Monday, March 22, 2010

i'm on a boat

with all this non-running talk lately, you guys probably thought i'd shelved my shoes. while i have been taking more rest-days and running shorter mileage, i am still trying to get out there and run - even if just for 10 minutes. some days i even settle for little walk just to log some time on my legs - 26.2 miles is no jaunt in the park.

proof that things haven't been going well from a "marathon training" perspective, prior to and during the vertigo spells:

week in review (3/1 - 3/7):
total miles: 35.20 (avg temp 37* f)
time spent running: ~ 5 hours 1 minute
avg hr: 160
avg pace: 8:35/mile
off days: 2

i got in three ridiculously early runs, 1 sorta-threshold run, 1 hill workout, but no long run. no real excuses here, as i wasn't feeling bad yet.

week in review (3/8 - 3/14):
total miles: 20.35 (avg temp 51.7* f)
time spent running: ~ 2 hours 57 minutes
avg hr: 157
avg pace: 8:49/mile
off days: 3, three! but i was puking, so yeah.

two early morning runs monday and wednesday, of course didn't even try running thursday/friday (1st "episode"), and attempted a very easy 30-minute run saturday -- still a little "under the influence". it was the hardest 3+miler of my life! again, no long run for the week and no quality runs either.

week in review (3/15 - 3/21):
total miles: 26.38 (avg temp 56* f)
time spent running: ~ 2 hours 40 minutes
time spent walking: ~ 2 hours
avg hr: 159 (only wore hrm once)
avg run pace: 8:41/mile
off days: from running - 2; from getting in some sort of workout (yoga, walking) - 0

no early-morning runs now that the evenings are brighter, and because i didn't want to collapse somewhere at o'dark-thirty with no one around. running felt very unnatural and tiring; my longest run was 40-mins. i had my second "episode" friday before work and spent the morning on the floor of the bathroom, awaiting the vomit.

my "boat" found calmer waters, on saturday i took it easy and went for a brisk walk in absolutely beautiful weather. sunday i tested out a little run/walking with a 3:2 (run:walk) ratio. my hips, right knee, and left shin ache a little when i walk, but not when i run. very funny body - whatever's going on in my head wants me to take it easy, and my limbs want me to run. i'm just trying to get in some activity so i don't blimp up from all the time spent on the couch. seriously, i've slept like 28 of the past 48 hours. hopefully after a few more days of taking it easy i'll be able to get in some run-running and build up a little stamina.


  1. So vertigo is your problem, eh? Have they given you anything to help with it? My husband had a bout of vertigo several years ago. Had to go to ER - he couldn't function at all. I think they gave him some meds that worked things out eventually.

    Sorry you have to deal with this.

  2. Wow when you see it on paper,you really have scaled back. Step away from the m&ms and you shouldn't blimp up while you are on hiatus ;)

    seriously, I hope you have had some luck finding treatment. That has got to be hard to deal with.

  3. I hope that boat docks soon! At least you've been getting out there a bit... I think I'd be tempted to go into hibernation mode.

    This just does not sound fun at all... still hoping you feel better soon!

  4. Feel better... I hate puking!

  5. Frustrating I'm sure living near the porcelain bowl....feel better quick.
    Nothing worse than fighting little demons we have no control over!
    PS/ I've been down to 1 dt dew a day for a week now!!!!!

  6. Good for you for keeping at it. Vertigo is zero fun. Don't push too hard though.

  7. for the fact that you've been dealing with a LOT the last few weeks, your numbers don't look bad! the fact that you're still doing whatever you can is awesome and shows how badass you are..i think a lot of people would completely give up on running in your situation.

    from what i've heard, boston is a great course to just enjoy the crowd and the experience, not worry so much about time...sounds like you're doing the perfect thing to get to the start AND finish line.

    seriously, i really hope you're feeling better soon. all of this vertigo business sounds truly sucky.

  8. I think you should take it easy even more. Three days off a week doesn't require a !. Heck, that's a normal week for me.

  9. so glad you are getting some rest!!!!!! you are handling this well and are still balancing "active rest" in the picture.

  10. For me when I had vertigo my spinning episodes lasted for several hours and I was often sick. After about 3 weeks the worst of it was over and my balance returned to normal completely after about 6. I was determined to run through it and I largely did but at times I thought the ground or cars were going to hit me and I would have to stop sometimes! To this day I I have an irrational fear of getting on boats in case vertigo returns

    It will get better hang in there

  11. Yes, thank goodness for DST so you don't have to be out in the dark with this crap going on. Is spinning on an exercise bike or at a gym at option? Being a stationary activity I wonder if that might help you avoid vertigo when working out. And for the record, I find fast walking to require completely different muscles than running!

  12. Hang in there, it doesn't sound like much fun what you're going through. Take it easy and hope you feel better soon ...

  13. You're posts are so sad lately :( I really hope you feel better soon!!!!

  14. Is there a way to control this vertigo? I hope it goes away soon.

  15. It sounds like you're staying very active, be careful though! Hugs to you...keep your chin up and keep the hope alive, Lindsay!

  16. Stick with it! Your stamina will be back once your vertigo goes away and you'll be back to kickin' my a$$ in mileage again in no time!

  17. Sorry to hear about all your trouble! I'm catching up on your blog :) Keep up the running! You'll get your groove back soon :)

  18. So sorry about your vertigo problems, hope you find a solution soon! Thanks for the ideas about the contacts...I do have astigmatism, and have the special contacts, which do have to shift around in your eyes to work. I am thinking that maybe my eyes are getting too dried out and preventing the contacts from moving around as they should...I'm going to get some moistening drops and see if that helps.

  19. I had Vertigo about 10 years ago really bad. Of course I was out of shape. The doctors said for me just to sit down and relax when it happened, but I couldnt because my head was in the toilet. I will be keeping you in my prayers, and great job on getting out there anyways. Be careful.

  20. You are doing what you can. We can't control everything our body tosses at us. hang in there, hopefully all will be back to normal soon.

  21. I'm glad you are at least able to get out and do a little something from time to time. Sure it's probably not want you want to be doing, but take it slow and steady and hopefully you'll get over this vertigo thing soon!

  22. At least you are getting out there! 35 miles is still more than I can do in a week! I hope you get over the vertigo in no time :)

    PS - that song is still stuck in my head!

  23. Just catching up with your blog, glad you are resting up. I have occasional boughts of vertigo.. hope it goes away, make sure you stay hydrated (I find mine is worse with less hydration/sleep).

  24. I am so sorry that you are still dealing with that vertigo crap:( I am thinking of you and hoping that you are back to yourself soon! Just stay positive and try to keep a smile on your face:) I just know things are going to be looking up soon!! Hang in there:)

  25. Hello Lindsay!

    I've been reading your last posts and I'm worried about your health. Oh, but I want to believe you're ritgh now or not bad!

    I trust in you and I know you're strong, a good person and a fighter runner.

    Excuse me my English again. Lately I'm very busy and I can't write every I want but I read your posts (even I printed to understand better).

    I hope all be OK.

    Al my loving

  26. Ugh. I feel for you lindsay. It's time to get better girl!

    "...spent the morning on the floor of the bathroom, awaiting the vomit" - I usually associate that with a good time the night before.....

  27. I've had bouts of vertigo int he past, particularly after traveling, and it is awful! Sometimes, weirdly enough, antihistamines help.

  28. Tell me you've seen the ENT, gotten an MRI/CT scan, & have this almost figured out.

    Seriously - head to the ER with your next bout. Maybe you'll get faster diagnostics then.

    Joy Worrywart

  29. I'm just catching up on past posts here, and want to express my sympathy about the vertigo -- how scary and frustrating! I very much appreciate non-running posts, as most runners, at some point, have to deal with a period of inactivity like this, whether it's a serious health problem or a nagging sports injury. Just keep focusing on the reasons you started running to begin with--not to PR at Boston, I bet!

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