Saturday, May 1, 2010

april 2010

april 2009
total mileage: 173.13
time spent running: 24:17:07
days off: 4 (2 planned, 2 not)
abs/yoga: 6 ab workouts / 0 yoga sessions
avg resting hr: 58 (only checked it twice all month)
avg max hr: 184.00
avg temp: 70.90*
pushups: 590

april 2010
total mileage: 155.81
time spent running: 23:39:55
days off: 13! (however 10 of those were my post-marathon(s) right to be lazy)
abs/yoga: 8 ab workouts/1 yoga session
avg resting hr: 57 (finally started checking it again)
avg max hr: 180.08
avg temp: 70.29*
pushups: 460

i've now been working in kentucky for over a year, even though i was originally sent up here for "2-3 weeks". i'm not sure what kind of calendar my company uses.

i took 4 days off completely after boston and 6 after kentucky. i was tempted to run, but i told myself to enjoy being lazy while i could. my legs were sore and stiff for a day after each race, but quickly cleared up. thankfully nothing hurt from my little running experiment, and i'm raring to get back to running this weekend if these t-storms ever let up.

don't worry, i'm *not* hopping into the flying pig marathon on sunday to go 3-for-3. i was tempted...


  1. Darn! I was looking forward to a flying pig report! :) (But I'm glad you're not doing it!)

  2. You really ARE addicted if you even "thought" about Flying Pig...but that's why we love you! Please rest though!

  3. Nice new look to the blog!
    I don't see WI with a red dot on it yet! Maybe next can do my first one with me!!

    Enjoy the rest and relaxin'

  4. Great job at adding more abs/yoga from last year! Love the amount of rest days.

  5. Love your blogs new look! You are running well!! Had any M&M's lately?:)

  6. Great stats. As I was looking at your running resume I wished we would have run Boston together. It would have been my only opportunity, you are too fast. I'm still being lazy. Heading out for a walk now in the breezy South Louisiana weather.

  7. I wish I could more yoga sessions in!

  8. Take a break ya crazy running fool. LOL! Good numbers and those rest days could have extended to at least 25. :)

  9. Wow those are some impressive stats! I am nowhere near organized enough to compile such a comprehensive year-to-year comparison.
    I am tired just thinking about the Pig so soon after Boston.

  10. So you had 13 days off and still racked up over 150 miles. That is awesome! I loved the flying pig last year ... You have to do it at some point, glad you decided nit to this year- a 3fer might be too much. You are my inspiration :)

  11. Such a beast. I feel like the ultimate running poser even commenting on your blog, but you are hilarious and total rockstar and have not blocked me from commenting so there you have it! :)

    Dude, I have been OBSESSED with Flying Pig marathon since I ran my first marathon and heard of that one. I will do that SOB some day! Best name and logo for a marathon EVER!

    Hmmm.. maybe next year a meet up?

  12. Good job resting! You need that! I hope your health is better and the diziness, etc are a thing of the past!

  13. I like the new layout!

    Great job this month. Not bad for back to back marathons. ;)

  14. Nice mileage! About 1000% more than me!

  15. Your awesome- but if you had done Flying Pig, I would have said crazy!!!!
