Monday, June 22, 2009

a recap i can be proud of

week in review (6/15 - 6/21):
total miles: 52.39 (back on track)
time spent running: ~7 hours 46 minutes
avg hr: 160.66
avg pace: 8:55/mile (avg temp: 83.5*)
off days: 0 (or maybe 0.5, one day was a big 20 minute run)

finally, a good week. i think i realized that it was week 5/6 of phase 1 of nyc training and decided to get my butt in gear. my quality workouts start next week and will no longer have the luxury of taking every run easy. it's been kind of nice knowing i can head out and just run. well, technically i do have an easy pace but i wasn't really concerned about hitting it everyday. i'm kind of looking forward to harder workouts; i'm ready to feel like i do still have some speediness in me. here's hoping my legs, lungs and heart remember what it's like to work hard.


  1. That's the "overachieving" Lindsay I know and love!! LOL. Great job putting in the miles, especially with the difficult weather. I like your new and improved blog also...

  2. Great week Lindsay. My thoughts will be with you as you begin your quality workouts. It's going to be tough in the heat but if you work through it, you'll be damned fast in the fall.

    I'm still in easy mode for another two weeks, and then it's back to speed work in prep for the Race for the Taste in October.

  3. wow, looks like an awesome week, especially in that HEAT! nice :) hopefully the weather will give you a break as you start in on workouts again...94% humidity?? you are such a champ for getting through 14 miles in that. humidity is absolutely the worst!

  4. 52 miles running in one week.....and you say my century ride was awesome? Man, when ever, if ever, I get the OK to run again...I'm coming to you for advice!

  5. Great mileage! Are you using Daniels? I have just finished his book and loved it.

  6. Way to hit high mileage again. Do you usually keep your weekly mileage during training this high? I knew you would be back on track.

  7. Did I read that right? 52 miles this week!!! eeeekkkk! And yes a 20 minute run does count as a day of exercise!

  8. GREAT job! You'll rock your quality, hard workouts. Sure, some will be tougher to do than others but you'll do great, I'm sure!

  9. Alright Lindsay, back on track! I knew you would get those miles up there. You seem to thrive on the higher mileage and I think everything is really going to fall into place as the training plan progresses.

  10. Great week! Sounds like you're ready to kick it into high gear.


    You are right on track for NYC!

  12. great week. hot weather to boot. go you! :)

  13. nice job on the 50+ mile week girl! i see a 50 mile week in my future :) still have a couple weeks to go but i am anxious to get back up there. what are you going to be maxing out at for NYC if this is just base building? which plan are you using? cant wait to follow along with marathon training!!

  14. If your not-so-quality workouts start at 50+ miles at 8:55 pace, I shudder to think what your quality workouts will entail.

    Nice job!

  15. You should always be proud of what you do, but glad you truly feel this way this week!

  16. I honestly do not understand how you folks can train during the summer. We certainly have nothing to complain about here in Southern California. A little heat and we all cry. A little rain and we all cry. What a bunch of babies we are!

    Heck - in your part of the world I have trouble making it from my car to an airconditioned building!

  17. You should definitely be proud!

  18. Wow, you are doing more than twice my mileage, girl! and i like the new blog image - is that you in kentucky? very cool!

    I like the quote on the right hand side of your blog too.

    I have a feeling I'll be seeing you in person in Boston next year, as in hosting you at my house! :-)

  19. You go, girl! I think I know you enough by now to say that you will rock those speed workouts. You expect nothing but the best of yourself. Good luck!

  20. What training plan are you following? My marathon is two weeks out from yours. I start training next month. I'm looking forward to doing speed workouts again! I've neglected those far too long! Great job on your running this past week!

  21. Congrats on the week of running!
    I think you may be right about the competitive spirit, so I'll have to see :)
    Anyway, I can't eat cake because of the butter or oil in it for the most part, I have IBS so fat hurts my tummy...crappy but it keeps me healthy haha.

  22. Great week, especially in this crazy hot weather!

  23. great week of running! what plan are you following? i'm doing philly, which is just a few weeks after nyc, so we'll be in training at the same time. i'm still trying to finalize my training plans, though.

  24. I knew you'd get yoru mojo back! Congrats!

  25. Personally, I think ALL your recaps kick @$$, but that's just me :)
