 35* f)
time spent running: ~ 6 hours 30 minutes
avg hr: 159.60
avg pace: 8:51/mile
off days: 2

please, feel free to enlighten me on what "dumps like a truck" are. or do i really want to know?


  1. Hello,

    insteresting blog! I'm new...I don't understand all the text but I try it! Excuse me... I don't know the meaning of "dumps like a truck" of course.

    I'll read about intervals and some of this to know how to prepare my second marathon.

    Greetings from Spain!!

    Go on, and excuse me my poor english!!!!

  2. "dumps like a truck"......I absolutely love, love, love it!!! THAT is one hell of a poop!! LOL

    The general rule of thumb on the interstate is: 5 your alive, 10 your dead. I have some sherriff's as friends and I've been pulled over many times in my life for the dreaded "lead" foot! You'd think I'd be a fast runner, nope, just a fast driver!!

  3. Great job on the runs this week! I wish I got that much in :-)

  4. I questions many rap lyrics. Yet, at times find myself jamming to them.

  5. I've always heard that Ohio drivers are the most considerate, easy-going, law-abiding drivers in the country so I guess their interstate driving reflects that?

  6. dumps like a truck?!? no clue...

  7. Nice running week!
    Around here we normally do at least 10 over the limit (55mph). In my experience, Ohio is loaded w/speed traps.
    Dumps like a truck--no clue sorry!

  8. let me give you some ohio driving advice. play by there rules or you will get a ticket---I have drive it's crap roads daily!
    dumps like a truck---hmmmm. I want to know why he was singing the thong song ;)

  9. Sounds like a great week. 12 miles qualifies for a long run in my book. I think you totally deserve the M&Ms. I don't know how some people go one day without chocolate (OK< I know, but wow, so sad).

  10. LMAO! Now I have that song stuck in my head and ya know what? I never understood what that meant either!

    I wish I were able to tackle intervals but they just tear up my ITB. Can't wait to hear how you tackle the 800's. I bet you kill them!

  11. Dumps like a truck? I know its not really, but kind of sounds like bathroom code talk or something. But because of the song being titled "thong song", one could only wonder. Maybe you can think about that really hard during your next long run. lol. Ohio - DO NOT SPEED. Lived there, got the ticket. The troopers do NOT play around there. For trucks, I believe the speed limit is 55 because of some UPS driver crash a while back. Great Running. Keep it up. May I follow your example.

  12. You really want to know? Here you go . on't say I didn't warn you.....

    Thanks for the knd words about #1 on my list. It is rare these days. I guess we just don't know when to give up. Bu then maybe that's why I still try to run marathons.

  13. I had guessed that "dumps like a truck" meant big ass... I guess that Urban Dictionary Glenn provided showed that. Lyrics are so weird...

    I usually drive about 5 mph over the speed limit, so about 80. But on the freeways here in Vegas where the speed limit is 65 people are frequently traveling 85+ and it's SCARY!

  14. Always fun when the person on the treadmill next to you sings out loud! We have a couple guys at the Y that talk to themselves. Or maybe they're talking to their imaginary friend?

  15. If there was award for best post title ever, you would have definitely won it.

  16. You're going to shorten your rest periods?! Man, and I was thinking that maybe I should take 1/2 mile rests inbetween my repeats...darn.

    I think the person may have been drunk when he wrote that.

    Last night I was running and this guy who saw me coming says, "Run you sexy, thing!" or something like that...It's 21 degree out, the wind is blowing, I'm bundled like an eskimo. Hello?

    Anyway, have a good Tuesday.

  17. I'm sorry, but I had to giggle at Miguel's comment. "I'm new...I don't understand all the text but I try it! Excuse me... I don't know the meaning of "dumps like a truck" of course."


    As for me, well, I thought this post was going to be about bowel movements. What can I say?!

  18. I always drive about 8-9 over on highways, but based on the comments I guess I need to slow down if I ever find myself going through Ohio. I'm really bad with song lyrics. Half the time I can't even figure out what the words are, let alone what they mean!

  19. Nice to see Glenn makes use of the Urban Dictionary too. It comes in handy when you have children and you need to catch up on the latest slang.

  20. I googled the phrase, but someone already beat me to posting the Urban Dictionary link..

    Although I track my HR, I never use it to determine whether or not I should get more or less rest. Then again, there are a lot of things that I should be doing as a runner but don't :) One day, I'll get it all right!

  21. Glad Urban Dictionary cleared everything up for us lol!

    I usually do anywhere from 5 to 10 over the speed limit when I can, but around DC that's only possible at like 3 a.m. otherwise there's too much traffic and you get really excited when you get up to 40 on the interstate.

  22. i'm not used to being a wordpress commenter yet so i totally ended up losing my comment. it went something like this:

    7 hours- ugghh. i would not want to drive that much!!!!!!

    and thong song-- totally brings back memories...sketchy dance floor style :) thank you :) good luck with speed work!

  23. Can't really help on the dumps unless that's what I had when I was ill a few weeks ago.

    I have to confess, I've taken up eco driving and now I drive slow in the interstate too.

  24. Great running week, Lindsey!!!

  25. Okay...you totally cracked me up. I'm not sure what it means, but I LOVE that song! I may need to add that to my iPod. Great memories!

  26. How the heck do you keep up with all the comments you receive?! I really don't have anything useful to add, since everyone else already commented on whatever needed to be commented on. Sooooo, once again, I am not worthy. If all else fails, I can always use that phrase when commenting on your blog. OK, I'm done. No need to respond, just thought I'd say "Hi" and check in. P.S. I hate winter, it screws up my motivation to run.

  27. I have no idea what that saying means but it sounds like of gross. Good job on your runs, you're doing well and charging along. What's next for you?

  28. Duuuude. Everyone knows what dumps like a truck means. LOL! I'm sure you it's referring to her booty. Like it's ya know, bootylicious. LOL!

    Thanks for the condolences and kind words. I really appreciate it.

  29. Hmmm...I can think of at least 2 meanings, but one of them is too gross!

  30. Darn, I had forgotten about that song. Nice running! You don't want to do a long run in Michigan in Janurary anyway.

  31. Dumps like a truck!?!?! To me it sounds like you've just eaten some really bad Indian food and that it is anything but sexy!! But what do I know? Haha!

    In Texas I used to go 5 over, but every state is different and I did honestly get pulled over a couple times, just let off with a warning though.

  32. I too was thinking it meant a big behind. And ever since I got a speeding ticket in Idaho a couple yrs back, I'm going no more than 5 mph over speed limits. I'm not taking any more risk than I need to (or perhaps I already am?)

  33. Wow. I haven't heard that song in a long time. I wonder what ever happened to Sisqo.
