Tuesday, October 19, 2010

another week

(one of those days where thinking of a title is too hard)

i've known for awhile that i didn't want to run boston in 2011, so i left my spot open for someone else. you can thank me later. i still think everyone is crazy for bum-rushing the website and filling up all the race slots in like 8 hours! cray-z. congrats to everyone who got a slot, your re-typing and re-submitting skills are amazing! (eta: don't take me too seriously, i'm not mocking anyone. just the ridiculousness that is marathon registration. i am, of course, very proud of all my marathoners)

i saw this post recently (from a local cycling team) about the power of our thoughts. i wanted to share it and remind all the boston-registrants, bq-hopefuls and everyone in between to believe in yourselves. it'll pay off with patience, just ask aron. :o)

last week i kept my 30-min streak going, and even slightly (finally) bumped up the mileage from 20 to 24. baby steps. i fulfilled one of my tempo runs, and got in a 2.5-hr ride on saturday afternoon through the countryside in between working on house projects - see photos below (pardon the crappy iphone quality). i got chased by three dogs at the vineyard but all the drivers were polite, or at least they didn't try to run me off the road this time.

vineyard to the right

vineyard to the left

bull in a field

stumbled upon a private airstrip

plane and hangar on said private runway

week in review (10/11 - 10/17)
total miles: 24.20
time spent running: ~ 3 hrs 38 mins
avg pace: 9:00
off days: 2
  • mon: easy 5mi on the golf course
  • tue: 2.5mi tempo
  • wed: weights
  • thu: easy-ish 7.25mi after work
  • fri: easy 3.6mi in the afternoon
  • sat: bike ride - 33.25mi at about 13.7mph
  • sun: easy but 'off' 4mi in the afternoon


  1. That vineyard looks very familiar... Is there somewhere between 101 and 417?

  2. I chuckled at your compliment to those retyping skills. I have friends that were all over that site. It does stink that some people didn't get in. That's nice that you gave up your spot.

  3. got chased by a dog once...a good motivator but not my ideal one.

  4. I can not believe the registration.... cray-z is right. I'm glad all of our friends got in!!!

    Nice job on the bike + runs!!

  5. What a beautiful vineyard! Great job on the runs!

  6. Great pictures! I want to start biking more next year and I'm terrified that dogs will chase me.

  7. Love the pics and of course the bike x-train day...

  8. I run on roads that look like that all the time. Dogs chase me often but it's the drivers who are the worst - nice to know you had ones who didn't try to run you over.

  9. I read that race numbers had gone in 8 hours for Boston. Incredible!

  10. that's just nuts about boston. wowza. sounds like you had a good week!

  11. Am I sensing a tri in the not too distant future?

  12. Crazy about Boston registration yesterday. I had a friend who was frantically trying to get in...seems to have just barely made it before it filled up. NUTS

  13. love all the pictures. and YES to registration being crazy yesterday. it was wayyyyyyy stressful. bummer i won't get to see you there!

  14. That's a pretty place to run. I can't believe Boston sold out so quickly. I'll remember that next year.

  15. I'm assuming that the pictures are from cycling in SC. If that is correct, I've never gotten to see this pretty side of the state!

    Thanks for the posts and indirect well-wishes. Your comments and positivity mean a lot to me!

  16. Aside from the vineyard, those pictures remind me a lot of my childhood in NE Iowa - farm country!! Brought a big smile to my face today :).

  17. I "gave up my spot" too. :-) We're so nice. Way to keep sticking to your guns with the 30 minutes-a-day... and bumping up the mileage on top of that!

  18. I gave up my spot, too. Honestly, Boston is not on my list for now... Great biking!!! And running! You ARE back!

  19. What a great run...love the pictures of the nice running route! What does a girl have to do to get as fast as you?

  20. Looks like you had some good runs and bike rides for the week. You're lucky to run and/or bike around that nice scenery. Thanks for sharing the pix. I love to see where others run. Have a great week!

  21. Hey, another consistent week. Very well done. I'm sensing far less negativity in the posts these days. That can only be a good thing!

  22. Nice bike ride pics, poor airport lost some of its privacy, now it's splashed all over the Internet :-(

    I had this one little dog, that would always nip at my ankles while I was running with the kids. I warned it each time. Then, I threatened to kick it in the head if he chased me again.
    He never chased me again.

    I miss that dog.

    Nice week running-wise, too, with that tempo run splashed in there.

  23. I came across a dog all alone on a road I was biking on with NO one in sight. I thought to myself..it's only a dog, not like it's a snake!
    I guess I'm either stupid or just not that scared of things that have LEGS!

    Congrats on the increase in mileage!

  24. Great pictures! It makes biking easier and all the more fun when you such an awesome place to ride.

  25. Looks like a very enjoyable bike route! Glad you got your goals in this week...YOU ROCK!

  26. great pictures Lindsay looks as if you have lots of wine on tap where you live. What is the wine variety? From the pics it still looks lovely and warm though don't fancy the encounter with the dogs!


  27. I still think you should come for spectating and the epic blogger meet up. Yes, you should.

  28. Oh! Yes, I did get my socks in and I LOVE THEM! Thanks for asking!!

  29. and patience is not one of my highest virtues, especially when resubmitting the same thing 1000+ times :)

    nice job on the running!

  30. Wait, were you in California already? For that 31K? (God i've got to catch up, sorry i've been so MIA. I seem to keep saying that, don't I?)

    i couldn't believe how panicked i felt registering jim for boston via my cell phone while my coworker drove. i was so worried i would enter something wrong. I'm just so glad I did though or he would have been shut out two years in a row, and that would have just not been right.

    Ps I've given lots of pets to Ruthie today - will give her a hug from both you and Josh. :-)
