Friday, November 12, 2010

runmuting and rule #20

first of all, my apologies for any undue stress i caused by alerting you to the chocolate shortage. we'll have to organize a support group in a few years.

i am back from a two-day training session on federal acquisition regulation (linking because i *know* you want to go learn all about it too). riveting! i think i may have a giveaway for your very own copy, anyone?

it wasn't that bad really, the instructor was personable and humorous; i was actually less bored in class than i am in the office. major bonus: he let us out at 4pm instead of the usual 5:30pm, so i took advantage of the shorter workdays (and daylight!) and ran home.

on wednesday i took the direct route home which has little-to-no shoulder for 2.5 miles and had me jumping in the ditch for passing cars. my ankles were all kinds of dirty when i got home.

wednesday: beating the sunset home

thursday i stuck to the sidewalked streets for a slightly longer run. i know i am preaching to the choir here, but seriously, do people not remember the "left, right, left" driving rule when pulling out into the road? on this run home i had to stop three times in the span of a quarter-mile for morons who's necks don't turn right.

then as i ran up the last big hill i almost wiped out on more of those darn acorns.

here in s.carolina we don't have dirt, we have red clay

i really enjoyed run-commuting home from work, but maybe that was just joy from getting out of work early. it was nice to get home and have the rest of the evening to relax, whereas normally i get home and still have to head out for my run. if only i could have a closet at work for my work clothes, and some leniency regarding what time i arrive/leave, i would just run to/from work everyday.

wednesday (11/10) afternoon run: 6.35 miles, 56:27 (avg pace 8:53), 71*
thursday (11/11) afternoon run: 7.15 miles, 1:03:55 (avg pace 8:56), 70*


  1. OK-so I will admit, I never even bothered to click on that link...Nice work on the runs! I can't believe the temps you have there. It is 19 degrees here right now and I'm considering putting on my robber mask to go run....

  2. great running! you should love the dirty ankles girl. it's like trail running. almost haha

  3. I hate running on the sidewalks for that reason too! I'll attach a note giving you permission to arrive/leave when you want to.......

  4. distance runs!!!

    and omg acorns are TREACHEROUS!!!!! on the ground AND in the air. so you know how i ran the half marathon this past september? i ran the same race LAST year and in the first quarter mile we were starting out and BOOM i got WHAPPED in the eye by a falling acorn. true story. lol.

    and that book? is huge. ridiculousness.

  5. Nice job on the post-work runs! I would love to have that option.

    Save me a spot in that support group of yours.

  6. Oooh, those pictures look so lovely and warm and... dry! I love the term "runmuting." Nice. My runmute is dark and rainy, always. Which is why I'm lazy and take the bus whenever I can. :-) And those acorns.. I think that's the second time you've mentioned them recently. They must be deadly, geez!

  7. That would be awesome if I could just show up to work when ever I was ready. I would so run in the am (after sunrise).

  8. That is so awesome that you can run home from work! That is my dream:) Acorns are deadly!!

    I am joining your support group!!

    Great job on your runs!

  9. Acorns make great (and free) cat toys! I'm always picking up a handful when I run. Should I say ran!
    Nice couple of runs you got there, it's always great to get out of work early and then finish the day with a nice run! Jealous.....

  10. I would love to be able to run to/from work. Haven't yet figured out the logistics. And acorns? The devil!

  11. I wanted to pop in and say, 'Hi.' I have been thinking about you and wanted you to know. :)

    (My telepathy is on the fritz, so people I care about do not seem to know when I am thinking about them when I do not tell them. :) So I am telling them)

    I have oft thought about runmuting, but that is as close as I have gotten to actually doing it, thinking about it.

  12. Drivers are SCARY when running. One of my biggest fears ever is getting hit by a car!!

  13. i love run commuting!!!! but i hate idiot drivers, they are bad after work too, especially now that its dark. i try to shine my headlamp at them and just always assume they dont see me but UGGG.

  14. I feel like I accomplished so much more when I finish a run that involved crossing busy intersections - like some sort of superwoman. ; )

  15. Nice runs! getting longer, right? I can't believe how warm it is over there. Send some degrees over here, please!

  16. Runmuting - I didn't know it had a name...will keep this in mind! Nice runs!

  17. It's good to see your miles getting up there, I know what you mean about Morons!! Take care!!

  18. Be happy that the drivers near you actually look at least one way.

    Great way to end the day, but how did you get to work? Did you run there to? Take a bus? Get a ride? Fly on a dragon?

  19. You have to tell me what you do for work! As a leasing specialist for the federal government, I'm bound by both the FAR and GSAM. Can't believe this is on a running blog, how cool is that?!

  20. I've often thought about running to and from work. Work is only two miles away, but in the summer I'd still be a sweaty mess, and where would my laptop go? Our next office needs showers.

  21. I think our bosses totally ought to let us plan our whole day around getting our work out in. That should include personal showers and dressing rooms for when needed. I am sure my school district will fund this, no problem.

  22. Federal acquisition regulation. Sounds like a great time for a nap :)

  23. Um, as far as FAR, just don't go buying any of those $800 toilet seats.
    As for the acorns, I could not find the hidden message.

  24. Glad I'm not the only one crazy enough to commute by foot!

  25. So you get to leave work early and go trail running? Awesome! I guess I shouldn't whine about my job so much - I leave at 2pm everyday :). sucks. Whatever, huh?? You can Kovas should run an ultra together - you'd have so much to talk about during all those hours :).

    Will email you later...

  26. Way to take advantage of extra time! And I am very distressed about running out of chocolate.

  27. Dammnit, my comment got deleted because I hadn't signed into wordpress!!

    anyway, so the abbreviated version - I forgot to tell yo we can do that race in your neighborhood, so now we've lost out on the cheaper price, huh?

    But really, I'm holding my breath until i can read through that entire FAR acquisition manual and the D-FAr one, I really can't wait!!!!

  28. Maybe someday we'll live in a world where offices will more sensitive to our needs as runners--let us leave earlier or come in later depending on when we run, have showers available, extend lunch hours so that we can get in a run there if we want...Someone could run on that political platform. We'll call it the I'm a Runner Party.
