Friday, June 26, 2009

homeward bound

i'm headed home for some r&r. today was supposed to be my last day (actually may 29th originally), but my position was extended in the eleventh hour. better than being sent to the house.

ahh the luxuries of being a woman working at a construction jobsite. this lovely facility comes with it's own padlock to keep the construction men and their bodily functions out. ladies only, all 5 of us. it's not entirely bad since there aren't many of us and it gets serviced every other day. i got 'trapped' in there once when the portajohn guy came to service them. i was going #1 and trying to text (the cell service around here is awesome) and then the thing starts rumbling a little (from the service truck pulling up). i'm thinking what the heck is going on? then i hear the guy opening the stall next door, a loud noise (the vacuum thingy), and begin to smell some not-so-pleasant smells. i gave up on the texting and got out of there asap. vomit.

some random life-on-the-road stats from the past three months:
~7,861 miles of driving (thank goodness i got a rental!)
85/93 days spent sleeping in not-my bed
7, maybe 8 homemade meals eaten
265 meals eaten out (fast food galore, and some o'charley's/applebee's/chili's)
7 pounds lost -- thanks to 505.65 miles ran (218.21 on the 'mill)

peace out kentucky.

just kidding... i'll see you again soon.


  1. Ha ha! One f my favorite things to do was to put a thick stick in the lock hols on the front of the porta-potty. Tht redefines the word "trapped". I know - one day karma will catch up to me....

    Are you really getting to leave Kentucky? Lucky you!

    And yes - I'm about at that point now where I just can't go any faster without breaking.

  2. Safe travels home, and enjoy some home-cooking! So funny about the pink porta-john! Have a great weekend.

  3. Gotta love a pink porta-potty.

  4. Oh my gosh - a pink porta potty??! Now way! That is classic. And the fact that you almost got stuck! holy moly. That makes for a good story, haha.

    I'm heading down into good ol' Kentucky this week for a Lexington wedding.

  5. So, you have to go back? I hope you get a nice break at home.

    I kinda like that pink john... although I might not feel like that if I had to use it every day at work. You're a trooper!

    Enjoy the long weekend!

  6. Do you even need to lose weight?!!!

    I'm being nosy, but what do you do again?

  7. So, wait. How long are you going to have to go back for?

    Enjoy the r&r!!

  8. oh my gosh i am dying at the pink porta pottie :) YAY that you have your own!!! omg i think i would die getting trapped in one!

    have a wonderful time at home... those are some crazy stats girl!

  9. Enjoy the weekend & time back home. BTW, i really luv the new photo on top banner.

  10. YAY Lindsay for going home!!!

    And the pink Porta potty is adorable!!!!

    You rock!

  11. Enjoy your trip home!

  12. Safe trip home! Sorry, hate the color pink! But when ya gotta gotta pee!

  13. Thanks a lot! Now the song is stuck in my head!

    Homeward Bound: Simon and Garfunkel
    "Homeward bound
    I wish I was
    Homeward bound
    Home, where my thoughts escaping
    Home, where my musics playing
    Home, where my love lies waiting
    Silently for me
    Silently for me
    Silently for me"

  14. ha ha at that porta-potty...don't they check to see if anyone is in there before they "service" it?

    and with all that eating out/fast food, etc, doesn't it get expensive?

    great job on the running mileage too...

  15. Dang. Finally. Good riddance.

    I keed.

    Diggin' the new look Linds.

  16. That's awesome that you have a pink port-a-potty. That's kind of thoughtful, really. :o)

    Safe travels home!

  17. Ok, when I get into a portapottie, I don't care how few people use it, I try to get out of it as soon as possible, and without touching anything inside, if I can possibly help it. I'm glad to hear you didn't get hauled away or stuck in it while the vaccuum cleaner came in. Oh, I can just imagine the stench.


    By the way, the number of miles you've driven, not to mention, run, is just insane.

    And girl, we've got to get you a camelbak, or a bottle that doesn't leak water. Remind me to bring one for you if we do that relay race together!

  18. How funny about the pink PP! I'm surprised, though, the guy didn't check to see if someone was in it before servicing it (I'm sure he will from now on).

    Enjoy your time at home!

  19. Hopefully you had a great weekend back home! That is a lot of crazy traveling. Good for you for losing weight through all of that. I'd be the exact opposite!

  20. Yeay for home!!

    Love the women-only portapot :) They should have some of those on these race courses.

  21. getting trapped in port-potties are the worse! (see beavis and butthead episode!). Luckily you could lock the damn potty. At long island, the majority of the porto-potties would not lock at all! sux!

  22. Wow 3 months away from home, that's a loong time! Those are some interesting stats too, good to see that you were still able to run away from home. Have a safe trip home!

  23. A pink port-o-potty? I want one!
