Thursday, March 11, 2010

no more crunches

who doesn't want a sexy six-pack? today i 'discovered' a great, effective ab workout.


i spent the morning purging myself of today's breakfast, yesterday's meals, and probably the past 7 days of meals too. it just would not stop coming. my abs are sore now though, and i know i felt my stomach turning as i sat miserably with my head in a trash bag, hence the "ab workout". not only will you get a workout in, but you are also getting rid of some calories.

yes, i'm being sarcastic. i definitely do not endorse puking as a workout or diet plan.


  1. first reaction: Ewww!

    second reaction: i hope you are okay!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! hang in there and get some fluids if you can :( you sound sick :(

  2. Oh NOOO! Yuck. :( You poor thing... puking is the worst. Hope you feel better soon!!!

  3. binge drinking and vomit = rock star abs!

  4. Sounds like someone has the bubonic plague. May god have mercy on you and it ends soon. I don't wish that on anyone... ugh...

  5. I have sneezing attacks frequently and my abs kill me after..maybe we can come up with a video for the next best ab workout together?

    Hope you're feeling better soon!!!

  6. The most sore my core has ever been: after the Marine Corps Marathon, which I ran hunched over and vomiting. Hope you escape the best/worst abs workout ever soon!

  7. I always joke about that when I am sick...the flu/virus is a great diet! JOKING of course.

    Not joking though...I hope you feel better. My get better remedy...Pedialyte know, for babies. They are great and usually stay down better than anything else.

  8. Oh no! Feel better soon, Lindsay! :(

  9. Ugh! Is there anything worse than puking? No, not really.... Feel better soon!

  10. Oh no! Hope you feel better, girl! Take care of yourself....there are some crazy viruses going around.

  11. I feel you. Get lots of rest and get well soon.

  12. awww that sounds awful! hope you are feeling better and back to non-vomit related abs soon

  13. Bless your heart! I hope you get to feeling better.

  14. Ugh, I hate puking with a passion! When I vomit it's so violent, that it feels like some of internal organs might come on up.

    I hope you feel better soon!

  15. Hope you feel better soon!!! And I hope that your puke wasn't red, yellow, orange, green, blue, and brown (ala M&Ms colors) :)

  16. Oh, I am sorry that you are not feeling well:( Take care of yourself and get better soon:)

  17. That's a lot of undigested food and M&Ms. Hope you're feeling better and good to see you're always looking at the bright side with your 'ab' workouts.

  18. At least you're getting your spring sickness out of the way in enough time to recover for Boston... hope you feel better soon!

  19. Oh no you poor thing! Puking like that is the worst. Feel better soon!

  20. Isn't that totally amazing how that cranks on your abs?!
    I sure hope you're feeling better soon, that sucks.
    Get lots of rest and don't push anything......
    Find a "man-whore" to wait on you hand and foot for a few days while you recuperate!

  21. I am sorry your insides are now becoming outsides...please feel better soon...

  22. I quit doing situps after I read an article in the new york times describing some instances of back trouble and cartilage damage because of repetitive stress to the spinal area. You should get enough exercise from the running that you don't really need to do situps or ab workouts, for either aesthetic or performance reasons. At least that's been my experience.

  23. Oh No! Sorry to hear you are's good you look to the positive aspects of puking...sorry but you made me laugh!:)
    Hope you get well soon!

  24. Yuck, no worse feeling than puking. Hope you're feeling better today!

  25. Ouch, I can relate. During the Olympics I got a stomach bug and felt like I'd been doing ab work for 24 hours straight. Unfortunately the after effects were only temporary and I'll be forced to resume crunches :)

  26. Feel better! I hope it's nothing more than some type of 24 hour gastroenteritis thing!

  27. I hope you feel better.

    Come to think of it, I don't think I've ever tried that ab work-out. Any tips on proper form?

    Kidding...Just kidding!

  28. Ugh, I'm so sorry you're sick :( That's definitely not fun, and I hope you feel better soon!

  29. UGH! Hope you feel better soon! Pukin still makes me cry!

  30. Hope your drinking lots of water and that you are in recovery now!

  31. Man, those ab workouts are the worst. Hope you're feeling better soon!

  32. oh god,lindsay,i am so sorry to hear that. did you eat something wrong, or are you "sick, sick?" anyway by the time you are reading this, i hope you feel better. i know how that feels (unfortunately most of us probably do, if not all) so i hope the puking incident was a one-time thing.

  33. Bummer on the puking!! Speaking of puking, I finished the entire LARGE bag of M+M's in two days. Aren't you proud of me?! I hope you feel better real soon. Time for some R+R for you, girl.

  34. That is quite the ab workout. Not good for your throat though I hear. I hope you begin to feel better soon, but whatever you have will take its course, s with all things in life. Just know you have someone praying for you to get better. Hang in there M&M girl! seven up and saltine crackers. lol

  35. Ugh. Feel better soon, Lindsay. Praying for you!

  36. Oh no! I hope you're feeling much better by now :(

    If not, go ahead post a pic of your abs. They've got to be hella shredded by now.

  37. I can sympathize with you- I've been on the same "diet and exercise plan" for the past couple of days. Hope you feel better soon!

  38. Oh-Yuck yuck yuck! I also had quite the ab workout last week but it was due to coughing not puking!! Hope you feel better soon!

  39. Hey, puking is a great ab workout, but not so good for the marathon fueling :P.
