Tuesday, March 9, 2010


  1. I can sympathize with feeling off and on. in my case, it's more like off and kinda-on. most of what happens with me ends up getting filed under "way too boring to share with other people." here's hoping we pull it together!

  2. From what I gather from your blogging it sounds like you're going through some unstable times in your life... tons of travelling and such... It can really wear you down after a while... At least you can look foward to LOST tonight!


  3. Nothing wrong with taking a few days to regroup. And no surprise about feeling on and off, you've had a lot this past year (even the good can be stressful). Just be patient with yourself and set your priorities straight. If the marathon does not fit in the big scheme of things right now, you can always run it for fun, and pick another one to PR at. Take care of you!

  4. Oh no! Do I have to start avoiding your blog so that I don't see any Lost spoilers now??!?! haha. I haven't watched any yet this season. I like to get a few of them queued up before I watch them so that I don't get left hanging in suspense over and over. :)

  5. I am sorry about your feeling a little on and off:( I think we all get that way every now and then. Hang in there and hopefully things will look up soon! Maybe you should do something fun for yourself to decompress....perhaps you could pamper yourself with a massage!

  6. I'll trade ya a 10K for a marathon any day ;-)

    Hope the couple days of regrouping help.

  7. Did I know you have a marathon coming up? That wouldn't be Boston would it?

  8. Sorry that you are feeling off!!! I hope you have a great day tomorrow :-)

  9. I feel like a lot of peeps are struggling with their Boston training this go around. Just keep the faith girly and maybe a little blog sabbatical is just what you need to clear your head and start fresh. Either way you know I'm hear if you need to talk/vent. xoxo

    P.S. On the plus side you do get to meet me in 5 weeks so that in itself should turn that frown upside down! :P J/K

  10. Take care of you! I have no doubt that you'll rock the marathon though :)

  11. I get that feeling. It's like this...you begin to imagine doing this for the rest of your life...and you're like...wow, that's a long time, maybe I want to do something else or just not do this for awhile.

    Like right now with me, I feel like taking a break.

    Sometimes, though, I've noticed when I think like that, it's because I'm tired and haven't had enough sleep. How is your sleep coming along?

  12. I get it! Hang in there and listen to what you know is best for your body!

  13. Ahhh, Lindsay - "unbalanced" is how I function on a daily basis - welcome to my world ;)

    Take the time you need, girl. It all gets sorted out.

    LOVED that video!!

  14. I really believe this is a place we have all been- I know I have!! You come first in your life Lindsay and you have to do what is right for you. You have had a crazy time in the last year- maybe some off days will do you better :)

  15. Sending you some good vibes and hoping your sh*t comes together... I hate that 'on and off' feeling.

  16. Hang in there lindsay!!!!!! Five more weeks and you can give your body and mid the time off tht it needs. HTFU now....

  17. Take care! For you a bad running week is an AWESOME running week for me. You'll rock your marathon in a few weeks! :)

  18. Yep...me and you crossing the start line of that little race on the East coast and then we will be crossing the finish line...no matter what! And THEN, you'd better be there to help celebrate after with my birthday bash...I'll bring the M&M's! Pink ones! Hang in there girl...all is going to be okay! :)

  19. Sorry to hear that you're feeling off! That video is absolutely awesome. I am sending it to everyone I know hah!

  20. hang in there girlie... just make sure you take care of yourself, that is #1 priority!

  21. Get plenty of rest...don't outrun or outwork yourself. Boston will take care of itself if you take care of you first!

  22. Here's to wishing you well in finding your groove soon. I believe it is normal to feel out of sorts some times in your life. (about everything else) You'll get it though, I know you will. Cool Vid! have a great one, and remember, you have a bunch of supporters here cheering you on. Find your purpose, and then it will be easy to locate the groove.
    Word Verification of the day - Chedgess - lol

  23. ok, the other night, i was just saying to bill, "hurley is my favorite character on that show" and i think my close second is sawyer. hurley's always like "dude" - too cool.

    trust me, i think you'll be fine running boston. you have an awesome base of mileage honed from years and years of running. it's not like you have to qualify for boston while at boston, so i'd just look at it for the experience. even if you never do it again, you'll have fun.

    and maybe it makes sense to take time off soon.

  24. You'll bounce back! Stay strong - the body needs a rest from time to time.

  25. That's pretty funny. The song has some meaning to me because one of my running buddies was blasting it so loud through is ipod during one of our final long runs that I could hear it even on the traffic filled road we were running.

    When I called him out on it, it became sort of a theme and we had a "pasta party in the USA" on the evening before our marathon. Sans Richie (who has two sons), the rest of us have 5 daughters between us. Thus, Miley Cyrus is frequently heard in our homes.
