Sunday, October 31, 2010

oktoberfast wrap-up

something in the air is making my lungs act up this week and i've had to use my inhaler a few times (even while not-running). in addition to the wheezing, whatever funk was wearing me down at the beginning of the week turned into a mucus factory. it wasn't just in my nose either, somehow it would go backwards from my nose down my throat and then i'd almost choke while trying to run and breathe (appetizing, i know).

needless to say i didn't run very hard this week. i had two remaining goal workouts (4mi tempo; 3x1600) for october, but my lungs/mucus factory weren't up for it. i am confident i would have gotten them in otherwise, so i'm not too mad at myself.

october goals: C+
  • 30 minutes everyday - 29/31, A
  • tempo runs (7:30-7:45) - 2mi and 4mi, D+
  • speed work - 4x800; 3x1600, D
  • 12 core workouts - 11/12, A-
  • long runs - 8mi and 10mi, A+
  • 90 miles on the bike - 64.85, C-
  • lift 5 times - 5/5, A+
  • lose 5 lbs - 2/5, D (basically i lost 2lbs in the first week and then maintained for the rest of the month, not a good effort)
on a sidenote, i tried doing a backbend today. not as easy as when i was 12.


  1. You tried doing a backbend? I think I'd wind up in ER if I tried. LOL

  2. omg backbends. i used to take gymnastics... a loooooong time ago. i'm pretty sure i'd hurt myself if i tried that today. but! i know it is possible. there are like 60 year old women doing them in yoga... maybe someday that will be me?

    and HEYYYOOOOO way to go on goals- and YO 2lbs is still 2 lbs! holler! you are going in the direction you want so FIST PUMP :)

  3. Take care of yourself.....

    Backbend??? And people think kettlebells hurt! lol

  4. I think you should get extra credit for the backbend! A+

  5. back bend? ouch! i think you did a great job on the goals. sure you gave yourself some poor grades BUT i like how many A grades there were :) focus on the positive!

    hope youre feeling better!

  6. Man, you are a tough grader! 29/31 30 mins should definitely have more weight to the average. :)

    I don't think I was good at backbends even when I was 12.

  7. Ha, ha regarding the back bend. I tried to do a front handspring on my 40th birthday. No-a-good-idea.

  8. Oh man, mucus factory? Totally been there :( And it sucks. I hope it clears up soon!

  9. I don't think I could do a backbend even when I was 12. I wouldn't dare try it!

  10. You don't believe in grade inflation, do you?:) I hope all that stuff clears out of your lungs soon! Then you can bring that average back up. Either that, or just give yourself extra extra credit for the backbend.

  11. Hi Lindsay,
    Holy crap! I can't believe that it is November tomorrrow!!!

    I love your little grading system. I had to smile at a few or your least you did speedwork:) I need to be doing speedwork. You can do a backbend!?! I used to be able to do the splits....not chance in hell that I could do them now! In fact I am sure that if I tried I would end up in the emergency room:)

    Happy Halloween Chica!

  12. Great month! You are way to hard on yourself went it comes to grading. You completed half your planned tempo and speed work and you give yourself D's?? That C/B- territory at worst.

    Keep up that biking! It will continue to help you in the long run.

  13. Let's hope all that stuff leaves your body so November's grade goes up.

    BTW - let's see a pic of that backbend....I am thoroughly impressed that you would even attempt it.

  14. Happy Halloween!
    I love the creativity of Oktoberfast!! I hope youre having a great sunday!

  15. I can sympathize on the feeling crummy. I've had had sinus troubles the last few days, but not a full-blown cold. It definitely doesn't make you feel in your best condition.

  16. Hope you feel better soon. I have some crud in my throat today too. I am hoping it's allergies and not more. Yay for the backbend. We try in yoga from time to time, yes, they are HARD now, my back doesn't bend. urgh!

  17. Yup- I could never do a backbend- ever. Oops.

    Yes I get mad at kids who grab a huge handful and don't say thanks. First of all, I'm all about trick or treating but I really don't think you need more than one from each house- you are already getting tons of free candy! Just my opinion :)

  18. You passed, YES:)
    Now feel better soon so we could get your grade average up!
    Seriously, you are too funny with the grading. I do that, too, actually:)

  19. For the love of god will you please start taking your d@mn vitamins already?!?!?! :P

    Feel better chica!

  20. If I tried to do a backbend, I'm certain I'd be permanently out of commission for the rest of my life, which would probably only be about one more month. Hey, you don't have any F's!! As a teacher, I say you PASS!! :)

  21. I'm not commenting on your individual scores but as an average I actually think you go a B- to be honest...but take it regardless. Because since I co-hosted the challenge I can make a rule that says that posting about it is an automatic additional "A".

  22. Wow, seems you did reach some of your goals huh? If I tried to do a back bend now, I would break every bone in my back I think. Oh man, when I first saw your post and that mucus picture, I automatically had to pick my nose. Nothing though......damn, guess I have to actually make breakfast! Hope your lungs feel better soon! Take care

  23. Nice grading system but you are too hard on yourself. Hope you feel better already. I couldn't even do a backbend when I was 12.

  24. Wow, tough grading systems..... Are you keeping a tally for the year-end grade???

  25. I agree with previous commentators... You should have given youself at least a B-! ;-)

    I spotted you Saturday because of your sign! I kept on looking at "the end is near!" and thought that was pretty funny and then I recognized you!

    Let me know if you decide to do Croft and we'll meet up!

  26. Nice grading system :)

    I think if I tried a backbend today, I would break in half. I used to be extremely flexible due to gymnastics but these days, yeah...I would break in half. Talk about appetizing!

  27. I don't think I could ever do a backbend! Not even when I was 12 :) Have a great week!

  28. I use to be able to do a backbend when I was 12. Good job on the weight loss.

  29. a C is still a passing grade :) nice job. hope you feel better very soon!

  30. Though I think you were pretty hard on yourself for grading, I still respect that you are constantly measuring your progress as you have laid out in a series of measurements.

    Sara has a great end of year evaluation of yourself in a number of areas from physical well-being to home environment to social life. I'll see if she'll post it for the holiday season.

  31. Nice October, here's hoping that November is mucus free. I'm interested to see your bike goal for this month. Out my way, it's getting kind of chilly = frozen feet.
    As far as gymnastics, I used to rock the front handspring in 5th grade, but Meg made me strain my hamstring just by mentioning it.
    Stick with safe things running and selling things to strangers on Craigslist.
