Friday, October 15, 2010


have you ever sold anything on craigslist? i've been purging my house of random things i don't use and tried my luck with craig. a few things were quickly snagged, leaving me to think if you don't hear anything within a couple days of posting, chances are no one wants your crap.

anyway what i like to do sometimes is google the people who email me about buying my stuff. is this normal? don't answer that.

one lady recently relocated from michigan, but before that her and her husband were expats overseas. i learned where one guy works (thanks to linkedin), and then saw that he relisted my stuff on ebay. i was irritated about that for 2 seconds but i got over it, especially when the auction ended and i saw he made about $9.90 in profit (i estimated shipping). an almost-buyer had an atrocious resume on linkedin. i don't know how far working in the clerical "feild" and aspirations to own a "resterant" will get you. keeping things professional, she also linked to her myspace page. we've already been over the coolness that is myspace, except for kovas who was never quite cool enough.

so now that you're all weirded out and don't want to be friends anymore...***

wednesday after work i was not quite in the mood to run but i knew i needed to do my 30-minutes; i decided to do a leg/weights workout. non-stop squats, lunges, deadlifts, leg raises, etc makes for one sore tush the next day. i moved from one exercise into the next without taking a break to maximize my time, but if i did stop for a breather/some water i made sure to pause the timer. i kept it honest 'cause my butt needs the burn anyway.

thursday's run wasn't great but it wasn't bad either. my chest was a little tight the whole time, common in cooler temps with my e.i.a, but it was only about 70. maybe it was the pollen. scratch all that, the run-stats were good, it just didn't feel good during the run.

thursday (10/14) pm run: 7.25 miles, 1:05:13 (avg pace 8:59, i think i'm back again!), 70*

***disclaimer: i am not a serial-anything. i am a nice person who gets bored and googles, that's all. it is not my fault we all have an abundant "online presence" these days. if you google me you get a bunch of race results, this blog, my linkedin, me being featured in runner's world, college rowing news, a couple wedding-related things, various twitter connections and random news about lindsay lohan. what, you don't google yourself?


  1. great job on your thursday run.

    i've never sold anything on craigslist. i have sold stuff on ebay. i have never had a garage sale. i'm actually just too lazy to sell stuff and generally just drop it off for some sort of charity.

  2. LOL You are SO me!!!! I'm constantly googling people (and myself)!

  3. We wouldn't expect anything less from CSI Lindsay.
    But, dude, this was so funny. (Make it funnier by linking to all of that stuff you mentioned, particularly the resume.)(Who am I kidding, I googled it all anyway. Dear Jessica (or 'Jessey' as you prefer to be called): "I" before "E" except after "C" damnit.)
    As far as Craigslist, I'm more of an old-fashioned yard sale kinda guy. But then again, our neighborhood has a yardsale each spring/fall. Minimal effort required.

  4. too funny.... I google random people and things ALL THE TIME. I have no idea why... Just curious I guess. Good to know I am not the only one :)

  5. very funny. I do the same thing though. I always google people. Especially if I'm on some boring conf. call at work, I start googling the people in the conference or random clients.

  6. I guess that once the vast majority of the populations does it, it's OK.

  7. I've never done Craigslist but so need to before you see me on Hoarders.

    Google is the bomb!

  8. Uhhh, no judgment here. I google people all the time, occasionally even other bloggers if I want to check out their race results. Yeah, what now? =)

  9. Thanks a lot. I just had to google myself. a veteran NBC News correspondent based out of the Atlanta bureau. lol. Great pacing! Keep ti up.

  10. I google people sometimes when I get bored, too.

  11. Craigslist is so random. I listed some airbrush supplies and generator once and had the biggest nutjobs contact me. The guy who ended up buying it met me at Panera without any money and told me he had to go to the atm cuz he just spent all his cash on his son's bday present. I was like, um, ok so go pull out the cash! Random?!?!

  12. I hope you did a few squats for me, cause I haven't done any strengthening exercises in months! Certainly not starting now. :D


  13. No Craigslist or Goggling of people, until now!

  14. I love that you Googled potential buyers. I've made extensive use of Google myself. I sold some furniture on Craigslist before my last couple of moves, but it was really stressful because we waited until right before we left town. A lot of people made appointments to come see/buy something and then never showed up.

  15. Your googling issues is one that we share. I will completely cyber stalk everyone I meet. Wait. Did I just type that "out loud." LOL! No judgement from me. :)

  16. Will you STOP parading the embarassment of no MySpace in my past? Pretty please? And for your information, myreligious restaurant theme has attracted serious interest.

  17. a kindred spirit. i google people so many times it borderline stalker material. is it possible to stalk yourself? because I google myself ALL the time. obsessed much? I think not. Just curious.

    as for craig, I have sold one thing off it and made some extra $$$.

    I cant believe you found all that information on your buyers.

  18. i have never sold anything on craigslist, but elliot has. and yes i totally got my exercycle on craigslist for $20. however, the goldy oldy is actually my sister's exercise bike that resides at my parents' house in NH so whenever i go there for the weekend i use it-- mine is not quite so gold but it is still circa '69 and pretty cool as well :)

  19. I really think we are long lost sisters, I Google people all of the time (I am not a stalker either). Ken will send me a name of someone and ask me to find out info on them. Before you know it, I am attaching a picture of them to an email back to him. Once again, I am not a stalker, I just have a lot of free time on my hands and access to the internet all day.

  20. I've googled a lot of people in my day, but never someone who bought something from me off of craigslist.

  21. Ignorance is bliss...I am nosey and curious about a lot of things but not googling. I don't want to know too much, it just creeps me out.

    We also rent out our granny flat through Craig's list and we've had excellent renters but I've never sold anything. What did you see that went so fast? Maybe I should try it!

  22. I absolutely have googled myself. Now I have to go do you. When were you featured in Runner's World? That is awesome!

  23. I google people too! It's fun! I used Craigslist to buy stuff, never to sell, worked well for me:)

  24. Whenever I google people, I get the wrong person and I think they're big loosers...when probably they are but hey. There's a lot of real runwithjill's out there - unlike.

    I never had a myspace account. My daughter was appalled when I got a FB account and swore she'd disown me if I got myspace. I was so tempted at that comment!

  25. ha ha ha ha ha!!! That's the best story ever.

    I google EVERYONE. I often make a point of figuring out who people are if they don't have their names prominently displayed on their blogs. (You know, like me. Which is why I find it funny when people make a point of telling me they found me out - ha.)

  26. Ha, that's hilarious! I've never snooped up on people that have bought stuff for me. But totally, whenever I would meet a new guy I would google him! And of course I google myself too!

  27. Selling things on Craig's List is, I think, the best way to do it:
    At a garage sale they haggle and know that it has to go
    On Ebay you have to take care of shipping and getting comments
    On Craig's List you post your desired price, if you get it great, if you don't you can haggle.
