Sunday, May 2, 2010

bahston: boil ya wahtah

it has been raining (and t-storming) for two days straight, which made for a gross weekend and less running that i had hoped. i'm sure i'm better off with a little extra rest, and i'm glad i wasn't out running the flying pig in the pouring rain. today alone we got over 5". how much rain can clouds hold exactly?

saturday (5/1) afternoon run in the rain, between t-storms: 4.9 miles
sunday (5/2) thundered & rained out: max cardio conditioning & cardio abs dvd

an apartment complex 3 blocks/streets over
photo by amnews

oh breaking news update: we are now in a state of emergency and are not supposed to go anywhere. does this mean i don't have to go to work tomorrow?

anyway. here are the better action shots from the boston marathon. josh was able to get a few photos of the elites as he waited for my slow butt to trot by.

photo by josh

i think the guy in the lead eventually won?
meb hanging on to the pack.
photo by josh

photo by josh
contain yourselves :)

photo by josh

the yellow strip on the street is the finish line
photo by josh

the darn citgo sign
photo by josh

five most memorable/favorite things i saw during the race:
  1. biker bar in ashland - i wanted to stop and party with them. yeah, so what if they're at mile 2?
  2. "forget the volcano, run your ashes off" - sign entering framingham
  3. various spectators keeping score (chalk) boards for the sox game
  4. "shortcut" (with a big arrow) - big banner on a house, i want to say in natick? and yes, i was tempted!
  5. bc students. loved their enthusiasm. (go acc!)


  1. OMG, the rain and flooding is horrible!!! I hope you are ok! My parents in Nashville, luckily, live at the top of a hill, but neighbors just a block away are having to move out because of 4' of water in their houses!!

  2. Time to take up kayaking?!
    Stay dry!

  3. Time to rest and to see pics. Great pics!

    Spring is here again! Remember.

  4. Wow those are some great pics!

  5. Holy crapola! That is some serious rain, but of course you still got a run in during a state of emergency!

    Take care of you.

    FYI, I saw your 2010 goals included losing 10-15 lbs.


    Lindsay dear, I mean this with the upmost love and affection


    I am fairly certain that is IMPOSSIBLE for your skinny a$$, short of amputating a limb.

    I am just saying....

  6. It has been raining here of late as well, but no flooding as of yet. We shall see tomorrow or the next as more rains are suppose to come. Great pics. The best one is of the person on the turtle or whatever it is.

  7. Wow, that's a LOT of rain! Hope it clears out for you soon. Loved the elite pics...they are so darn tiny!

  8. Great pictures :) I like the signs you wrote about! Those are hilarious :)

  9. Whoa! That is some thunderstorm!

    Awesome pics! Hah! Thanks for the warning to "contain yourselves" BP was just shooting up.

  10. I cannot imagine that much rain! We feel like it's a flood zone if we get a quarter of an inch here in the desert! I hope you everything is okay for you!

    Great "Bahston" pics... thanks for sharing them! (And thanks to Josh for taking them!)

  11. all that rain is terrible! I hope the weather clears soon!

  12. Insane pics! holy water town! stay safe and dry, hot coco anyone? Did you have to go to work???

  13. the rain seems to be the only memory I have of my visit to the Cincinnati this past week for the Flying Pig marathon.. some of the lightning was scary too. It rained on Saturday when I arrived right until I left on Sunday ...

    love the pictures though, I think they speak for themselves ...

  14. OK, that flooding = YIKES!!!

    Love the photo of you on the turtle :-)

  15. OK, I loved the biker bar and the "ladies" drinking margaritas at 10:30 a.m. It was funny this year, I smelled alcohol during the entire run. It went from tequila to that why you're riding a turtle, by the way? JK!

  16. I hope the rain and flooding eases up soon.

    Run your ashes off...LOL

  17. Spiffy-looking blog! Pretty Boston pics! Floods! (OK, the last one's kinda stinky, but whaddya gonna do?) Thanks for making my slow butt feel like I was there!

  18. That is so much rain! I hope it clears up soon for you.

    Great photos!

  19. Oh pictures of Boston. Make my poor heart beat a little faster. I love that city, wish I could teleport there to do runs. Just can't see myself living down there anymore.

    Hope things get better where you are.

  20. Thanks for the perspective with that half sunk car in the parking lot...only three blocks? over?

    Geeze. Are you sure you should be running in that? I forget, you like a little adventure in your runs! HA! But hey, maybe you won't have to work if you're in a state of emergency.

    Those are nice additional picture of Boston. My personal favorite was you on the turtle! I laughed out loud.

    Oh, and who the heck is Hall?

  21. Ok, so it's been a while since I've been on your blog, trying to catch up!!! Love the new look! Scary about all that rain, too :( The pictures are amazing!!

  22. Josh captured some great shots!

    Love some of the favorite sights along the course... too funny about the "shortcut"!

    Boston spectators are the best.

  23. Great photos! Makes me almost be there. Now for the really important question - did the Red Sox win? I'm in a World Series pool and they're my team....

    One word of warning - make sure you stay on the good side of karma. It'd be a bummer if you have to go to work but couldn't make it home!

  24. Sorry to hear about all that rain!!

    Enjoyed the Boston photos and memories, though. I remember seeing an elite Asian female runner walk by and I immediately felt really fat. Really, they are incredibly thin!

  25. Hey, where is that picture from, where you are sitting on the turtle? It's killing me not being able to remember it! Those are great pictures, and of course, I am estatic to see the picture of Ryan Hall!! The MONEY SHOT!!

  26. Oh, and we got about 10 inches of rain in about two days before you got here for the marathon, so trust me, I feel the pain you felt when you had all that rain!
