Tuesday, May 25, 2010

in which garmin decides to be my friend

because i had another quality workout on tap, i decided to try the whole "create a workout in the garmin training center and send it to my watch" business again.

last time: fail. this time: victory!

i swear i did the same things this time around as the last but who knows.

in the garmin training center, i went to workouts - new workout - created the steps (intervals) - and added it to the calendar. with the ant+ stick plugged in, i clicked "send to device", and after a few moments ol' garmin beeped to signal that it was establishing a connection with my computer.

that thing was so nifty! i didn't have to look at my watch once - it beeped at me each time i was switching from interval to recovery and back again. after i finished the last step of the workout it beeped at me so much i thought it was playing a song. i hope i can set up my other workouts in the future... so easy to just run and not worry about making sure you stop/start on time.

today's workout was 5x1000, and i must be drinking the motivation juice because once again i didn't wimp out on any intervals. (i've done that a lot in the past, so i have to give myself credit for not doing it!) my goal pace was 4:12/1000m (6:45/mile pace), and i was only off on 2/5 reps this time. i also got up and out the door before 5am; i'm feeling very accomplished.

and i just realized this workout isn't actually scheduled until june 15th. way to go me.

1000's - 4:10, 4:12, 4:17 *legs woke up and were not happy, 4:20 *more rebellion, 4:11
avg 4:14/1000m (6:48 mile/pace), avg/max hr (169/191)

**giveaway coming in a few days!**


  1. Woohoo, glad it cooperated for you this time. That doesn't sound too tough... maybe I should play around with mine.

    Nice work on the intervals!

  2. Nice job on your technical prowess and the intervals.
    I wonder if my prehistoric Garmin even does what you're talking about. Shows you how little I know.

  3. Glad you got the Garmin figured out. It sounded like you were doing it right the first time, so I guess it was just having a rest day.

    I love the "Workout Completed" beeps. It reminds me of the old school NES Mario music. I almost expect it to say "I'm sorry, but the princess is in another castle" (Yep, I'm a nerd)

  4. You've inspired me to learn that feature on my Garmin. I've been so impressed with its ability to capture a run, imprint it onto a Google Map and then be able to send the link to it off to friends that I never looked for other functionality!

  5. Ok, seriously, what kind of kool-aid are you on?! (oh, and to respond way late to an email you sent me, so sorry! yep, you are bad with pics... but that's ok!!)


    No, really, what kind of kool-aid are you drinking, you're so motivated now, and those paces are SICK?!!!

  6. I'm so glad it worked! That sounds like a really nice feature.

    Congratulations on the great workout!

  7. Good workout interval Lindsay! I'm happy you can undestand the Gramin machine... It can help us to improve the workouts. I have Polar and I like to know better the menus but...

    I like your time and I understand the times because you speak in kilometers!

    Thanks again for your blog. BTW here in Valencia, yesterday I went to run and I feel the sun, the high temperature, the sweat... Uf!! I think, i have reduce my kilometers!!


    P.D. Please I like some pics

  8. How I love the intervals, you finish with a sensation that nobody can defeat you. Regards

  9. Hi again Lindsay! I have seen the new section my fellow runners! You're great... I like it! You have a lot of friends... Natural, you're friendly!

    It's great. New blog! Better blog, better girl!

    Thanks again

  10. Congrats on getting the Garmin to do what you wanted it to!
    Nice job on the intervals-someday I will have to give that a try! lol

    I have an offer coming your way very soon! Be on the look out!

  11. very cool about the garmin, sounds awesome! Nice work too!

  12. sweeet! I am still learning how to turn mine on and off...technical genius? I think not

  13. I'm always tempted to try to use more features on my Garmin... but on the other hand I'm scared I'd turn into one of those people who's Garmin is constantly beeping at them during races...

  14. Glad you got it set up!! :D Funny when things work the next time, when you swear you've done the same thing as the first! ah well.

  15. Awesome! I have the 405 too, but never bothered setting up workouts. I guess I didn't really understand why I would need to. The beeping indicators would be very handy though. Guess I'll have to give it a whirl. Nice job on your intervals!

  16. Nice! I've had the worst luck with my Garmin, but I just got it back from them all fixed up, so I'll have to try this. I had no idea you could do it! I've just always stared at my watch to figure out when to stop and start.

  17. Great workout and way to go getting the Garmin to work properly!

  18. WOW what a work out!!!! and way to rally to burst on the speed at the end, too. that is seriously a tough workout. and great pace!!!

  19. Awesome job on the intervals, and a couple weeks early too!

  20. Hi! I can only imagine that running on a treadmill on a boat is not as difficult as your vertigo! I know how hard it is for me, so I have even more respect for you now!

    PS - I only use the Garmin to track runs....impressive that you can set workouts!!

  21. Very cool! I have my entire training plan programmed into my 305. The only problem I have is between iPod and ambient noise, I just can't hear the beeps. Does yours also vibrate?

  22. YAY! Glad you got it this time. Can you show me?
    Really, I'm usually pretty good when it comes to computers and mechanical things but for some reason seem to have difficulties with the Garmin. I really should probably read the manual some day ...

    Great job on the intervals!!

  23. I'm going to have to try setting up a workout on my Garmin. I would love to run intervals without the stop/start hassle. Nice interval work!

  24. I keep trying new things with my Garmin and I'm finally not afraid of it :) ! I'm using the lap paces, the HR monitor, etc. and I love the way it all connects to the computer in seconds.

    Great workout!

  25. I didn't even know that the Garmin's did that. Rad.

  26. Glad Garmin played nicely and awesome job on some kick ass workouts!

  27. Glad that worked for you! I'll have to try it one day to get more structure in a run.

  28. AWESOME job - and I really need to learn how to do that with my Garmin; I just did intervals with it too, and it is a bit of a pain to mess around when I could just listen for a beep - then again, I wear headphones.

  29. Wow, I had no idea my Garmin was capable of that! I'm going to check that out. Thanks!

    6:45 pace - you're a rockstar!

  30. Lindsay, Realizing that I deleted my Garmin software and that it doesn't appear to be available on the Garmin Connect website.

    You created your workout in the software, correct?

    My legs are pre-emptively not happy with you for introducing me to this technology!

  31. wow. That sounds like once you figured it out, it was quite an asset! How exciting!

    I love how you descibe things!

  32. Hooray for being able to do that! I think things like the Garmin watches are so cool. Maybe when I'm able to run again I'll reward myself by getting something like that for motivation :).
