Thursday, May 7, 2009

running fail

running is not always a successful stress-reliever for me. :( i certainly wish it was. unfortunately some days when i'm stressed or frustrated and lace up my shoes, running just makes me more stressed.

tuesday - i was in a funky mood overall. got on the treadmill... ran three minutes. yes, three minutes. felt like crying. i'm not sure why, just upset. cash cab wasn't keeping me the least bit distracted. i forced myself to ten minutes and stopped. stood there, looked at the treadmill and it's 1.12 (or whatever it said, i don't remember), and felt extremely pathetic. hopped back on to even it out to 1.5 miles. half of me said "it's ok, you can have (and maybe need) a day off." the other half said "this is pathetic. you know you probably won't have time later this week to run and will take another day off. how can you log 1.5 miles on your spreadsheet and call it a day?" the lazy and emotional half won. i walked out of the hotel "gym", got on the elevator, and said to myself - "fail".

tuesday (5/5) pm run: 1.5 miles, 12:53 (avg pace 8:35)
i even typed "treadmill FAIL" in the workout notes section of my dorky spreadsheet.

on wednesday i was too afraid to fail again, so i didn't even attempt to run. i also had to pack all my stuff up anyway, and couldn't believe how much crap i had with me in the hotel.

here's hoping i can pull it together over the weekend and log actual mileage for the week. it's thursday and i'm not even in the double digits... sigh.


  1. sorry you had a tough run -- i think if they were all easy, we wouldn't appreciate them as much. Hope that once you get settled again, your awesome runs will fall right back into place :)

  2. Hang in there dude! We all have crappy runs!

  3. Aww girl this makes me sad!! I understand getting down on yourself...I do it too. I make myself feel bad if I run less than 20 miles a week (and that's not even THAT much).

    Just gotta remind ourselves that we're all not perfect and sometimes our bodies need a freakin break some days (or more than one day). You won't lose all your running ability in a couple days, promise.

  4. awww, don't be so hard on yourself. sometimes you're in the mood, sometimes you're not. sounds like your week has been a little stressful anyway, having to relocate and everything. give your chance to relax, you'll come back all fresh and speedier than ever :)

  5. Been there, done that, have loads of t-shirts. If the feeling isn't there don't push yourself. I'd do some drills instead - legs get a workout but without actually "running".

  6. We all have days/weeks when we are just emotionally and physicially drained. Maybe tryign for a run outside might help. The treadmill is almost always a fail for me in soem way. Hang in there. Good luck with the move.

  7. Hey, some running experts say that it is best to stop when you have an off day... We all have them. It's OK to take it easy. I just hope you found another way to reduce the stress. Ana-Maria

  8. You ARE allowed to have those days. Sure, maybe you could have forced yourself through the rest of your workout - but would you have gotten anything out of it?

    I hope today is better.

  9. Ugh. I know the feeling. Talk a day or three off and let your mind rest. I had the same issue yesterday - found that I was much more in the mood for poker instead of a run. So I headed off to the local casino (whistling)....

  10. Aw man, I'm sorry. Sounds like it's been a rough week. We all have weeks like that--sometimes you've just got too much going on! I say, give yourself a mini-break and then try to recover again after you're all settled in your new locale ;)

  11. Sorry about the crappy run. I hate days like that.

  12. Boooo on the fail! Have a great weekend!

  13. Aww, don't beat yourself up. You've had MANY more great runs than fail runs. Go get 'em next time. :o)

  14. Don't be so hard on yourself... you're an amazing runner and an inspiration to so many of us that read here. We all have rough times, just know that you're in good company on that front.

  15. You've gotta cut yourself some slack. You've actually done remarkably well considering a large percentage of your recent workouts have been on a treadmill in a hotel "fitness center".

    With any luck, the change in scenary will help your outlook.

  16. I hate those days. You just got to get up and keep on going the next day.

  17. You are just having a bad week. Hang in there, it will blow over soon.

  18. been there, done me a 'bad' run always means a fantastic run is...just around the corner...actually, you are probably on that fantastic run as I am writing this....

  19. Don't kill yourself over the next few days trying to get your weekly mileage up. Call it a reduced mileage week.

  20. Treadmill fail on teh spreadsheet? Even when you are down you are funny. :o)

    You know crappy runs happen. Usually best to let the body rest and get over it. I had a SUPER unimpressive 3 mile run today that was supposed be 5 miles w/ hill repeats, but I just didn't have it.

    Hang in there and good luck with the move. I hear there is an Olive Garden! ;o)

    Oh, and I WHOLEHEARTEDLY support the tri thing. :O)

  21. Hey, I stumbled onto this post from Chris's blog, and just wanted to add my voice the others' by saying I've definitely been there :) If you run enough, you're bound to have days like this. I think the key (and I'm constantly trying to bear this in mind...easier said than done!) is to look forward--don't dwell on the last run, just think about what's coming up next!

  22. Gotta love you, Lindsay! You're so hard on yourself a "Fail" put a smile on my face. I'm thinking that once things settle down, you will be back to being good 'ol overachieving Lindsay.

  23. You have been running for a I guess you should know that all athletes get depressed sometimes or discouraged...its sports pyschology 101. I guess thats what a coach is for...but I know in running most people dont have a coach or even a team to pull them through the hard times.
    Its easier said than done, but I dont think taking a day off or making excuses is the way to go. Everyone is different but Ive learned that some of my BEST workouts, even "breakthroughs" have been on days when going into the gym or getting up and putting my shoes on nearly reduced me to tears. Conversely some days Ive felt like the Terminator pre-workout only to totally drop the ball big time in training. Odd.
    Just put your head down and drive through...if nothing else youll feel better about yourself 24 hours later. In my mind and even in my heart, I cant think of any feeling more crap then knowing that I just quit.

    Im so selfish, using your blog to preach to myself. Sorry.

  24. You can get back in there girl... You just needed a day off. You have a lot of changes going on, moving to another town, etc. Grab a handful of M&Ms and relax. You will run tomorrow!

  25. :( sorry to hear about your craptatsic runs. I don't like to think of it as failing. In the famous words of tenacious d....

    "You passed....barely. Know what you got? F plus"

    Now, doesn't that make you feel better?

  26. the treadmill makes me cry too... GAH i hate that thing! i sooo know that feeling girl. hang in there, your awesomeness will return :)

  27. It's a new week! Hopefully it'll be better than the last. You need to make sure you don't dwell over it and just forget about your previous runs. You're always going to have runs like that. It's what makes your good runs feel that much more significant!
