Wednesday, May 19, 2010

garmin 101

ok garmin runners... i need some tutoring. how do you program & upload workouts into it? (i have the 405, if that makes a difference). i tried putting the program into the garmin training center on my computer and then hitting "send to device" but it appears nothing was sent to my watch. yes, the ant+ stick was plugged in to the computer.

yesterday (tuesday) was my first quality workout in a very long time (umm october '09). i thought i'd be all high-tech and program it into my garmin so that i didn't have to go to the track, but of course i didn't get that working right. i still didn't really want to run circles so i geeked out and put on a second stopwatch. (i'm also not very good with hitting the split/lap button on garmin...) ghetto, but it worked out.

so yeah... advice welcome. wearing two watches is dorky :)

i had 10x400 on the schedule and actually did all 10. i'm notorious for finding some excuse to cut out reps, but i persevered for the day. my goal pace was 1:36/400m (6:26/mile pace) and i was off on 9/10 reps (hah), but i didn't dwell on it because it was my first real workout in a loooong time. i figure that's a good enough reason.

400's - 1:40, 1:41, 1:35 *yay*, 1:42, 1:40, 1:39, 1:46 *yikes*, 1:39, 1:44, 1:40
avg 1:41/400m (6:46/mile pace), avg/max hr 170/193

not great vs. goal pace, but definitely a step in the right direction.


  1. Linday you're a run machine!!

    All my love from Spain

  2. sorry, i have no idea buti'll be back checking to see what others have to say! great workout, btw

  3. Normally when you send the training to your device it will store it into the ANT+ stick cache memory. Then the next time you transfer data from and to your watch the training will be uploaded in it.

    After that you go into the training menu, advanced if my memory is right and you will see it there.

    Hope this help :)

  4. I love that your 1:46 is a 'yikes'. Lol. No clue on the garmin, I just figured out how to find the time on it the other day. At a race, the guy looked at my big clunky garmin and asked me what time it was- I had to tell him I didn't know. Ha ha. I made a point to figure that out and really need to figure out how to use it forpre than just tracking miles.

  5. Way to go on your workout!!! I love how you did not get your goal by 9/10 times :) Too funny!

  6. Hmm, so you know how to create the program, just having trouble getting it over to the Forerunner? I have made a bunch of workouts (especially for intervals so I don't have to count how many I've done), but have not had any trouble getting them over to the forerunner. Every time I "Send to Device" it's worked for me (I have a 305, so it's connected via a cable and not ant+).

    You can create the workouts on the Forerunners themselves, but it's a pain in the ass if you're creating intervals - there's no function to "repeat step X times" (at least there's not on the 305) so you have to create a whole bunch of steps. Very time consuming.

    Hopefully you can get something figured out - the workouts are very handy to have programmed!

  7. let me know what you find out about programming the watch- i haven't used this perk of it yet :)

    great job on 10x4! that's a lot of 10s and def hard to hold on to do all of them. i think you held a solid pace and it was more important to get them all done without dying. and next time you do the workout 10 will seem even more doable and you can pick and choose to push the pace. elliot always tells me to "bust it" for the last 2. so if you can make it through 8 at 1:40 and then run 2 1:35s, that would be a great workout! volume + speed. of course it comes down to effort, too, so if you can push the pace- and still do 10- do it!

  8. Glad to here you got some quality training in... hope this means you're starting to feel better!

  9. Nice job!

    Reading comments about creating workouts for Garmin because I didn't know you could do that! Guess I should read up on my Garmin.

  10. I've never actually sent a workout to my Garmin, I just stare down at it constantly so I know when to hit the lap button. :P

    Great job on the 400s!

  11. Sorry Lindsay, but I am totally "electronically" stupid! I use Runkeeper app on my IPhone and let her rip! I have pretty much the entire county mapped out for mileage, so no matter where I go, I know how far it is and since I don't give a rats about speed......well, you can figure the rest of that out!
    Nice job on your 400's-I'm lucky I can bike that fast!
    Now if had anything to do with "snatching"......look out!

  12. Yeah...I am one of the weird know, without a Garmin.

  13. Sometimes my 405 is "full" and it won't send workouts, but if you haven't sent any yet, that's probably not the case. :)

    You might also try dragging the workout to the scheduled day on the calendar in Training Center before hitting send to device, that sometimes helps for me as well.

  14. I haven't a clue how to program a Garmin but think you did great on your first interval workout in a while. 10 x 400's is hardcore to start out with and you only were off only by 5s? You'll be hitting your goal times in no time!

  15. i have no idea, i just hit lap :) i have used the interval mode on my watch, but thats when its the same interval over and over (like 4x800 or something) that is relatively easy to set up. but if i am doing my workout on a track it just seems easier to hit lap :)

    NICE JOB on your workout!

  16. Lindsay, great workout...I love the track....I think those splits are great!

  17. I am no help when it comes to Garmins as I don't have one...yet.

  18. I have no idea! But loved reading what everyone has said!

  19. I am the lamest Garmin user ever. I just use its basic functions and don't even use the online training log. I have no idea how to program workouts. So not getting my money's worth. :)

  20. I have a 405 and have it set for one mile laps. When I have visited the track I have just hit the lap button after each 400 to get it in there - seems to work well enough.

  21. Great splits! Can't help with the Garmin, I can't even get my 405 to send the history to my Garmin Connect anymore, something is wrong with it!

  22. Nice workout. I do all my program directly on the watch. Sorry, can't help.

  23. I've had my Garmin for exactly a year. I have no clue how you upload or download. I'm lucky I know how to charge the thing. So yep, on more freaky thing in common ;). I think when I'm done with school in 2 1/2 weeks, I'm going to go to Garmin school; there's gotta be tutorial online!! Excellent speedwork, girl!!

  24. I have that Garmin but have never uploaded to my computer. Sorry.

  25. I did Google Garmin for some other problems and figured out what I needed.

  26. Nice job getting back to the quality workouts! How are you feeling now? Has the vertigo gone away? (Sorry, I don't have any Garmin experience.)

  27. Great job sticking with all your reps. It IS so easy to make excuses not to finish any workout.

  28. it just me or do only the guys know how to work their garmins? That doesn't make us girls look very good for figuring out technical stuff. And now...I don't want to say that when I had my garmin I never used that part of it..
    so...go, Lindsey go!! figure out that garmin!! Ha, Ha!

    or maybe if the guys didn't figure it out, they just didn't say so...ah ha...

    In any case...I doubt you look like me when I'm pregnant, I was sitting down so the bump isn't as big...but thanks anyway.

    How are you feeling? How are the wedding plans moving along? Isn't it in June? If you've already told me, I'm blaming my pregnancy and memory loss.

  29. I'm a tech geek but not a garmin tech geek yet.....I'm sure someone answered your question....

    yeah for running! How's the humidity???

  30. Not a Garmin owner yet, but sounds like some high tech stuff. Hope you can figure it out. Great work out Lindsay! Hope all is going well your way.

  31. I have the Garmin 305 so I have no words of wisdom for you. I am still attempting to figur out how to work everything on mine:)

    Have a great day Lindsay!

  32. I don't have the fancy 405, just the 305... hope you figure it out!!

  33. #1 I have no idea, I dont own one.

    #2 I really really want one!

    #3 Is there such thing as summer present day where I get to buy myself a big present for the good old sake of summer?

  34. Can't help ya out here. Doing my research on buying the forerunner 310xt so i'm sure i'll be checking back to see how your 101 class is going here. good luck with that. bottom line is, you are getting in good mileage, garmin or no garmin!

  35. With my 405, I send the workouts from the watch to the computer with the stick plugged in. That's all it takes. Did you know there are videos with details on the website? I've learned about a zillion new things just by watching those videos...especially tricks with the heart monitors. So fun and good luck!

  36. did you get this figured out? I can download but not upload.

  37. Lindsay

    I have a 205 so don't believe I have this option to download training plans to the watch. I guess you are trying to follow this

    Downloading your plan

    * Right-click a training plan and save the file to your computer.
    * Check the Training Center software is loaded onto your computer. If it isn’t, click here to download.
    * Open Training Center and click ‘File’, ‘Import workouts’.
    * Your training schedule will appear at the left-hand side of the ‘Workouts’ section.
    * The workouts are named according to the week and the day for which they are scheduled. For example, wk1session1 will be the first session of the first week of your training plan.
    * Simply drag and drop each workout onto your allocated day in the calendar. Then click ‘Send to device’ and you’re ready to run!

    Follow your plan

    For the Forerunner 405 HR

    * Unlock the bezel
    * Tap twice on the time page to see your workout for today
    * Click ‘Enter’
    * Commence workout

    Funny you should mention wearing two watches as I have incresingly seen more and more people doing this apparently a no of celebs do it !!

  38. I had to call Garmin help desk to get mine to work. I'm a moron though. :o)

  39. I second what someone said about making sure you have the recent downloads/updates for your Garmin.

    Maybe this page helps:

    One question there: How do I upload a file from Training Center to my Garmin Connect account?

    Hope you get it worked out!

  40. I have yet to utilize all of the cool features on my 305, I mean how the heck does the virtual partner, courses, etc. work?!

    Great job completing your first quality workout, 6 months is a long time! :)

  41. I can only program the simplest interval workout into my 305 - other than that, I got nothing.

    Why are you interval training, btw? Is there a specific race or do you do that regardless?

    I'm just being nosy because when I'm not training for anything, those hellacious speed torture sessions are the FIRST to go.

  42. Great job on running ALL 10 of the 400s!

    Have a good weekend.

  43. Actually I'm kind of glad I fell behind in the blogosphere this week. All I have is a 305, so I wouldn't have been able to help and it looks like you got the help you needed. Of course, I also agree with Stuart....

  44. I'm trying to picture this. Were the two watches on your same arm, or on two different arms?


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