Sunday, May 23, 2010

see you in another life, brotha

i scraped together a decent amount of mileage the past two weeks. i wish i was doing more, but i'll take what i can get. hopefully it'll continue to increase instead of my typical slacking off...

week in review (5/10 - 5/16):
total miles: 33.50 (avg temp 69* f)
time spent running: ~ 5 hours 5 minutes
avg hr: 162
avg run pace: 9:06/mile
off days: 1

week in review (5/17 - 5/23):
total miles: 33.30 (avg temp 66.8* f)
time spent running: ~ 5 hours 22 minutes
avg hr: 162
avg run pace: 8:58/mile
off days: 2

this was week one of 'general' training and i already skipped a quality workout. i went to charleston, sc for a friend's wedding and all the traveling and festivities made me extra lazy on friday. i did still get in my long run though!

it may be pathetic, but i'm planting myself on the couch tonight for the 4.5-hr LOST recap and finale instead of squeezing in a few more miles. gonna miss this crazy show!

*eta: don't worry LOST catcher-uppers - i won't post any spoilers!


  1. Ooh! I LOVE Charleston. Pretty sure you ran more miles than me both weeks! Geez-all anyone can talk about is this LOST phenomenon. I might have to start at the beginning with Netflix....

  2. I have managed to save all the episodes for this season. I didn't start until season 3 and watched the seasons 1 & 2 episodes consecutively. I found that most enjoyable so I am going to do the same for season 6. I better watch them soon though or I am afraid that I will accidentally hear about the finale.


  3. OK, so I have not watch Lost. I am a Survivor kind of girl. Nice job running!

  4. I'm glued to LOST right now too. Been a fan since day one. Sad times ...

  5. I am behind (way) on Lost but plan to catch up. I own all seasons but current one.

  6. I really haven't been into Lost this season, but I'm still parked on the couch right now ready for it to start!

  7. That's a good running week in my book (I ran only 6 miles this week, aarrgghh!). Enjoy that LOST marathon!

  8. Jess,
    Your blog rocks and I'm jealous at this amazing platform you've created.

    I don't know anything about Lost, but I've found myself streaming it from an awesome website

  9. LOST tonight! :)

  10. 4.5 hrs of lost? tonight? really? wow...good thing I dont watch it......

    you ran-thats great!!!!! I'm a big fan of rest days....probably because I love them...traveling to SC from KY-long way-you needed rest!!

  11. Hahah, I guess one thing we don't have in common is that I've never watched Lost. I hope you had a blast couch plopping and enjoyed the recaps!! Nice running, girl...I did about the same the past two weeks, too. Hoping to change that soon, if my heel will cooperate!

  12. Wow a lot of lost fans arond the blogosphere. Nice volume on your running..

  13. I'm all lost!!!

    I read your blog and I motivate for my workouts!

    Thanks Lindsay

    BTW I haven`t seen never Lost but at work they're always talking about it! I want to see it but it's better to start at the begining!


  14. We had our butts glued to the couch last night too!
    Thank God it was big TV night, way too damn hot outside for anything else! You can have this weather-bring back the snow as far as I am concerned!

  15. I have never watched even one episode of LOST. But I hope the series finale was not a let down for you!

  16. Hope you had fun in SC! I think your past two weeks have been solid.

  17. It's funny. There are very few TV shows we watch, but we do watch Lost. Although, in my pregnant state, there was no way I was staying up to watch it last night. It's been recorded though, and we'll watch it tonight. I hope the wrap up was better than the Jacob episode. I didn't find that episode as enlightening as I would have liked.

  18. I am so excited because we just made a hotel reservation to stay at Charleston in two weeks. We have never been there before. I hope you have a great week!

  19. Good to see you are building up your base miles as for Lost for some reason I haven't seen it but I guess now it's finished you'll be lost with out it! sorry !

  20. I'm pretty sure my wife is overjoyed that Lost is finally over... one less thing for me to obsess over... I always tell her "it could be worse... I could have started a Lost blog"...

    now I'm back to just obsessing about running and baseball.

  21. ahhhh i just finished watching the finale....i can't believe it's over!! i thought the ending was perfect, though it had me crying like a baby.

    i have been slacking on the mileage too...i just can't seem to get over that 35 mile hump since boston haha. but 30s is pretty solid when you're not really in nice job getting it done!

  22. Great Job on squeezing in that long run. As far as LOST, haven't seen it. I haven't had time to watch the show. As jenn stated, might have to get it on netflix some year. Take care. BTW, how is your vertigo (or lack of hopefully) doing?

  23. Great job with the training!!

    And what did you think of Lost. Overall, I felt very satisfied with the ending. Sure still some unanswered questions, but I was sort of OK with that.

  24. I had to arrange my entire day yesterday to watch the hours of Lost on last night. Crazy.

  25. I LOVED that finale. I watched it again today & sobbed AGAIN.

    Farewell, Desmond.

    Wah :(

  26. I am with Jill, I have only seen a few episodes and halve been totally lost:) We do have all of the seasons on DVD. My hubby and nineteen year old are addicted! Nice job getting your runs in there Lady!

  27. It's nice to be on a loose and easy schedule for running, me too! I haven't followed Lost for a long time, have fun catching up on it!

  28. What is "general" training? Maybe i need to be reintroduced to that! Yeah, I don't watch Lost either but I hope you liked the ending!

  29. Man. Even in slacker mode you're puting in over 30 miles a week. What an animal!

  30. LOVE the title! For months, my Tuesday routine was to run with my running group, then rush home to catch LOST. I'll miss it!

  31. I swear I'm the only person who doesn't watch Lost. Nice running this week!

  32. LOL, I avoided this post when I read the title yesterday incase there were spoilers. :P (we ended up watching the finale last night)

    You're doing great in the NOT-slacking off department!

  33. Ok, so I saw the finale a day late - and oh my god. I cried. I am really going to miss that show. And the theme song.

    I'm so stupid though - I had to ask Bill questions afterward, I didn't "get" all of it!!

  34. You need to read my post today! :) I'll be posting a LOST post sometime soon, I promise!
