Sunday, May 3, 2009

kentucky derby - what horses?

while (seemingly) everyone else is racing this weekend, i was watching the horse races at the derby. some friends and i got cheap tickets to the infield, and most people there don't even see horses. i still wanted to see some of the action and luckily we were able to catch glimpses of each race as the horses ran around turn 2 and down the backstretch.

i was gonna dress up (not to the max) but the weather was crappy. well, it was supposed to be extra crappy, but thankfully the rain held off all afternoon. it was cloudy, cool and muddy, so i was glad to have worn jeans instead of a dress. being the genius that i am, i thought the derby was at like 12 or 1. i'm not really sure where i got that idea from. oh well, we caught every single race anyway.

still thinking the race was around lunchtime, i hopped over a mud puddle to purchase an official kentucky derby mint julep. umm. not so sure what the hype is about those... i couldn't even bring myself to finish it. the fact that it was 10:30 am probably didn't help much.

i wanted to bet on the horse with the worst odds (hey biggest payout!), but j and his infinite wisdom told me not to. we know how that turned out, who won? oh right, the horse with the 49:1 odds or something. anyway i put the (not-so) big money down on general quarters 'cause he's a local horse, i liked his story, and i could call him gq for short. he finished 10th.

after wandering the infield for the afternoon and watching the first 10 races, the port-a-potty races began in the intermission before race #11, the derby. gotta love drunken idiots who aren't afraid to embrace the port-a-potty smell. at least no one ran across in the buff this year.

a drunk old man

first place female

an even older, old man, and some stupid drunk girl

the older-old man is still struggling
note how most of the roofs no longer stick up

there's nothing i'd rather do then hug a port-a-potty
after 12 hours of drunk people using it...

i assumed i would not be up for a run after the races, so i drug myself out of bed early in the morning to get a short run in. i figured if i wanted i could always add on a few more miles in the afternoon, back when i still thought the race was at noon-ish and all. after my big four hours of sleep friday night i got in 6 miles on the treadmill and i'm sure both the lack of sleep and running effort contributed to my tiredness all afternoon. going to bed saturday night was heavenly, to say the least.

saturday (5/2) am run: 6 miles, 51:08 (avg pace 8:31), avg hr (167)


  1. The derby looks like a blast!! I haven't tried an official mint julep yet, but I did tour a bourbon distillery a few years back. I was a huge fan of the bourbon balls, but not of the bourbon itself...

    I can't imagine what would possess someone to run across a row of porta-potties... Yuck!

  2. Damn that derby looks fun. I've never been to the Kentucky Derby, but it sounds awesome. I remember going to the greyhound races when I was younger. Not the same, but still a blast!

  3. Not really sure about the whole porta potty event! Pretty gross. Looks like a fun time.

  4. What the...? Those pics are definite headscratchers. NO amount of alcohol would make me do something inane like that!

    Anyway, good times Linds. Save the fancy hat and dress for next year. Don't quite get the fascination with watching horses go round and round, but I suppose the same can be said about our silly sport.

  5. Ahhhh, the derby. Since bourbon is my favorite booze and I grow my own mint in the backyard, I feel the need to pretend I'm interested in horse racing for a few hours every year. My homemade version of the mint julep was not quite as good as last year - probably because I used raw sugar instead of refined sugar for my simple syrup. I still drank enough to be dehydrated during this morning's run.

    To answer your question from my blog, I run my intervals at a park with a 1.1 mile path around a lake. The start/finish and the quarter miles are marked. It makes 400, 800 and 1200 m quite easy (well, not easy...convenient). I use my Garmin to help on the 200 m intervals. I've been doing it so often that I pretty much know where each 200 m interval ends now.

  6. What a blast! The "derby" is on my bucket list! How fun! :) There is a good thing in KY! :)

  7. So while you didn't get to race yourself, you still got a race experience - complete with porta-potties! That would be terrible to ever miss an opportunity to hang around those, right?!

  8. oh man, that porta potty race is killing me! what drunk southern people will do for kicks is amazing! as an occasionally drunk southern person, I feel okay saying that.

  9. Porta potty race? For real????? Yuck-o!!!

    Looks like you had a fun day!

  10. Now you know to go with your gut feeling whenever you bet! What a day, huh? The Kentucky Derby and porta-potty of those "It doesn't get any better than this" moments!

  11. LOL looks like a great time, but running on porta-potties! I hope that I NEVER get that drunk! LOL

  12. Sounds like it was quite the.. um, experience!

  13. My husband, who does not understand the concept of "blog friends," was very jealous when I told him yesterday that "My blog friend Lindsey is at the derby drinking a mint julep." He is a HUGE horse racing fan, and so we definitely want to go one year.

  14. Oh. My. Gawd. That is the most bizarre thing I've ever seen in my life (and I live in NYC with a crap ton of crazies!). But let me tell you, I am definitely jealous of your fun day! I'll definitely have to check out the Kentucky Derby at some point!

  15. What? You didn't want to run across port-a-potties? ;)

  16. Congrats on your most exciting day. I've never been to a derby like event but i'm sure it must have been exciting. Nice photos.

  17. Sounds like a fun day. NOTHING would induce me to run across those porta potties...drunk or not!

  18. OMG! Nothing like a lot of drunk people having fun!

    By the way Lindsay - where's he hat?

  19. um yeah, mint juleps are quite gross! the porta potty race looks awesome, can you imagine if any of the ceilings had collapsed while they were on top - that would be too funny!
    Oh, and I always feel badly for the horse that has the biggest odds, so that is usually who I put the money on!
