Tuesday, November 16, 2010

rocks, roots and horse manure

one year ago, i ran my first trail race. per my m.o., i went out too fast and hated it. i'm sure i said i would never do it again, but i also said that about marathons after my first.

the pain from my previous trail run had slipped far enough from my mind for me to have the brilliant idea of signing up for another - a half-marathon this time.

i didn't go out as fast as i did last time, but i still went out too fast. two of the xc girls were running the race and i so wrongly assumed i could hang with them (they ended up placing 2nd and 3rd overall).

i made it to the first aid station (somewhere between miles 4-5) and stopped to gulp down some gatorade and water; i was beat. when i started up again, i tucked in behind some guy and settled into a cruising pace. i need to learn how to run a trail race effort-wise. cruising felt fine, but i could've ran harder as i had plenty of energy left over.

{continue reading after the jump!}

for the rest of the race i ran behind various people, and ended up running the last few miles with a girl who runs xc for another local hs. she rolled her ankle and wiped out at one point, so i stuck with her to make sure she was alright. while i pulled every tendon and ligament in my ankle/foot, i didn't fall once. early in the race i tripped on a root but bounced back like a weeble. thank goodness, because there were mountains of horse manure throughout the course. that would have made for a lovely faceplant.

start of the race - less than a mile on gravel roads to spread out

a stretch of the trail without horse manure

creek crossing, except i don't remember there being any dry rock
[all photos from race website]

it was a fun race though, and once i quit trying to run at road-effort i enjoyed myself. i'm even thinking about trying to make it out to the trails more often. after the race i briefly chatted with the xc girls before finding kathrin and hanging out with her for part of the awards/raffles (as usual i did not win any of the raffles).

saturday (11/13) trail race: 13.1 miles, 2:10:48 (avg pace 9:59), 45*
(odd how i managed to run this faster than last year's 4mi trail race)

week in review (11/8 - 11/14)
total miles: 37.72 (slight increase from last week)
time spent running: ~ 5 hrs 49 mins
avg pace: 9:06
off days: 3
  • mon: nothing - mom blew up her water thingamajigger and had to rescue her from the side of the road
  • tue: easy 4mi over lunch; 6x800 after work
  • wed: easy 6mi runmute; weights & abs
  • thu: easy 7mi runmute
  • fri: yoga & abs
  • sat: half-marathon on trails
  • sun: weights & abs; 2.25mi walk with sister


  1. Probably all that water that was missing in the "lake" was in the creek that day! ;-) Would explain the absence of dry rocks!

  2. that sounds really fun! i'm glad you didn't faceplant in a horse pie though lol. it seems like trail running is a really nice break from the pressure of road races. nice job!

    and wtg getting that weekly mileage back up there too! you're rockin' it :)

  3. Congrats on your trail race! Love the photos, looks like a really nice trail.

  4. Yay for not falling face first in the horse manure! I'm so clumsy I probably would've landed right in at some point on that trail! Nice job on the race!

  5. Looks like a gorgeous race! I would love to run a trail half sometime. Maybe minus the horse crap... :)

  6. Okay Speed Racer! I've seen those trail races where everyone has taken a spill... That's the stuff that makes me want to do it.............NOT

  7. Damn, that looks like a "load" of fun. hahaha. You get it, cuz the horse s$@#. Well, congrats on that amazing time for a trail race. Now you have an idea what that was like for next year. I can see you on the trails with some trail mix and a camel bak. Maybe the horse S#$@ has protein in it? Im not trying that out though. You can. Great Job Lindsay. Way to get your MO on. ......and the pics look awesome. Thanks for sharing.

  8. Well Kenley just made me snort.....

    Not that I'm looking to find out but isn't horse sh*t the stuff they put in mud masks to make your skin soft?

  9. your trail running looks far more interesting than our trail running. you guys look like you had shade...we had nothing but open country....boring...

    great job on the race and really nice of you to chill with that girl.

  10. Good for you tackling the trails again! One day you'll learn. :) It looks beautiful out there!

  11. bahahah to the weeble reference! i made one the other day and NO ONE had any idea what i was talking about

  12. Great to see you getting into the trails!

  13. Wow...you make trail racing sound so fun...but um, scary! I've never done one so I'll just take your work for it!

    Congrats on a great race :)

  14. Congratulations on that trail race. I had the same situation in my first and only trail race, I still remember the pain. On day I will go back to the trail, but not yet.

  15. In light of my recent foray into trail running, this recap has me so pumped to try a trail race! I definitely agree that it's key to mentally commit yourself to the reality that matching your regular road pace is not the goal. Hope all your lower leg/ankle tendons and ligs are holding up and recovering after the effort! Looks like it was a lot of fun :-)

  16. awesome job!! thats a great time for a trail half. looks like a beautiful race :)

  17. You ran the half faster than 4 last year? Was it Mt. Everest you were running last year??? ;) Nice job, Chica!!!

  18. Oooh I love trail races!! But yes, going out too fast in any race is bad but especially trail races!!

  19. looks like quite the adventure--manure and all. You're a good daughter to rescue you mom!

  20. Congrats on another great race. Don't compare your road pace with trail pace. Apples & oranges! Your getting stronger with the trails - Keep it going. Terri has 2011 race schedule posted - Think about it!

  21. Way to keep the pace under 10 min/mile! You "beat" me in mileage this week.

  22. Congrats on the trail race!! I have found that it is really hard to find a good pace on trails. I either feel too fast or too slow. Practice makes perfect though.

    Hopefully your ankles aren't as sore as mine were after trail running.

  23. Holy cow! That's beautiful... I've never run on trails that look like that... so green! Nice work on the trail run, they're definitely different from road work but I love it!

  24. Trail running is amazing, but you have to go by feel, rather than pace. I run 12-14 min miles on the trails around here, some of the inclines and rocky parts require walking. Still is amazing!

  25. Nice work! If you lived a little closer, I'd let you take a ride on my deer to celebrate!! I've yet to run a trail race but I'd love to at some point. BTW, 2 of my kids were born in that timeframe. I guess the deer pee must have some sort of aphrodisiac effect-ha!

  26. That's a long trail race!

    Glad you rescued your mom! That trumps exercising every time.

  27. And those are some of the reasons I hate running trails - the ankle turning, animal shit...the single-track trails, the running slow.... yep, all those reasons.

    I'm glad you had a good time though.

    Can you send me the link again for the race you want to do with me when I'm down there? I get paid on Friday, I can sign up then.

  28. Nice job on the trail race! I also have trouble figuring out the right effort on trails :O But there's definitely something zen-like about trail running!!

  29. Yikes, potential face plant in horse manure would be frightening! I always have a hard time deciding if I would really like or really hate running a trail race after I read a race report about one. Congrats, you did a great job!

  30. Sorry about the delay in getting comments your way; it's been a bit hectic.

    I love that you're running on trails and sorry that your experience was littered with cow manure.

    The trails were gorgeous and I'm glad you captured it. Any race photos?

  31. Way to go on the trail race- that's a super long distance to run on a trail. I did a trail 5K once and it was worse than a 10K on pavement. I'll do it again though.

    Horse manure... not fun on ANY race course. Period.

    Amy Lauren

  32. I wish you would have linked to that 4mi trail race (unless you avoided talking about it).
    That's a great HM time especially with the technicalness of the trail, and presumably wet shoes from the dry-rockless creek crossing.
    Excellent mileage this week. I bet your bike misses you.
    And you're a great daughter, nice of you to help your Mom.

  33. Well done, 2:10 is good for a trail half marathon! Trail races are great but you have to hold back a lot more than on the road. I only learned how to run trails properly by training a lot on trails.

  34. Now you're improving Lindsay! A good train 1/2 Marathon.

    By the way I never run a mountain race!

    See you!

  35. I want to get into trails so bad...slowly. Like run slowly.

  36. No falling, some poop and a great time...sounds like a winner in my book!

    Next you'll be doing ultras?!?

  37. I'm not *that* intense. RBR just makes up shit, you know her! Really, we could be friends. ;)

  38. Sounds awesome! And your weekly mileage is impressive.

  39. I am not sure I could hang on a trail run anything. Kudos for getting back out there, even if you just forgot the pain. ;)

  40. That's a good week! Even as an ex xc runner I'm a little afraid of trail races, but at least when you do them you can relax about hitting a certain time

  41. Humbling is what trail running can be, especially to me. It's just not the same as getting out there and pushing it...you did a great job though.

  42. Wow, I am so impressed when I see photos from a trail run course. Great job!
