Saturday, May 16, 2009

yet another treadmill run

so... thursday i was offered an assignment in saudi arabia. one of the first concerns that came to mind was how/where would i run? i also had thoughts flying through my head about missing the sfm and va beach rnr (i am not currently registered for either, just considering), and having to choose between coming back to the states for the nyc marathon or christmas. thankfully/part-unfortunately, it turns out they have rules against women doing pretty much anything over there, so i don't have to worry about it as i definitely won't be going. i'm sure it would've made for a great experience though.

day 1 of rest went well last night/this morning. i woke up way too early (5am-ish) and a few times after that but kept falling back asleep before waking up for real around 8:30. i know, since when is 8:30 sleeping in? it's an extra 4 hours of sleep for me though... sigh. i love working 11-12 hour days, everyday (ok, just mon-fri). it was thunderstorming ~6am so that made sleeping in even easier. unfortunately it was still raining when i was ready to go run, and after a half hour of waiting i sucked it up and got on the stupid treadmill. i am beginning to wonder if i am 'living' in seattle or kentucky.

i was aiming for 10 miles today, and you can probably guess how excited i was about getting on the treadmill. i had some gu chomps with me, and i baited myself with a 'treat' every couple of miles. i must be turning into a 'mill lover (very doubtful) because i actually got in 12 miles on the stinkin' machine. i think it was more that i knew i needed to just suck it up and do a medium-long run. i'm sure the chomps helped a little as well. i also happened to start my run just as "no reservations" came on hbo, and i got sucked into the cheesy, romantic-comedy movie (haven't seen it before). i told myself i was not allowed to hop off the treadmill and run back up to my room to watch the rest of the movie from the comfort of the bed. it turned out to be a pretty cute movie, and aaron eckhart wasn't too bad to look at either.

friday (5/15) am bike: 10.3 miles, 30:00 (a little xt for some variety)
saturday (5/16) am run: 12 miles, 1:45:19 (avg pace 8:46), avg hr (168)


  1. Wow, that could have been a cool experience! Bummer that it didn't work out, but maybe for the best. I love how your intial concerns/hesitations were all running-related!

    12miles on the treasdmill - you are my hero!

    I love Chomps. We don't have them here yet but I grabbed a few packs in Boston. I'm all out so I hope they sell them here soon!

  2. ditto on Marlene's first paragraph... and the 2nd LOL. Hadn't heard of the Chomps either, but makes sense now reading Marlene's 3rd paragraph :) Hope it stops raining... i think you've sent it north :D

  3. So you usually get up at 4:30am? You are hardcore (or maybe just nutty:)) Nice job on the 'mill!!

  4. Wow, 12 miles on the treadmill. I am impressed. And waking up at 4:30am? The last time I did that was over 3 years ago when my son would wake up to get fed. I am still working on forgetting that:) Nice job! Ana-Maria

  5. 12 miles on the treadmill!?! You get 10 gold stars for knocking that one out.

    I have some Chomps but I'm waiting for when I finally do a long run. Never tried 'em...what's your fav. flavor?

  6. Wow... Saudi Arabia... that would be full on! You must have an interesting job...Running wise, it would be soooooo lovely and warm :)

  7. Oh yeah... I'd tough out the dreadmill to stare at Aaron Eckhart. He's even yummier in real life, so handsome...

    Saudi Arabia would be a hell of an adventure, but I'd have a hard time relenting any of my "rights" simply because of my gender.

  8. 12 miles on the 'mill? Jeez...I'm friends with the treadmill but hanging out with it for more than 8 to me is just getting too close...congrats on being such BFFs with the 'mill!

  9. I heard Nike makes a mean running burka. On 2nd thought...

    And don't even get me started on your taste in movies ;)

    I prefer Aaron Eckhart in something in "In the Company of Men". Now THAT'S a great movie.

  10. I'm glad you didn't get to go actually. Remember - women do not enjoy the same equality that you enjoy here. So it's not only where to run, but how are you going to run in long pants, long sleeves, and a scarf. "The Saudi Embassy in Washington advises women traveling to Saudi Arabia to dress in a conservative fashion, wearing ankle-length dresses with long sleeves, and not to wear trousers in public. In many areas of Saudi Arabia, particularly Riyadh and the central part of the Kingdom, Mutawwa pressure women to wear a full-length black covering known as an Abaya, and to cover their heads. Most women in these areas therefore wear an Abaya and carry a headscarf to avoid being accosted. Women who appear to be of Arab or Asian origin, especially those presumed to be Muslims, face a greater risk of being confronted."

    Twelve miles on a dreadmill? Wow. I can't even imagine two!

  11. Well, I'll just repeat what everyone else is already saying. Wow on the 12 miler treadmill experience...and glad you're sticking around in the States.

    I haven't run in 2 days, laid around on the beach all day today and I don't feel guilty at all!

  12. I am so impressed with your ability to run 12 miles on a treadmill. I literally have to bribe myself to make it through 2- okay so I can't actually run 12 miles anywhere but if I was going to do it, a treadmill would not be the place.
    Good job :)

  13. Wow, I didn't know you had to work such long hours. That's awesome that you can get so much running into your schedule.

    Glad you're not going to Saudi Arabia!

  14. OMG you need to come out here and do SFM!!!!!!! AHHHH that would be so fun! I am doing the first half :)
