Wednesday, May 13, 2009

sugar stacks

need a reason or motivation to cut out some sugar? check out sugar stacks, a handy visualization that may talk you out of that handful of skittles or pack of oreos.

it's slightly misleading regarding fruit since the sugar in fruit is natural and easier for the body to break down, but i guess some people do need to keep in mind that just because it's fruit does not mean they can eat the whole orchard. they do explain it a little more in the sugar stacks blog, along with discussing other sugar-related topics.

thank the lord they didn't post about m&m's! (of course that's what i checked for first!)


  1. The first thing I thought of when reading your post was, "How much in m&m's?" lol.

    The smoothies and beverage section got to me. How gross. Esp. the Starbuck's drinks...I knew they were bad for you, but jeez! Massive sugar load!

  2. LOL at your M&Ms comment...
    I'll just keep the nutritional contents of those little devils to myself then...haha!

  3. Linsday - you might just have changed my life with that website. Thanks so much for posting it!! :)

  4. Hey, I saw in Runners World yesterday that Kara Goucher likes to snack on M&Ms. She likes the peanut M&Ms, though. It's for extra protein, I'm sure.

    And yes, that's in the May issue. I'm behind on my reading again.

  5. Nothing wrong with M&M's. The peanut kind are actually healthy. Chocolate has antioxidants, and the sugar coating provides much needed enery for a long run. I give M&M's a nutritional thumbs up! Ana-Maria

  6. I love the m&m's too! Even if they showed them, I would keep eating them.

  7. Sometimes it's better not to know. :p

  8. Good resource...but I don't know if I have the courage to read it. I went through a huge bar of chocolate yesterday.

    Now you've found your excuse to load up on the M&Ms.

  9. Yeaaa... I don't think I should look at that site LOL

  10. uh-oh, not sure if i want to look. i looked up baja fresh nutritonal info and now all i can eat there is the salad. which isn't all that bad...

  11. Gah! Did you see the Skittles?

  12. That is a really sweet site! Makes me think twice about the big bag of sour worms in front of me...
