Tuesday, May 4, 2010

head case: update

me: hey when you come up can you bring my jack daniels' book?
josh: translation... you want to run another marathon already

yes... but no. while i am rejuvenated mentally about running, my legs still feel slow and heavy. i am anxious to get into "training mode" again, and i am excited that my motivation is up again. i've been in a little funk since august/september-ish ('09) and never really climbed out of that ditch. hopefully i'm back on high ground for good, and that i can keep my vertigo-situation in check.

i hadn't updated about my mri results because they came back "normal". {yeah yeah, insert wise comments here.} thanks to all though for showing concern. guess i need to find something else to blame my spacey-ness on when i zone out from conversations. :o) it was still cool to have the procedure done, although it would be great if they could do it for less than $2,400 (donations accepted).

the ent doc is still on his meniere's-disease kick and wants me to limit salt in my diet and possibly go on a "water pill" that is typically used for people with high blood pressure. (so what does that do to people without high bp?) umm thanks, but no thanks. i don't think i eat a lot of salty foods, so i'm not (currently) changing anything there either.

on sunday i felt general nausea/dizziness in my head (vs. stomach, if that makes sense) for the better part of the day. in the evening i decided to lay on a golf ball and work out some tension in my left shoulder (my shoulders get knots easily). after a few (5-10) minutes of painful pleasure, i noticed i felt a little better.

my chiropractor has said all along that the vertigo/nausea/dizziness could be related to an atlas subluxation (misalignment). the atlas is the top vertebrae of the spine, surrounding the brain stem and supporting the skull. a subluxation here can affect signals from the brain that travel through the nervous system that feeds all parts of the body. every time i go in for an adjustment (roughly 2x/month), i need one on my atlas/c-1 vertebrae, so it'd be nice to figure out what i'm doing that knocks it off-center. then perhaps i can eliminate the vertigo and maybe even have less shoulder tension. ohh that'd be so nice (and josh's elbow would appreciate it too).

at least now i know i don't have a brain tumor, and it certainly won't hurt to continue getting adjusted. maybe if i had stayed on top of the gentle neck-exercises (to stretch/strengthen) given to me by a "substitute" chiropractor up here in kentucky last fall i wouldn't be in this predicament today. i'm sure my poor posture at the computer all day doesn't help my shoulders either.

i know i'm not a doctor or a professional in the medical field. personally i prefer a more 'natural' option of health-care, but i know everyone and every disease is different. obviously when i need medical-help, i have gone/will continue to go for it. that is why i have had the ear ringing/dizziness/nausea/vertigo evaluated by a general practitioner, chiropractor, ear-nose-throat doc and an mri. (and why my allergist is practically on speed dial).


  1. Well, good news that there is nothing blatantly and seriously wrong in your brain... still frustrating not to have conclusive answers, I'm sure.

    Hope you can work out some of the alignment issues.

  2. So frustrating not to have a definintive answer! After my vertigo diagnoses, I saw a chiro...it did help but it got old going every week so I stopped. As I have gotten older, I have just found ways to deal with it. I hope you have an easier go of it.

  3. Well, I'm glad that your MRI came back as normal. I wish you had some concrete answers to your troubles though! I'm completely with you in regard to a more natural approach. I don't like being prescribed a pill to numb symptoms without figuring out why those symptoms manifested in the first place.

    My upper back gets knotted up really badly too... I keep blaming my un-ergonomic workstation and the fact that I spend all day sitting at it!

  4. it's incredible how you can rejuvenate mentally so quickly. what is it about marathons (that distance) that you love (more than other distances... aka shorter races)??? it just amazes me how people can run marathon after marathon... i've run one and i'm not sure i can/will do another one. i guess it is just individual differences? it is such a huge undertaking in my mind.
    i'm glad you ran boston!!!! josh got some amazing pictures!!! and i thought that volcano/ashes sign was hilarious as well as "shortcut" with arrow :)

    body issues are scary, esp when you're not sure what's goign on or what to do about it. hopefully you can find a good balance of what works so you feel your best.

  5. About a year ago, I started seeing a chiropractor. And noticed that it helped. I started off going frequently, then eventually got to a point where I sometimes go in and don't need adjusting at all. I think it takes time for the adjusted position to "stick"

    My point here is that IF you believe the chiro adjustment helps, maybe go more often than 2x per month to not let it get out of adjustment (or not stay out for long) so that your body can learn to hold the correct position.

    My two cents...

  6. Wouldn't that be great if all the issues you have experienced could be resolved by a chiropractic adjustment?

  7. good news about the MRI!!! but still wish you had some answers. interesting about the chiro too - i hope that will help with the issues you've been having!

  8. That is great that the results came back normal. I do know frustraing it can be to not have an answer though!!!

  9. Sorry to hear you haven't been feeling well. Docs and tests can be so frustrating, hang in there!

  10. Yeah for a negative MRI report!!!!

    I know what's up-it's apparently NOT enough M&M's in your life. I prescribe a bag (snack size!) a day from here on!
    Nothing like "painful pleasure"....lol
    If the adjustments seem to work for you-for God's sake-keep getting 'em! Or try some Yoga stretching-that has been my kind of "painful pleasure" these last few weeks!
    Keep track of what works and go from there......

  11. Yay for rejuvenations...you and I have marathon redemption I think so I'm glad your mojo juices are flaring up again! I'm glad the MRI came back normal, despite you probably wanting answers. Frustrating, I'm sure, but hopefully things will behave. Golf ball on the shoulder sounds painful...crazy the things we do to keep us moving forward! Happy Tuesday!

  12. Glad the MRI is normal! I have a friend who had similar issues for a while, but now he is all better. I think the viruses are v strong and can cause things like this. Eventually, the body wins. I say, lifestyle changes, anything that increases your immunity: sleep (hm!!!), nutrition, exercise, meditation (I am serious about this one!)! Have you thought about maybe training for shorter distances for a while, given everything else that is going on in your life? Just a though!

  13. Definitely glad nothing bad came back on the MRI! That's good news for sure! And you're motivation is back up! Also wonderful news!

  14. Yeah, I went on a water pill for my acne, and it wreaked havoc on my heart rate and my running. My doc assured me it was a dosage problem, but I told her I'd prefer to go without it. In other words, good call ;)

  15. Well I guess it's good to get everything out of the way in one go!

    It's amazing what a misalignment can impact...all sorts or weird and wacky stuff!

  16. I guess taking it one day at a time is in order. Getting back your full leg strength will come, as well as that pep and readiness to go back to training mode! Sounds like you're totally motivated already. I hope you continue to feel better. Runway, who ran Boston with us, has meniere's disease, takes the pill and limits salt. She is still going strong but really watches her electrolytes. It's all possible!

  17. Thanks for the vertigo update. I actually have a blog on the Miniers Disease. lol. My experience with it. I had an MRI, etc. done to find out that I was normal. The doctor also said to limit my salt, so after my visit I went and grabbed some salted peanuts. I am with you on the whole meds thing. He wanted to perscribe to me some weird sh.. but I said no because of the side affects. I already have them all except for the sudden loss of life. I have not had an attack in about 6-7 years? Take care and check out that blog if you want. God bless, and know that you are continuously in my prayers for good health and kick @$$ running.

  18. I'm so happy because your brain is right!! about your "problem" I hope you can be right soon.

    Excuse me my poor English.

    I'm so happy reading your blog Lindsay.

    See you!

  19. Well thank goodness your MRI came back normal:) This is great news! You just need to keep your positive attitude and carry on with what you feel is best:) Hang in there Lindsay!

  20. Didn't the Jefferson Airplane sing a song about pills? Oh - wait a minute. You're younger than 50. You're asking "Who's The Jefferson Airplane"?

  21. Well, I'm glad your MRI came back "normal".

    I agree with you about preferring a natural approach. Generally, when my doctors are playing their hypothesis games, I go to see an our family acupuncturist/herbalist to get their take. It's funny how on target they can get by just talking to you sometimes.

    I hope you figure it out and start feeling relief soon!

  22. An MRI at least provides peace of mind (no pun intended...ok, kinda).

  23. Thanks for the update. I have been wondering about the results, but didn't want to be too nosey. Take Care!

  24. I agree with the others that it's good to know what it's not but frustrating to not know what it is. I hope the chiropractor adjustments can keep those spells at bay.

    And if your legs decide they want to run a marathon next month, let me know. Casper is still accepting runners :-)

  25. Here Here about no brain tumor! Always my worst fear. Why do we always fear the worst?

    But we're still not completely sure what it is. It must really frustrate you when it happens. But I suppose eliminating things is better than nothing. But it sounds like there could be a lot of different things that cause this.

    Well, I'm feeling for you Lindsey. And you somehow got your motivation back? That's good news. I think being pregnant is making me want to kick back my feet and relax...and eat. Ha, ha!

    Well, have a good one!

  26. Good luck feeling better. I wouldn't listen too much to those doctors - you seem healthy - their jobs are based on finding as much wrong with their patients as possible.

  27. Glad you are getting your running jones back.

    Happy to know that your MRI is negative. Sad to know that you still don't know the cause of the issue.

    Anywhere else but the running world and a Jack Daniels book would require a call to AA.

  28. Good to hear that you're 'normal' and even better to hear that you are rejuvenated! Hopefully the legs get into gear as well..

  29. Glad that the MRI was normal.
    Have you had a Lyme disease test? The symptoms of that can mimic many other diseases and problems and include the ones you've been having.

  30. So glad the mri came back "normal" -- haha, mine didn't ;) It would, however, be nice to have a definitive answer, I'm sure! Hang in there, and hope you continue to feel better!

  31. Will your health insurance at this point keep paying for the chiropractor? I hope so. Wow, I'm amazed that all of that can cause all of that vertigo/nauseau as a result. I am glad it's not the tumor thing after all.

    Glad to hear you are getting motivated again though!

    Please tell Josh, I'm so sorry...he's got more spectating to do..... ;-)
