Sunday, March 14, 2010

hello, hello, i'm at a place called vertigo

first off, thanks for all the well-wishes! no, my puke was not technicolor from all the m&m's :o)

it turns out i wasn't just feeling mentally unbalanced this past week. mid-morning thursday my tinnitis (yeah, it still hasn't gone away) suddenly got worse. when i stood up i could not walk straight and felt like i was going to fall over. after a few minutes i realized this was much more severe than the dizziness/nausea i had last fall, and told the guys i work with i wasn't feeling well. they quickly loaded me in the golf cart and drove me up to safety. my blood pressure, heartrate, sugar levels all checked out normal, so they called in an appointment to the local doctor (we have an account set up for the construction workers to get physicals). one of the safety guys asked if i was pregnant (what is it with nausea must = pregnant?) and i'm just thinking -- "dude if this is what 'morning sickness' feels like, i am definitely never having children". the room was spinning, i was shaking/twitching, and the nausea/lightheadedness was getting worse.

a co-worker volunteered to drive me to the doctor. the safety guys gave me a trash bag and practically carried me out to her car. the bag came in handy as i puked 5-6 times en route to the doctor / while waiting to be called back. by the time i was called it was one heavy, appetizing bag and i can only imagine how thrilled the nurse was when i handed it to her. i puked once more when the doc asked me how i felt. "well the room is spinning and" ... lean forward, grab trashcan, empty already-emptied stomach. low point, to say the least.

anyway the doc said i had vertigo and prescribed a shot (phenergan) and nausea pills (meclizine). i am pretty disappointed in the visit because he didn't seem to care about checking my ear even though i said it had been ringing/roaring for over a month. also i think everyone knows that the inner ear is involved in your balance, so i don't get why he wouldn't have looked harder there. basically he just wanted to treat the nausea/dizziness and not the cause of the nausea. that is my biggest peeve about medical doctors - often treating the symptoms and not the underlying cause; it's frustrating. i felt completely awful and could hardly function so i was onboard for the shot & pills as a temporary fix, but i asked what we would do for my ear. "oh it'll go away" he said ...sure it will, it hasn't been lingering for a month or anything.

the shot kicked in after about 30 minutes or so and the severe nausea went away. i went back to work, picked up my stuff (and my car) and went home to bed. josh was super sweet and took a half-day at work to drive all the way up from sc and take care of me. apparently i worried him a bit when i was too busy puking/feeling like death to respond to his calls or texts from 9-12ish. i took friday off and slept a lot. i went to the chiropractor saturday and slept even more. needless to say, running this week has been off, though i haven't felt nearly as guilty since i hardly have the balance to walk. i'm now basically feeling the same as i did before the new york marathon with constant, 'light' (vs how i felt thursday) nausea/dizziness. i feel best after just waking up from a nap - i wonder how i can work a few naps into the workday when i start to feel more woozy...


  1. Hrr, this does not sound good. Hope all the rest will help. Yes, I have the same frustration with medical doctors! I think you owe it to yourself to get to the bottom of this. It has to be something you can do aside from a pill! Hang in there!

  2. Don't even think about running. Get yourself right.

  3. Hope you feel better soon. Sounds like you may need to see a different MD for your tinnitis

  4. Yuck, you poor thing. I hope you feel better soon! You're so lucky to have so many folks take care of you though :)

  5. your coworkers sound amazing and the doctor sounds terrible...hope you are able to find someone to help you clear this up so you can get back to badassery!

  6. Good to hear that the shot worked right away, now imagine you had that with you at ALL times while running.

    About the tinnitis, I was actually sent a product for that called, Lipo-Flavonoid Plus. It's a dietary supplement for people with tinnitus and Meniere's Syndrome. I personally have not tried it (since I luckily have never had tinnitus or Meniere's), but if you'd like to try it, I'd be happy to send. Just let me know :)

  7. Hope you feel better soon!

    I know what you mean with the nausea = pregnant thing. If my wife turns down a glass of wine at Thanksgiving/Christmas/etc. it is the first question out of their mouth. Some people... :)

    Josh sounds like a keeper. He is representing for good guys all over by coming to the rescue!

  8. Oh my goodness, I am so sorry that you have not been feeling well:( It sounds like it has been hell for you! Take care of yourself and get better soon:) I will be sending you get well vibes!!

  9. Oh no, Lindsay, please take it easy. You need to rest up and get this taken care of. I'll be hoping for the best for you.

  10. Sorry to hear about the dizzy / puking thing. It's good to have good friends around to take care of you in a time of need - Very awesome. Pray you get this thing figured out and past you. These things consume a lot of energy just thinking about it all the time.

  11. Great bunch of people you work with to get you to some help fast!
    Not to be devil's advocate, but unfortunately in medicine one must make the patient feel better as soon as possible so they can then dig deeper into what's wrong. To get your puking/nausea under control first was the right thing to do. You lose massive amounts of "vital" fluids/nutrients when puking that much which can quickly lead to serious things, including cardiac arrest. Now, tests should be scheduled to see what's up! Be pushy, be stubborn, be "your own advocate" for yourself and don't quit until you're satisfied with everything!! NO doctor is perfect, in fact, some are major a-holes!
    I hope things get better quickly for you, it's hard to have to deal with these things.
    Hang tough and feel better!

  12. I completely agree with you about some doctors! Feel better!!

  13. Oh yikes, that sounds awful. I'm glad you got some help, but why the heck isn't he trying to find out what's wrong with your ear?!?

    Hope you're feeling back to normal (whatever that is!) soon. :)

  14. Geez, Lindsay! Have you gotten a CT scan/MRI of your noggin at all since the tinnitus started?

    Hubster got a CT scan of his sinuses when he was having vertigo - turned out he had a pocket of pus (gross) sitting in one of his sinus cavities that was affecting his inner ear & voila - vertigo. They cleared out the nastiness & he's been fine since.

    Good luck.

  15. Oh lindsay, you poor girl! What nice co-workers (and Josh). :)

    hope you feel better soon, go to a different doctor if you don't see any improvement. Do I sound like your mother? Lol

  16. Girl I am so sorry! I hate when they do not listen to you and go for the quick fix!! I hope you can work things out and go to a doctor that will listen! Have a great week :-)

  17. Oh, that's just awful- I hope you find a doctor who will help you get to the bottom of this. How nice of your co-workers and Josh to be there for you! Take care and feel better soon!

  18. Holy crap girl! Much more of this and I'm taking the day off to drive up to take care of you! :(

  19. Grrrr, I hate it too when docs only cure the symptoms and not the underlying causes. I hope this crap passes soon. I'm so sorry you are going through this again :-(

  20. oh my gosh!!! that is intense. hey at least you have teh nausea explained!!!!! wowza. hope you feel better soon. hang in there.

  21. That sounds aweful. Just aweful. Maybe some tests can be scheduled with an ear specialist.

    I don't see how this just goes away. Something has to be causing it.

  22. That sounds miserable! Hopefully you can get some relief soon.

  23. Laugh out loud at the morning sickness comment! I feel the same way!!!

    It is time to be your own advocate- your doctor has proved he doesn't care- time for a new one. And perhaps a referral to an ENT or Neuro.

  24. Oh my mom had vertigo when I was younger and she said it took a really long time before she felt completely normal again. I hope with some of the medicine you're on you can at least start to function a little more normally!

  25. Sounds terrible! Hope you feel better soon. (seejessrun)

  26. Lindsay

    I really do sympathize with you. I know how disorientating this can be and how difficult it can be to get any support and help from a GP.

    A few years ago I climbed Mt Kilamanjaro but some how the altitude affected my balance and when I returned home to England Icouldn't focus on objects without thewm appearing to move. I tried to run and sometimes felt the ground was rising and had to stop. MY GP took it seriously but aprt from rest never got to the bottom of the cause - they though it might be tinnitus or menieres disease because of the vertigo problems . It eventually went away but only after a few weeks of nausea so I can understand what you are feeling

  27. Egads...some days don't you just wonder what's next??? Glad the shot worked and you're doing better. Rest up, girl, those legs are going to be needed in a mere 5 weeks!!! Can't do that if you're not feeling well...and we have M&M's to inhale after!!

  28. Wow. That sounds terrible.
    I hope it clears up. Yikes.

  29. Dude, this is crazy. I have tinnitus off and on but it's never bad enough to make me puke. Your symptoms sound more like what happens to me when I've had way too much to drink and I know you don't drink much so that's weird. I do no a guy who treats tinnitus (medical doctor who uses hypnosis), but I've always considered him to be a quack since he sells those plastic biopro necklaces that prevent cell phones from killing I'm not so sure I can recommend him.

    Anyway, I think my tinnitus coincides with particularly stressful periods in life. I can't speak for you, but I imagine that being away from home and trying to plan a wedding are probably weighing heavily in the back (if not the forefront) of your mind. Try to relax. It sounds like Josh is a really good guy. The wedding is one day. It's for everyone else. The honeymoon is for you. Look forward to that and just do your best in Boston. There are plenty more races after that.

  30. ugg this doesnt sound fun at all :( i am so sorry you are having to deal with this!! hang in there and i hope you get it figured out soon and start feeling better even sooner.

  31. Geez...totally suck-fest! Sorry I'm late, and feeling worse yet about your tinnitus/vertigo. Not to defend the ER docs, but if there's anything wrong in your inner ear, you would be able to see it by looking in through your outer ear. You can look past all the bones to the source of the tinnitus or the vertigo is.

    I'd suggest taking the meds and seeing how you feel after a bit. You may want to check with a ENT specialist...they probably will be of being help and service to you.

    Sorry for all your medical troubles...hang in there!

  32. Ugh. Time to go consult one of them thar big city doctors with all their fancy tools and stuff.

    Get yourself better. That's priority #1.

  33. Oh no!! That sounds awful!! I sure hope you are feeling better soon and that you find a good doctor to check out what's causing all this!!

  34. Darn, I just realized I hadn't commented on this "puke post!" Well, I'll give you the generic "I hope you're feeling better" so I can go read your latest post. How's that for creativity?!

  35. I feel awful because I am way behind on blogs and I just read this. I am so sorry to hear that you are going through all of this! How scary! And such a shame that the doctor wasn't really listening to you on what the problems are. Hopefully you'll be able to figure out what is wrong and get this sorted out.

  36. Vertigo sucks. So sorry you had to go through that. I would definitely get an ENT doc to figure out the cause of your tinnitus.
