Sunday, November 7, 2010

from dns to victory

a) where i was this time last year
b) where i was supposed to be this year
c) where i actually am this year

my very first dns - the fresno 50k. i decided back in august that i was not in shape for it and it was highly unlikely that i'd get in shape in time. for once, i exercised a bit of intelligence and decided i'd rather take these months easy and enjoy running instead of possibly making myself worse (those dizzy spells haven't exactly cleared up). so anyway, i'm not an ultra-runner yet.

instead of heading across-the-country, i went to the state cross-country meet and watched my amazing hs girls win! way better than a 50k. three ladies made all-state, four finished well under 20:00, and the "slowest" time was sub-21 (the team is speedy - i would have to fight for a spot on jv). so proud of them!

good luck to all the nyc marathoners today! best race ever!


  1. i am so swept up in the NYC marathon! elliot's mom ran it every year for YEARS (she is from nyc) and 2008 (the year she turned 60) was the last time she ran it. so cool tho. i hear it is amazing. i also get swept up in boston every year of course since i'm actually here, too. i hope i run more marathons someday! boston + NYC are of course on my "wish" list but "marathon" itself is not so ... lol :)
    GOOD CALL on revising plans re fresno. you have so many years of running ahead of you so it's tough but smart to make decisions that are in your longevity's best interest.

  2. So exciting about your high school girls -- they are freakin' speedy. Sorry if I'm behind the times or if I missed something in your blog, but do you help coach them?(I have to admit, I am as excited about NYC as I am to check up on today's Connecticut HS state championships to see how my alma mater is doing.)

  3. I love the NYC marathon although I have never been in person. Hopefully that will change in the next three years :)

    You made a smart choice with the 50K. Generally speaking, the smart choices usually suck so I hope you had a few m&ms to ease the suckiness :)

  4. yay for your high school girls! that's awesome!

    i'm not terribly swept up in the nyc coverage. only with those that i know who are running it. that said, i'm dying to get a qualifying time at some point and then can run it and get swept up. hahah.

  5. Great NYC race today! Didn't know you did it last year. You had a great day for it.

  6. WTG HS girls!!! no rush, the ultra will be there when you're ready, until then, enjoy! Go SHALANE!

  7. I think it's great that you were able to recognize that the 50k wasn't the best thing for you this year, and make the right decision about it. It will be there in the years to come!

    That's awesome about the HS girls!

  8. Fresno will be there for next year and many years to come.

  9. I'm looking at your computer skills with your letters on the map and your girls on the wheaties. You are just so clever!

  10. Woohoo, go cross country girls!

    I want to go to NYC sooo bad.....

  11. I had to defer my NYC Marathon entry for the second consecutive year due to injuries or conflicting races. It's a little disappointing, but there will be other chances and other races! You'll get there!

  12. Hey, C is not such a horrible place to be. I mean, South Carolina isn't exactly the model state of the union, but hey- the weather's pretty good. Where else can you run in November while wearing short sleeves and shorts :). Okay so maybe there are other states, but we definitely have weather going for us.

    Congrats to your XC girls doing so well at the meet- those are amazing times! And congrats to anyone running the NYC marathon (or any marathon for that matter!).

    Amy Lauren

  13. Nice little infographic. Your feet definitely enjoyed a 50K-free weekend versus the alternative. Nice of you to look out for them.

    As for the XC team, they might want to drop a few runners so they fit on the cereal box a little better.

  14. Great map! And you have to be in all states! Wooowwwwwww

  15. I would say at the rate you are going now, Mrs. ROcket, you should be doing an ultra soon. But better to just do what your body is capable of at the time. Way to go on your HS girls man. That is just awesome. Reminds me of the movie I just watched, the long green line, but with girls instead. lol. Take care and hope to see you at your C mark soon.

  16. That's a fast team! Probably a smart move on the DNS. You have plenty of time in the future to become an ultrarunner anyway.

  17. that pic totally made my day, the wheaties box one. hilarious. i bet you made the right choice. i'm considering the cowtown 50k, last weekend if february, in ft. worth. i'm terrified! :)

  18. That is awesome on the Wheaties box. Who is this guy Macca anyway.....we want those girls on there.

    I had a DNS on Saturday as well and excercised a little brain power as well.

    It was very cold (37 degrees) and the idea of getting in a pool outdoors to swim and then bike and run was not appealing and not with the 1/2 mary the next day.

    Hey....Mets fans can show some brain power every now and again can't we....

  19. Cough cough I demand a reprint!!~

    I do belive you first DNS was the 13.1LA from January this year!
