Monday, November 22, 2010

reebok, take 2

i posted about this awhile ago, but it's going down again! reebok is once again looking for more product-testers.

periodically, a reebok representative will email you in regards to testing a pair of shorts, an athletic top, a sports bra, shoes, etc. you reply back (quickly) to get dibs on a sample, and they mail it to you with the test instructions. you then wear the gear for however long the test period is for (sometimes a few days, usually a couple of weeks), fill out the forms as necessary, and mail it back to them. you do have to pay for the return shipping, but what's ~$5 for a running top or shorts? after they collect their data, they will mail the garment back to you for keeps. shoe testing works a little differently, but you still get a free treat in the end.

non-us residents, i am not sure if they have set boundaries, but it's worth a shot!

of course, you must meet at least one of the following requirements:
men - clothing size medium and/or shoe sizes 9, 11, 12, 13 (basketball footwear only for sizes 11 and 13)
women - clothing size medium (and/or) shoe sizes 5, 7, 9

so, if you're interested shoot me an email and i'll send you the reebok contact info, and hopefully you can score some free running gear!

disclaimer: i do not work for reebok. i am pretty sure i don't get any benefit from you signing up.


  1. I don't always run, but when I do, I'm not sure it would be in Reeboks.

    BTW The Road tee is a little delayed, yes, but I am all over it this week.

  2. wait seriously?! this would be awesome. send me the contact info?

  3. Sounds like fun. My shoe size wouldn't work, but my clothing size would. I'd love the contact info.

  4. I can't say that I am itching to run in Reeboks - it just seems to scream basketball to me. Not running. I'd give the clothing size a shot though.

  5. Hm, after the Reebok shoes that magically tone your butt, I am not interested in their products. Of course, the sizes would not work, either. Thanks for sharing, though:)

  6. Wooo!
    Shoe sizes probably won't work for my duck feet, but I've had rebok tops and shorts in the past that were great, so hell yeah, count me in :)
    Thanks for sharing, Miss CTK!

  7. I've done something similar for Brooks in the past and it was awesome. I'm in the size range so maybe I'll sign up for Reebok too! :)

  8. I've done something similar for Brooks in the past and it was awesome. I'm in the size range so maybe I'll sign up for Reebok too! :)

  9. I would love the contact info, and I wear size 9 shoes too!

  10. I would love the contact info, and I wear size 9 shoes too!
    I am living in Hamburg Germany :-)
    I am running 40-50Km per weeek

  11. I am the only person I know that runs in Reeboks – they have a premier line that is very good – these are not the department store type running shoes. I get mine out the outlet malls for little $.

  12. Hey, I want those shoes that make you have a nice ass. That would be stellar and would improve my top end speed. It's all about what's NOT in the truck that will make this front wheel drive Honda civic go zoom zoom zoom. no wait, that's Mazda. My bad. Medium. Oh, too bad, I am a mediarge. Going between sizes. But shit critters, send me that info. I could always shrink some more. Damnit, I want those butt shoes so I can get the Brad Pitt butt, like in Troy. lol

  13. Thanks for the review! I am an Asics freak but I did wear Reeboks for a few years.

    Take care and have a great holiday weekend!

  14. As a blogstidude, you know I'm all over this. Expect an email shortly.

  15. If it were Nike, I'd be all over it, but for some reason Reebok and I don't mesh well. :)

  16. That'll work for me! runnersfuelathotmaildotcom. Thanks!!

  17. I win, i am a size 7. Send me the deets pie-face :)

  18. I sent you an email!!

  19. Perfect, dude. I'm a medium and wear size 12. Very excited if something could work out!

    Hope you're enjoying your time off (assuming you got today off. If not, enjoy tomorrow!).

  20. I sent an email through your blog but I wasn't sure if you got shoe and clothes size falls in the requirements and I would LOVE the contact info! Thanks!
