Monday, March 15, 2010

at least she's goal-oriented?

now that i'm having to chill out on running, i thought i might take this on as my newest challenge:

"woman aims to become world's fattest"

that is pure ambition right there! for those of you too lazy to open another tab, basically she wants to weigh 1,000 lbs. she has quite a head start on me - weighing in at over 600 pounds, so i have my work cut out for me.
"I'd love to be 1000lb ... it might be hard though, running after my daughter keeps my weight down," Ms Simpson told the Daily Mail.

Ms Simpson, who needs a mobility scooter to go shopping, eats huge amounts of junk food each week and tries to move as little as possible so she doesn't burn off as many calories.
(so, by "running after her daughter" she means pushing the button on her scooter chair? easy there.)
In order to pay for the enormous amounts of food she is eating — her weekly grocery bill is $815 — Ms Simpson makes money by running a website where men pay to watch her consume fast food.
.....barf (unfortunately they did not link to this website, but i'm sure you can google it if you are interested).

if only josh were a "belly man" like her man philippe... sigh.

[feeling a little better today. can't argue with progress and a little less nausea.]


  1. This has very little to do with your post...or it might because it has to do with M & M's. Today my kiddos in class were estimating how many M & M's are in the big bag they sell at Target...200? 210? 3? 50? Drumroll please, 2,152! One little girl said her mom has eaten a whole in the big one sitting. Not that's one bad PMS binge. Plus, it's expensive(like you mentioned in your blog). One big bag was almost $9!
    Eating green is so much veggies(not M & M's)!

  2. I guess we all need a goal.......!
    She can have "that" one!

  3. She truly puts the morbid in morbidly obese

  4. Wow. That's all, just wow.

  5. that's some sick shit! I feel sorry for her daughter who will have to deal with all of her mother's health problems in coming years and probably a few of her own from being in that environment.

  6. I saw this earlier today and it nearly made me puke. They had three pictures of her. In one she was in a bikini (if you can still call a piece of fabric that large a bikini) and in another she was chugging a 2 liter. The article also mentioned that we - as tax payers - will most likely end up footing her medical bills in the future. Gross in so many ways.

  7. lmao on your comments...especially about phillipe the belly man. ooh, sexy. as for that lady...oh man. that's just frightening. and wrong. and...i don't even know.

    glad you are feeling a bit better!

  8. Oh my God and gross:( What a crazy goal...she will regret it later in life.

    I hope that you are feeling better:)

  9. Yes, I did open another tab and now I want that time back.

    She's looking for her 15 minutes.

  10. I can't imagine that she'll live very long if she actually does make it to her goal weight... Honestly, if she didn't have a child I really wouldn't have a problem with it... the woman loves to eat and she's getting paid to do it.

  11. What kind of men pay to watch fat women eat fast food? Seriously, this is a new kind of porn I'm not familiar with! Ok-that's sounding like there is some porn that I am familiar with!!! Wrong! Anyway-sick! Glad you're feeling a bit better! Your posts always crack me up!

  12. Omigosh...
    I'm going to do all I can to pretend I didn't read any of that...

  13. Ugh. I heard this today too. Gross.

  14. Wow. What a great role model for her daughter. And what a wonderful husband she has who encourages her to do so. Maybe she had taken out a large life insurance policy before she started gaining so much weight, and that's why he's encouraging her to eat so much.

  15. So you think she is just doing this to get attention. Really, what a goal. I think I would get sick of food if I ate that much.

  16. Thanks for starting my morning off by making me want to puke my oatmeal. Yummy.

  17. Okay,... yuck. :/

    I'm laughing my butt off at Meg's comment right now. I may have to stage an intervention if you come home from Target with that bag...

  18. This reminds me of that episode of The Simpsons where Homer intentionally gets (even) fatter to be classified as 'handicapped' so he can work from home. Ah, the good life..

    Many memorable scenes including him eating play-doh shaped like a donut as well as this hilarious quote: 'To Start Press Any Key'. Where's the ANY key?

    ps you tagged this as non-running. Uh, yeah, like you said she 'runs' around chasing her kids, right? Glad this made you feel better :)

  19. I heard about this on the news. I wish they wouldn't make news out of it though because that is exactly what she wants! It disgusts me.

  20. Alright! Coming from the land of the entertainment industry, I should offer to be her agent. I smell a book deal and a reality show here. What a tool!

  21. oh gosh.... i feel terrible for that woman's daughter.

  22. Wait is she even still alive?

  23. Not to be judgmental or anything but blech!

  24. I don't understand that.

    Does she really make enough money on her website to offset the outrageous grocery bill? That says a lot about the peeps paying $$$ to watch her eat.

    She's not going to live to make it to 1000# :(

  25. Eh, this is equally sad and disturbing. Why make that a goal? It is one thing to be of a larger size and healthy, but to purposely be inactive and WANT to be 1000 lbs? What a horrible role model for her daughter! :(

  26. It is good to have goals, right? Ick. Hope you are starting to feel better :)

  27. Holy Big Fat Cow. That is just amazingly grosss! Well, one of the cool things about people that huge is that when you are just 30 lbs overweight, they make you feel really skinny. lol. watch out for the big lady in the mobility scooter at the store. She will RUN yo @$$ over if you don't move your skinny butt out the way. I really loved this post. you got me going. Oh, and the word verification down below here is funny too. (mengerog) lol. Start calling people that today.

  28. Wow, the world never ceases to amaze me. Think how many M&Ms she can eat!

  29. Glad you are feeling better!
    OMG, that story is MESSED up.

  30. She's doing that for attention because it's opposite of what everyone else is trying to do.

    But very disgusting indeed.

    When I first read your headline I thought you were making a joke about yourself wanting to gain weight with a new goal cause you couldn't run.

    So, glad I misunderstood. I can't believe she actually gets paid to eat. Gross!

  31. Um, do you think she is married? I wonder what her husband things. Wow. I cannot imagine the work it takes to eat all of those calories not only to maintain, but to gain that much more weight. Wow.

    Wow!!! Hope you are feeling better!

  32. what a funny post....kind of sad too...why would she want to shorten her life like that?

    and who the heck pays her money to watch her eat???
