Thursday, May 13, 2010

back to jack

after taking the rest of april completely off after bostonkentucky derby, i resumed running on may 1st. nothing stellar, nothing fast, nothing long... nothing exciting really. i've been feeling slow on my daily runs and then when i really started to think about it, i haven't done a whole lot of speedwork since before nyc last november. i did some threshold runs and intervals in january/february, but it could've been better. i'm planning on making up with my buddy jack daniels' and following his "general training" gold plan for a few weeks to get some structured speed work in. no, no crazy anal training plan, just a little structure. hopefully.

week in review (5/3 - 5/9):
total miles: 23.90 (avg temp 76.2* f)
time spent running: ~ 3 hours 35 minutes
avg hr: 162
avg run pace: 9:03/mile
off days: 2

i was on track for a decent week of mileage, and then skipped my 'long' (10mi) run. whoops.

because the single ladies seem to be a recurring act here... check out these girls. they have amazing dance talent but, um, slightly too young?


  1. Bet your slow is faster than my fast :P Glad you took some recovery time and are back at it!

  2. I keep hearing about Jack Daniels training plans. I assume that they're running plans, and not drinking plans, but it's hard for me to get the image of a runner and a bottle out of my head. Guess maybe I should do some googling to figure out what Jack really is.

    Can't blame you for taking the rest of April off - I would have needed a couple months rest after your back-to-back races.

  3. Good for you for taking April off! I am going to have to look into this Jack Daniels thing. I too keep thinking of alcohol!

  4. I'm with Jesse, I keep thinking you are working on a new career as a bartender! I may have to get to know this Jack - he seems to have it all figured out :)

  5. I read Jack's book and love it. I feel lost without a training plan, I strive on structure!

  6. LOL! I have heard of Daniel's, but like the others, first thing that came to my head was the liquor!

    You had a great week, especially as the marathons were just a couple of weeks ago!

    Whoa! Those girls are something jaw dropped!

  7. Glad to see you back to it. Myself and Mr. Daniel's are becoming acquainted ourselves. Have fun.

  8. YIKES! Those outfits (and moves!) are... um, slightly inappropriate! What do their dads think?!?

    Awesome that you are going to sneak in some more speedwork. You'll be back to your usual speedy self in no time.

  9. Your time off will totally pay off for you, I'm sure. Glad you are back at it now. And yes, too young!!

  10. I am glad you are taking it easy for a bit. I would still be sitting on my butt with a cocktail after running not one but two marathons!

  11. Welcome back into the regular runs as of May 1st. I wish my pace was like yours. If I did marathon, I would be taking a long time off, maybe 20 light years. But I have not done one so don't know about that YET. um, slightly too young?.......I think so. Too young definitely. I don't even think they understand the lyrics of the song they are dancing too......or they probably do, giving this day and age of kids growing up fast. Though they do have talent, they should find it else where.

  12. oh wow. that was quite the single ladies performance. those girls are very energetic and athletically/musically/dance talented... i loved the ballet type spins/moves but all the pelvic thrusting was a bit too much gosh they are so young... oversexed routine?! well thanks for posting. i love dance stuff. even if it is questionable.

  13. I like the speed work idea and think it is vital to running fast even for a marathon. I think I'll start it up too; in like 3 months.

  14. Glad your back!!!1 and ummm as the Mom of a tiny dancer If I ever saw her move her body like that while she was living in my house I would break bad....and not in a good way!

  15. Jeff and I have been doing the Jack Daniels plan for quite some time now. He drinks while I run!

    Mixed feelings on the video! Love the song, but ewwww, all the pedophiles are watching this stuff.

    Good job getting some well deserved rest and I agree with Mel. Your slow is still faster than my fast!

  16. It's good to take a break. You've been working hard. I love running with no plan.

  17. I love that 9/mile is "nothing" fast to you! I wold prefer a JD drinking plan myself!

  18. Those girls are super talented... but I cringe a little at the costumes they've had to put on. Definitely too young!

    You deserved the break, now just don't get too stressed out over your running because you've got wedding stuff coming up! Use the running to relieve stress! :-)

  19. haha oh goodness...i danced competitively in high school and we competed against that studio several times...they are AMAZING but also known for their slut-rific kiddie dances...and that one is pretty bad. too bad they couldn't showcase those girls talent in a more age-appropriate way.

    hooray for getting back to running!

  20. You are wise to rest and recover fully.
    EEK that video scares me!

  21. got to love the rest and recover phase.

  22. WTF is up with that dance? Oh.My.God... WAYYYY too young!


  23. I once stayed at a hotel that was also holding a beauty pageant for, I dunno, 8-12 year old girls. I checked out after one night. The kids where fine, it's the parents and everything else around it that made my skin crawl. The video reminded me of that.

  24. Great to see you out and on the roads again. I now know how hard it is to start back up after a prolonged rest. I'm just slogging away. Kind of like running in oatmeal.....

  25. OMG ROFL those kid are cracking me up! Yes, they are too young for a few of those moves - not most - and certainly a 1 pc costume would have been fine. But that brunette in the middle... I want to be her when I grow up! I can't wait to show that to my girls tonight!!

  26. Can I just say how much I love that your nothing week looks like a regular one of mine? Except for the whole speedy thing of course ;p

  27. It's nice to take it easy and get back into the groove! Gosh, what do you mean, though? NO anal training plan? That's my life!

  28. You deserved the break. Welcome back!

  29. Hi Lindsay,
    Maybe taking April off is just want you need girl! You have been through alot lately and deserve to take some time to rest:) You will be back and feel spunky and recharged:) Hang in there and keep smiling:)

  30. Your video doesn't work anymore, copyrightlaws I guess :(. Anyway, I'm trying to get intimate with Jack too....spooky, huh? Just wish my dang heel would coopeate with the game plan. You're going back at it the right way, keep plugging along!! BTW, your package is FINALLY in the mail!! Woot! :)

  31. Like others here, my first thought when I read "Jack Daniels" was drinking, not running.:) I'll have to check out the plan (and his book).

    Good for you for taking a break. You'll feel fast again soon, I'm sure!

    BTW, I'm just catching up on your posts. I'm so glad that the MRI was negative, no tumor!! About the "domestication" thing, you got one up on me. I don't cook at all and I've been married for 20 years! Thankfully, my husband likes to cook and hates the dishes, so I do the dishes and it works out! Good luck!!

  32. Good for you for taking the rest of April off, your body probably appreciates it, but I'm sure you are happy to get back to the running :)

  33. Ah man, the video isn't working already - what's wrong with youtube?! (I hate that basically all the ones I had embedded on my site stopped working so I took that page down.)

    I agree with Jesse's comments, every time I hear you say Jack Daniels, it makes me think of whiskey. ;-)

  34. Hope your break was as refreshing as mine. I am so ready to train. First day back today with a big 2.5 miles, some yoga/stretching and a little core work. eekks! I'm sore already.

  35. Oh man I can't see the video lol!

    I'm glad you enjoyed the time off running. I hope you can get back in to it with a fresh vigor!

  36. Lindsay

    I can see you have been busy on your blog whilst you had a break from running. Love the new layout and the my fellow runners page is a good un - I may copy that !!

  37. Welcome back to training! I think it's good to take from time off to refresh oneself. I know I took a couple months off after my 21 Run Salute. That's when the tri bug bit me ;-)

    And, yeah, that video brings mixed feelings to me.

  38. Professional runners train in cycles, with ample downtime after periods of hard training. We should, too, and it sounds like you're amping back up after doing just that. Have fun easing back into what you consider to be hard training (it's all perspective ... your easy is almost certainly my hard!).
